
6 Different Kinds of Narcissists To Watch Out For


The term narcissist is rooted in Greek mythology, and it comes from the story of Narcissus. Narcissus literally fell in love with his own reflection, and it resulted in his demise.

Freud used the term to describe people who seemed completely self-absorbed, and as a result, out of touch with reality.

Narcissists aren’t uncommon in today’s society, especially with the rise of social media, which allows people to display even the most mundane aspects of everyday life, feeling more important than they really are.

Although there are many narcissists out there, not all of them are the same.

In fact, there exists several different types of narcissists that you are likely to encounter at least once in your lifetime.

This could a coworker, a significant other, a friend, or even a family member. Here are six different types of narcissists and what they’re all about.

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1. The Victim

These narcissists are sneaky and often hard to identify, but they are also master manipulators. They use affection to feed their narcissism, and they seek for situations that allow them to be portrayed as the underdog.

In order to do so effectively, they need to have their sob story perfected, and by the time you come into contact with them, they probably will.

A victim narcissist will never be responsible for their own misfortune.

2. The Puppet Master

These narcissists are controlling, and they can’t handle it when things don’t go according to plan.

In order to control every situation, they’ve learned to manipulate anyone involved using a variety of different tactics.

They are extremely skilled when it comes to identifying a person’s weak spot, and they have absolutely no concept of empathy, integrity, or personal space.

They don’t really have friends or even understand the relationship, which means they can easily set people against others.

3. The Winner

These narcissists will always try to place themselves above everyone else. Feeling superior to others is how they feed their own self-image, which makes even the smallest of tasks a competition.

This behavior is not confined to sports, achievements, or academics, but involves all things in life.

Friendship, parenting, or even spirituality become competitions to these narcissists, and it’s dangerous to be around.

4. The Know-It-All

These narcissists believe that they are the most intelligent and most informed person in any situation.

Their opinions become fact, no matter what evidence exists to prove them wrong, and no middle ground exists; you are either with them or completely against them.

They rarely take the time to listen to anyone else, and are considered to be extremely preachy.

Perhaps one of the clearest identifiers this type of narcissist has is their willingness to provide unsolicited advice to the people around them.

5. The Antagonist

This type of narcissist will always have an enemy; they will scream at other drivers on the road, berate and criticize wait staff at restaurants, and leave notes for people who bother them.

They always believe that they are in the right, which justifies their taking action against someone else.

This type of behavior makes it almost impossible for them to sustain healthy relationships, and they’ve probably had to quit jobs due to office disputes.

6. The Status-Absorbed

This type of narcissist is probably the type people are most familiar with, especially in this day and age where an online presence is important.

These narcissists define their self-worth through the validation of others, and they have no internal sense of themselves.

They put all their energy into accumulating money, power, and popularity, no matter how materialistic they have to be. This doesn’t just apply to themselves, but to others as well; you’re only as important as other people make you.

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The term narcissist is rooted in Greek mythology, and it comes from the story of Narcissus. Narcissus literally fell in love with his own reflection, and it resulted in his demise.

Freud used the term to describe people who seemed completely self-absorbed, and as a result, out of touch with reality.

Narcissists aren’t uncommon in today’s society, especially with the rise of social media, which allows people to display even the most mundane aspects of everyday life, feeling more important than they really are.

Although there are many narcissists out there, not all of them are the same.

In fact, there exists several different types of narcissists that you are likely to encounter at least once in your lifetime.

This could a coworker, a significant other, a friend, or even a family member. Here are six different types of narcissists and what they’re all about.

Higher Perspectives Author

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