Little Girl’s Father’s Day Letter Mailed To Dead ‘Dad in Heaven’, Returned By Unexpected Source
It's never easy to lose a loved one, especially long before they're due, and when they're taken unexpectedly. It's hard as an adult to grasp the meaning of death and to fully wrap our heads around how someone we love can be with us one moment, and gone the next, just like that. We grieve their absence and try to make sense of why they were taken, never truly finding an answer.
Then eventually, we just accept their loss, despite never truly letting go of the pain of it. If that's how hard it is as an adult, imagine a child who isn't even old enough to spell out death. This 8-year-old couldn't understand what her father being gone truly meant. So on father's day, she wrote him a letter. What no one expected was how that letter would find its way back to them.
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Daddy's New Home Address

Sweet eight-year-old girl Sianna Tully lost her father, Tony, in an accident when she was just four months old. That age is too young to form memories, let alone make meaning of death, loss, and grief. So to her, her dad still existed somehow, somewhere.
As soon as she could write and express herself, Sienna started writing countless letters to her father in Heaven and spoke about him often. This made her feel close to him and get to know a version of him. However, on Fater's day, just writing the letter wasn't enough. She begged her mother to let her send it in the mail. Her mother had no idea what to tell her...
Staying In Touch Beyond The Grave

Sienna's mother remembers the day her daughter asked her where her father was so she could send him the letter she had written him. How do you explain death to a child? Her mother Sarah, recalls: "Sianna just came into the room that evening and asked 'where does Daddy live?' so she could write the address to a letter she had written."
The mother-of-two revealed that Sianna wrote the letter in private "I have no idea what is in it, I always say that's between her and her dad. I told her it was too late to post it at first, but she started crying."
Sarah had to think on her feet and finally came up with "Heaven, on Cloud Nine," as the father's address. "So I said 'come on then,' and we walked to the post box down the street."
United With A Postman By Fate

The young girl's latest letter to her dad was eventually found by a postman named Simon inside a post box while working overtime on a route he typically doesn't cover. Naturally, he was "taken aback" when he read the address on the envelope.
The postman wasn't only taken aback because of the odd address on the letter but because he had also lost his own father last year, so he understood exactly the intention and pain behind the child's writing. That's when he decided that he must do what it took to ensure that a child's Father's Day letter to her late dad reached the right hands.
Not Going To Waste

Simon explained that because the letter was missing a stamp and return address, it would have gotten thrown out in transit somewhere. "I spoke to my manager and asked if I could try to get hold of the family to find out more about it and get it back to them."
Simon was determined to return the letter to the family, but he knew that he would need some help finding them. So he decided to start a Facebook post on the Spotted Braunstone Facebook page, where it attracted thousands of comments.
The postman's Facebook appeal read: "I'm a postman in the Braunstone area. Earlier today I emptied the red pillar box on Bewicke Road, and there was a letter in a child's handwriting addressed to their dad in Heaven, Cloud 9.
I'm trying to find the parents of the child as I would like to reach out to them and, with their permission, sort out a little something for the child.
I myself lost my dad last year and, as an adult found it hard, so I can only imagine what this child is going through."
The Power Of Unity

Simon pleaded to whoever came across his post: "please, if anyone has any details, then it would be hugely appreciated. His heart ached thinking of the child's grief as well his own.
Just like that. within just 15 minutes, Sarah started to receive dozens of tags on Facebook. "I couldn't believe what I saw," she said. "I am absolutely overwhelmed by the response of the postman and of everyone who has seen the post. I haven't stopped crying since. I never thought for one second that anyone would find it or do anything with it."
It only took 15 minutes on the internet for the postman to reach the little girl's mother and communicate his intentions. When there's a will, there's a way!
Bonded By Grief

Sarah and Simon got in touch and made plans to meet up in person. Simon returned the unopened letter to the family, and they had what they described to be the most "wonderful' conversation. After all, they were connected by their grief, an unexpectable feeling of pain that is only truly shared through experience.
Simon's goodwill didn't stop there. He even gave the "lovely little girl" a father and daughter figurine as a gift. Sarah now plans to keep the letter, along with prints of the heartwarming social media comments, in a special box for her daughter to receive when she is older and able to understand what happened.
Death Is Not Goodbye

As Sianna gets older, Sarah explains that her daughter asks more questions about her father. She has a real deep desire to feel connected to him. She now writes a letter to him for every birthday, Christmas, and Father's Day.
Sarah explains that "she's only just starting to understand" and "really struggled" knowing her father had passed away. Sending these letters is the little girl's way of coping and telling her father just how much she misses him. Grief is never easy, but at least we got each other among the living to help us get through it.
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