Categories: Astrology

Jupiter Is Preparing Us For An Energy Shift With A Full Moon This Week


This week, a bright full moon peaking at night time in the western hemisphere is occurring in conjunction with a once every 7 year, euphoric, imaginative, and perceptually flavorful aspect: Jupiter square Neptune, one of the only positive squares in astrology.

Jupiter square Neptune peaks at 18 degrees and 18 degrees Sagittarius and Pisces, at the exact peak of the Full Moon, conjunct Jupiter and square Neptune.

Jupiter is the planet that hints at what makes us feel collectively on a good path, fulfilled, expanded and grown, depending on its position in the sky, namely what sign it is in and what aspects it is making to other planets.

Neptune is a generationally significant node of how everybody happens to feel in the realm of imagination, spirituality, music, and sensory perception that goes beyond what is in our immediate realm.

Studying your astrological sign can give you quite a lot of insight into your personality. You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you as well!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

Before the discovery of Neptune, Jupiter was considered the planet of both Pisces and Sagittarius, due to the pleasant, carefree nature of those signs and planets.

This very interesting equation happening in the sky in 2019 consists of Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius, square Neptune in its own sign of Pisces.

It’s amazing that so much is happening in the sky in 2019, and one of the greatest blessings we have is this imagination-enhancing, flavor-bringing aspect of Jupiter square Neptune, especially in preparation for the July and January eclipses conjunct Saturn and Pluto.

Since around the beginning of June and a little bit before then, we’ve been experiencing the hazy, dreamy Jupiter square Neptune.

Various potential outcomes can result from this aspect, one of which is confusion, but if one taps into it and utilizes it to the fullest, it can reach its fullest potential.

What happens when the energy that collectively fulfills us hits the energy of our spirituality while both are as pure and strong as possible in their own signs?

This aspect makes it to where music, our current state of culture, and things of that nature become suddenly much more interesting and fulfilling.

Sensory detail, the colors and flavors of life, music and sounds, love for animals, love for nature, all of these things are brought to us by Neptune/Pisces, and the next week or so will see a lot of these themes come to life in a very happy way.

A sunny beam of euphoria, appreciation and gratitude is flowing throughout our collective sense of music, spirituality, and culture at the present moment, and there’s something even greater about the equation that is certain to make this moment unforgettable.

If you look at the chart for the peak of the Full Moon conjunct Jupiter square Neptune on June 17, 2019, you’ll notice it is perfectly locked into Saturn at 18 degrees Capricorn.

Studying your astrological sign can give you quite a lot of insight into your personality. You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you as well!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

Jupiter is at 18 degrees, exactly semisextile Saturn in Capricorn as it is conjunct Pluto, certainly linking all of this euphoric, colorful and vibrant sensory perception to the lessons and struggles we are currently going through.

The connection to Saturn/Pluto makes it very likely that this positive energy will be poured straight into our own internal solutions for what we’re dealing with.

This is not just the peak of Juptier square Neptune, but the even more rare Saturn sextile Neptune, which last occurred in 1996.

The solidification of culture, taking time for serious reflection on what just happened, to build a conscious understanding of the legacy we leave behind is what Saturn square Neptune entails.

It’s an aspect that inspires nostalgia and reflection upon the meaning of the 2010’s decade, and the “9” feeling of this final year in the decade is being emphasized by the Jupiter/Saturn/Neptune configuration all at 18 degrees of their respective signs.

This is a critically important moment in the precious time of Neptune in its own sign of Pisces, from 2011 to 2026.

We forget that the spiritual energy in the air, the imaginative, music-related, indescribably important collective sense of watery intuition that is Neptune, it’s imbued with a depth and purity being in its own sign that will never again happen exactly how it is now.

Such purity and depth can be found in our collective Neptune right now and until 2026, and these moments of rare outerplanetary interaction with it can be deeply satisfying to a level we will remember for decades to come.

These are the moments that distill into nostalgia.

Dreamy, yet hardened introspection on the culture we’ve been building, the music we’ve been supporting, what the youth and the old have been bringing into this world and creating during the past decade is certain to gravitate toward a central point of focus now, and for the rest of the year.

The mid-1990’s born generation is guaranteed to feel inspired and serious (Saturn) about their creation and vision in life (Neptune) in particular, having Saturn sextile Neptune in their own charts, in the same signs and almost the exact same spot.

