Categories: Astrology

June New Moon In Gemini Seeks To Change Your Relationships And Bring Good Energies


Every month, we're blessed with the changing phases of the moon and the power those phases can grant us if we utilize them correctly.

Though most people tend to focus on the full moon, there's another phase that also has great potential to influence our lives, and that's the new moon. A new moon takes place when the moon is directly between the Earth and the sun, meaning we only see the shadowed side of it.

Every new moon brings about different potentials for change depending on the ruling sign, planets, and otherwise, so here's the deep dive into the new moon taking place on June 17th, 2023.

Time For Change

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We're partway through June, which means the New Moon is descending upon us once again. New moons are synonymous with new beginnings, fresh starts, or however you choose to phrase a life reset. By coming every month, we always have plenty of chances to start anew and make sure we end the month on a better foot than we started it.

Though new moons are powerful, they tend to be less regarded than full moons, as full moons carry immense spiritual strength that affects each astrological placement differently.

To learn more about your individual sign and how it can affect your life, destiny, and more, you'll need a full personalized report about your astrological chart.

All you need is your date of birth and you can find out what life has in store for you in romance, money, and more! Click here for a zodiac reading to find out what awaits you on your path.


The Twins' Ruling

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New moons are a bit more general, providing us blanket advice, information, and the opportunity to harness their powers to better our lives.


The next new moon will take place during the night of June 17th, 2023 (technically it's on June 18th at 12:37AM ET), and it will take place under the sign of Gemini.

The sign of Gemini will be what distinguishes the power this moon will have over us and what we can use these forces to control, change, or influence.


Some Summer Fun

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And thankfully, a new moon in Gemini is a sign of fun things to come.


Gemini is a very social sign. They're marked by their outgoing personality and quick-witted attitude. They love to spend time with their friends, cracking jokes and basking in the good vibes that come from being around those they love.

This makes them a great summer sign, as they find themselves attending as many events as they can and enjoying the outdoors. A new moon in Gemini during the summer month of June feels very fitting.


Shake It Up

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Approaching this new moon, you might have felt yourself feeling a little more daring. Frisky, even, really feeling the urge to mix things up, to spice up your life a little. This is the new moon's power already influencing you, and you should listen to its calls.


New moons are also powerful manifestation tools. The desires you're feeling approaching a new moon are the ones you should focus on changing in its wake. If you're feeling especially social or craving new connections, that's a desire you should chase, using the moon's renewing energies to make that shift in your life.


A Little Foggy

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There's more to the new moon than just its ruling sign, as there are also the planets that will be active under it. This time around, it's largely Neptune, meaning you might feel a sense of strangeness surrounding this moon despite its positivity.


Neptune is the planet of illusions and dreams, meaning any event it rules over can feel a little mystifying from a distance as if it were surrounded by a fog we can't quite see through. Don't worry, it doesn't want to trick you, it's actually here to help!


Strong Spiritual Power

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Neptune is a deeply spiritual planet, one that's tapped into power from a higher realm and uses its presence to lend us some of that strength.


Neptune asks us to listen to our intuition, to spend time with it, to really understand what it is our soul is truly craving. With Gemini also present, you might sense that you're craving connection, community, new experiences, social opportunities, and like-minded peers. These thoughts could have been popping up completely unprompted, and that's Neptune's influence showing itself.


If You're Lost

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If you're struggling to really attune yourself to your intuition, or there are too many unresolved blockages that are keeping you from understanding your true desires, a good place to start is always with the self.


You can use this new moon to focus on self-love, self-care, and on healing old wounds that continue to keep you down. Planet Neptune is a very strong spiritual force that, should you let it in, can help you attune yourself to the divine love we all have inside us. It can then help you guide that love to where within you needs it most.


Flying By

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To further prove that this is a new moon during which we should be focusing on love and interpersonal relationships, the asteroid Juno will also be active under June's new moon.


Juno is often called the asteroid of partnership, so if you weren't already thinking about the people in your life and how to best use this moon to connect with them further, here's that final push.

Juno doesn't necessarily indicate romantic love either. She urges you to use her strength wherever you need it.


Be Open To Change

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She also helps us maintain our independence while we seek, strengthen, or form new relationships. The birth of a new connection between two people is wonderful, and she wants to create that while also protecting you from any over-investing or obsessive properties.


Finally, the planet of Pluto will also be popping in. Pluto is all about transformation and the encouragement of, so it will fit perfectly among all the other celestial forces that are urging you to bring new things into your life.


All Together Now

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To sum it up, the ruling sign of Gemini sets the tone for this new moon, suggesting that we should focus on the social aspect of our lives and our relationships to see what we need most in those areas. The asteroid Juno agrees, encouraging growth within our relationships.


Planet Mercury will also be present to grant us its spiritual strength, providing a bit of mystery regarding the outcome of all this work but promising that it will be well worth it. Pluto's appearance assures us that transformation will be taking place so long as we put the work in.


Above All Else

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However, as always, if you're feeling lost or don't find yourself connected to the message of relationships, connection, and social growth, you can always use a new moon to focus on yourself.


Your mind might be plagued by troubles that need clearing before you can align yourself with your path again, or maybe too much has been weighing you down and you find yourself unable to tune into your intuition. That's okay, it happens, and treating yourself to some well-deserved self-care will help you grow past this rut you find yourself in.

After all, while relationships with others are important, the relationship you have with yourself should always be your top priority.

To get a full, in-depth look at your life and individual zodiac sign, you'll need a unique birth chart reading, one that can unveil the secrets of your path in life.

To see your true potential and what you can accomplish in this life so that you can take control and blaze forward with confidence, click here!

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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