New Research Says Lasting Relationships Come Down To These 2 Basic Traits

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Relationships are what drive the happiness for people all over the world. It’s what most people strive for. We want to meet our ideal mate, get married, have kids, and live that dream life.

But more and more, relationships end and marriages wind up in divorce. What is the cause?

According to science, healthy relationships come down to two major factors… but how is it that it comes down to just two factors? You’ll soon realize why they’re as important as they are.

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First, we begin with kindness. Of course, we realize that if we want smooches, a good Valentine’s gift is pretty much required. But kindness is a much deeper thing than that.

Kindness wards off toxicity that can build between people, but only if it comes from the joy of just being kind to each other.

We’re often kind to our partners because we want something. We want them to stay with us, or we want them to be kind back.

But the real key here is to be kind just for the sake of being kind. And not just to them, but show kindness to everyone.

The waiter at your favorite bar, the homeless person on the corner – everyone. That kindness will yield the best possible relationships.

Learn how to keep your relationship alive, click here and watch this free video from relationship expert, Amy North.