
11 Incredibly Useful Skills Every Introvert Has Mastered (Without Even Knowing It)


We have a rising number of people with social disorders like anxiety. Being acknowledged as a similar creature, people with introverted personalities are gaining more recognition.

While the internet and media do their part to integrate theses characters into the mainstream, there are still many misconceptions. As more people identify with these traits, they are coming to celebrate the things that make them different. Below is a list of some of those celebrated traits.

Seeing Texts At The Most Convenient Of Times

‘Oh no! I got this too late, I guess I’ll have to catch up with you later.’ Is an all too frequent response. In fairness, you were probably working up to a reply and got caught up. The ability to screen for identity, and draw out the expected length of time to answer, is a reason they always text.

Pretending You Didn’t See That Casual Acquaintance

We all do it, but the stakes are higher for an introvert or anxious person. They are avoiding eye contact, stooping lower and suddenly getting very interested on a spot on the wall, for reasons more serious than others. Seeing a person they didn’t prepare to see, in a public environment is enough to legitimately stress someone out. More than just stress, they can be horrified they’ll say something dumb or do anything to embarrass themselves. If you see someone trying to avoid you, be a good person and ‘let them get past’ you.

Amusing Yourself

These personality types spend a fair amount of time alone. As a direct result, they have mastered the art of amusement. Where other people would get bored and restless, these quiet types flourish. Silence is practically a sacred music to introverts, and people with anxiety are grateful for the moment to breath and let their heart and mind catch up. They are also statistically more intelligent than most, so they can find ways to fill their time. Their relationship with being alone is different than the norm, so difference in prioritization ensures they’ll be ok.

Feigning Disappointment

All the time people with different social archetypes are expressing false sadness or disappointment about something they are delighted to hear. ‘The amusement park closed today for repairs’, everyone moans, you do everything you can to hide your glee to not have to spend a day sweating in the sun with obnoxious kids and judgey teens around you all day. They desire different experiences than most of us. What disappoints us may be right up an introvert’s of anxious person’s alley.

Planning Enviable Weekend Getaways

Such grand trips as a scenic tour of the Whole Foods prepared food aisle, a riveting, private showing of modern cinematography, and an exclusive, underwear, disco party with your cat in your kitchen. These may not strike others as the best way to spend free time, but who’s asking?I appreciate the subtlety that forms their ideas of a good time.

Always Leaving The Bar At Consistently Reasonable Hours

They are like social clocks. Their movements through the day and into the night are carefully calibrated not only to their energy levels, but sensing with a fair amount of accuracy, when things are about to get crazy. They will consistently leave the bar well before the crowd gets ‘LIT’, and shortly after the happy hour concludes.

Negotiating With Your Introverted Friends

Having to be a social pattern minority and still have a life, means they are always negotiating and compromising. You’re like a shut in mix of a pirate and UN spokesperson. Your skill in communication ensures that people know what to expect from you and keep you from being goaded into more than you can stand. Statements like, ‘I’ll go but I’m not dancing’, or ‘I’ll go if ican bring my book’, are commonplace.

Reading In Loud Crowded Areas With A Monk Like Will

You are able to tune out the world better than your Subaru’s radio. Amidst a hip hop show you can be seen supporting your friends from the back, under the one working light, reading a Christopher Moore book. Years of suppressing overwhelming anxiety have gifted you with the ability focus on a single goal and achieve it. This dedication is why at your the office, you are the behind the scene’s hardworking, mastermind.

Sneaking Away To The Bathroom To Collect Yourself And Recharge

Your powers of evasion spark rumors abound as you always find a way to steal away for as long as the crowd will let you. You sneak off the bathroom with the regularity of a drug addict, but the only thing you’re huffing is the silence and oxygen. If you were proactive enough you may have grabbed a book. You breathe and calm your senses, giving your heart time to stop its escape plans.

Knowing Who You Are At The End Of The Day

These masteries of guile and social disciplines is cemented in a rarity. Too few people will ever truly be able to say that they know themselves. Even less so can say they like the person they have discovered. You know yourself, your strengths, your fears, and desires well enough that you can have fun in life even though the precepts of a good time (crowds, noise, bright lights) drain you.

Using Headphones As A Socially Acceptable Conversation Deterrent

Seeing someone with headphones in while out and about, usually indicates that the person doesn’t want to talk to anyone. You could still have tasks to complete or need to get out of the house and can’t bring yourself to commit to full blown hanging out. Whatever the specific reason, what you do with your ears and time is yours to do away with. Most people respect this new age sign of active withdrawal.

There are of course there are your friends or acquaintances that gesture for you to ditch them or God Forbid, tries to take them out, themselves. This person did just disrespectfully and intentionally violate your personal space, but try not to get too worked up about it. It’s counter-productive to whatever mood you were trying to reach earlier. Breathe deep and go about your business.

We have a rising number of people with social disorders like anxiety. Being acknowledged as a similar creature, people with introverted personalities are gaining more recognition.

While the internet and media do their part to integrate theses characters into the mainstream, there are still many misconceptions. As more people identify with these traits, they are coming to celebrate the things that make them different. Below is a list of some of those celebrated traits.

Higher Perspectives Author

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