The last Saturn sextile Neptune, this culture (Neptune) crystallizing (Saturn) aspect was Saturn in the sign of Neptune, sextile Neptune in the sign of Saturn. Now this is Saturn in its own sign sextile Neptune in its own sign, almost the exact same locations in both Capricorn and Pisces as 1996.

The last Jupiter square Neptune was also June, in 2012, with the Sun and Jupiter in the social sign of Gemini.

It was at the exact first peak of the most important aspect of this entire decade, responsible for the revolutionary, active, truth-seeking energy we may have felt between 2011 and 2015.

Uranus square Pluto, exactly peaking at 8 degrees Capricorn and 8 degrees Aries while Jupiter square Neptune occurred at 3 degrees Gemini and 3 degrees Pisces.

If you feel a similar richness of perception and ability to experience enjoyment to June 2012, that’s what it is.

A propensity toward morality and empathy is also firmly in the air during this time, as Mars and the North Node in the loving sign of Cancer are biquintile Uranus (the hidden pentagram aspect, golden lines in the chart).

The North Node is the point at which eclipses happen, marking where the eclipses will occur next month.

Studying your astrological sign can give you quite a lot of insight into your personality. You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you as well!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

This makes a vibrant, active and intelligent energy flow through the heartfelt gravity toward empathy and openheartedness we find ourselves in right now.

For more information on Jupiter square Neptune, it’s also possible to look it up and read an array of interpretations.

Jupiter square Neptune in transit would mean Jupiter in the sky square the position of Neptune in your chart, and Jupiter square Neptune natal would be if you were born under that aspect, but this is a collective transit, in which Jupiter is squaring Neptune in the sky.

It’s a 90 degree angle between the two planets, one orbiting around the Sun every 12 years, and the other every 160 years.

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This week, a bright full moon peaking at night time in the western hemisphere is occurring in conjunction with a once every 7 year, euphoric, imaginative, and perceptually flavorful aspect: Jupiter square Neptune, one of the only positive squares in astrology.

Jupiter square Neptune peaks at 18 degrees and 18 degrees Sagittarius and Pisces, at the exact peak of the Full Moon, conjunct Jupiter and square Neptune.

Jupiter is the planet that hints at what makes us feel collectively on a good path, fulfilled, expanded and grown, depending on its position in the sky, namely what sign it is in and what aspects it is making to other planets.

Neptune is a generationally significant node of how everybody happens to feel in the realm of imagination, spirituality, music, and sensory perception that goes beyond what is in our immediate realm.

Studying your astrological sign can give you quite a lot of insight into your personality. You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you as well!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

Before the discovery of Neptune, Jupiter was considered the planet of both Pisces and Sagittarius, due to the pleasant, carefree nature of those signs and planets.

This very interesting equation happening in the sky in 2019 consists of Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius, square Neptune in its own sign of Pisces.

It’s amazing that so much is happening in the sky in 2019, and one of the greatest blessings we have is this imagination-enhancing, flavor-bringing aspect of Jupiter square Neptune, especially in preparation for the July and January eclipses conjunct Saturn and Pluto.

Since around the beginning of June and a little bit before then, we’ve been experiencing the hazy, dreamy Jupiter square Neptune.

Various potential outcomes can result from this aspect, one of which is confusion, but if one taps into it and utilizes it to the fullest, it can reach its fullest potential.

What happens when the energy that collectively fulfills us hits the energy of our spirituality while both are as pure and strong as possible in their own signs?

This aspect makes it to where music, our current state of culture, and things of that nature become suddenly much more interesting and fulfilling.

Sensory detail, the colors and flavors of life, music and sounds, love for animals, love for nature, all of these things are brought to us by Neptune/Pisces, and the next week or so will see a lot of these themes come to life in a very happy way.

A sunny beam of euphoria, appreciation and gratitude is flowing throughout our collective sense of music, spirituality, and culture at the present moment, and there’s something even greater about the equation that is certain to make this moment unforgettable.

If you look at the chart for the peak of the Full Moon conjunct Jupiter square Neptune on June 17, 2019, you’ll notice it is perfectly locked into Saturn at 18 degrees Capricorn.

Higher Perspectives Author

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