Categories: Horoscopes

If You’re Second Guessing All Your Relationships Right Now, It Has To Do With Friday’s Horoscope


Weekly Horoscopes September 5th - 11th, 2022.Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

This week’s energies need careful and diplomatic handling, especially in close relationships or where people who don’t get along have to work together. On Monday, Venus moves into critical Virgo - this can lead to a flurry of sweet, old-fashioned romance, but it can also hint at low-level niggling and carping in a love situation.

On Friday, Mercury turns retrograde in Libra. Under this vibe, we’re highly likely to second guess all kinds of communication, struggling to say the right thing or being so wary of upsetting anyone that words are unwisely left unsaid.

The Full Moon on Saturday occurs in super-sensitive, psychic Pisces, which again suggests that emotions are running high and people are easily taking offense. If you enjoy walking on eggshells, this is your week!

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Cristian Rojas / Pexels
Cristian Rojas / Pexels

Venus slinks into the wellbeing zone of your natal birth chart on Monday, encouraging you to take it easy - and probably to neglect the healthy habits you’ve spent so long perfecting! Don’t beat yourself up if you eat some treats or miss a day of exercise, but don’t slip into laziness either!

With Mercury turning retrograde in your love zone, you’ll need to be very careful with what you say to your sweetheart. It’s important to talk from the heart, but try to put yourself in your partner’s position to see how your words will come across. Talk with love and with extra awareness.

Saturday’s Full Moon is a chance to get some privacy and peace - avoid too much social interaction this weekend, as it will wear you out.




If you’re single, Venus’ change of sign on Monday is exciting news. With your ruling planet now transiting your dating zone, the time is ripe for meeting someone special. If you’re already in a relationship, use this energy to spice up your love life.


At work, communication may get more difficult from Friday onwards, as Mercury turns retrograde. Teamwork still matters though, so adapt your way of thinking if you can. Try more face-to-face communication and less tech, for a start.

On Saturday, the Full Moon shines from the community zone of your natal birth chart. You’ll get a lot of emotional satisfaction from joining in with local events, especially anything that improves your neighborhood or benefits society.




When Venus changes signs on Monday, an air of peace and harmony descends at home - and not before time! This is a good day to heal rifts or to get family co-operation on something that affects everyone.


Expect to feel more unsettled at the end of the week, however, especially on Friday when your ruler Mercury turns retrograde. Speaking out on impulse could land you in hot water for the next couple of weeks so you may need to count to ten before letting rip!

The weekend brings a lot of emotional energy around your career direction, especially during Saturday’s Full Moon. You may have success to celebrate, with your talents being rewarded - but you could equally face a mini-crisis that thrusts you into the spotlight. Be prepared!

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.




Gentle Venus changes signs on Monday, soothing some of your stress and helping you to see the good things in life. This would be an excellent time to start a gratitude journal or to try some new mindfulness techniques.


As the week wears on, however, family issues may become disjointed or confusing, especially once Mercury turns retrograde on Friday. Be very patient, and allow relatives to have their say, even if arguments ensue. Don’t try to shut down the debate.

The Full Moon on Saturday highlights the travel and adventures sector of your chart, so a good way to defuse any family tension would be to enjoy a day trip over the weekend. Theme parks or adventure sports are especially well-starred!




On Monday, Venus leaves Leo and moves into your money zone - a sure-fire recipe for extravagant spending! During the early part of this week, remember that money can’t buy love. If you find yourself trying to impress someone with expensive gifts, ask yourself why you feel the need to do this.


Mercury turns retrograde in your communication zone on Friday, which can lead to issues with social media, phones, and tech in general. Guard your privacy carefully and don’t be too quick to believe everything you read.

Saturday’s Full Moon links guilt, regret, and other heavy emotions with debts - financial or otherwise. This could be a difficult emotional moment for you, but the Moon asks you to remember that you are in control of your future.




You start this week with a lovely boost of confidence, courtesy of Venus’ arrival in Virgo. This is a wonderful time for dating or for making a romantic commitment - and this influence also super-charges your interpersonal skills, both at home and at work.


Keep a careful eye on your money, however, because on Friday your ruling planet Mercury turns retrograde in the values zone of your natal birth chart. You’re more gullible than normal at this time, and vulnerable to scams.

However, in your loved-up bliss, money is probably the last thing on your mind. Saturday’s Full Moon shines from your opposite sign, increasing your emotional attachment and deepening the karmic and psychic bonds between you and your lover.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.




On Monday, Venus - your ruling planet - moves into the most secretive part of your natal birth chart, so you’ll want to keep your love life very private for a while. This influence can hint at illicit affairs, but it can also simply encourage you to enjoy lots of alone-time together.


Later in the week, when Mercury turns retrograde in Libra, you’ll be glad that you’ve banked some romance because misunderstandings become much more likely. Don’t be surprised if your words come out wrong or you struggle with difficult conversations.

The Full Moon on Saturday highlights your holistic wellness, especially your mental health. You’re being asked to celebrate how far you’ve come but also to set intentions to further secure your self-esteem.




There’s a lovely sociable vibe around you early this week, as Venus moves into your friendship zone and enhances all kinds of interpersonal contacts. This would be a good week to join a new club or to seek out like-minded people online.


You may have to push yourself out of your social comfort zone later in the week, however. Mercury turns retrograde in the most private and secretive part of your chart, bringing negative self-talk and a dip in confidence - use your willpower to keep interacting.

The Full Moon on Saturday will help, lighting up your joy zone and encouraging you to do much more of whatever makes you smile. It should be a weekend to remember, for all the right reasons!




With Venus arriving at the very top of your chart on Monday, this is a fantastic time for making a good impression at work, in job interviews, presentations, or anything else where all eyes are on you. There’s a hint of luxury in this influence too, but be careful not to overspend!


Mercury turns retrograde in your social zone on Friday, so you may find that friendships become quieter for a short while. Use this time to lessen your fear of solitude - sometimes, you can be your own best company.

Saturday’s Full Moon brings family-related news to celebrate, although, with an undertone of regret running through this lunation, some of your emotions may be bittersweet.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.




Are you feeling stuck in a rut? Venus has some good news for you on Monday - the time is ripe for adventure, adrenaline, and rediscovering your love of travel. An ideal moment for a romantic getaway, this is also an important time for appreciating other cultures.


While your sights are set on fun, communication at work could prove troublesome later in the week, especially once Mercury turns retrograde on Friday. Keep detailed records and notes, because staying organized is the best way to avoid misunderstandings.

Expect to feel under pressure at the weekend, when a very busy Full Moon asks you to be more industrious - and piles on the guilt if you’re not.




Venus promises some smoldering encounters in your love life, changing signs on Monday to reveal your more earthy, sensual self. You may fall head over heels in love during this influence if you’re single - but not everyone is what they may appear.


If you’re studying, Mercury turning retrograde on Friday could prove frustrating. For a short while, difficult concepts and details may be more difficult to grasp - but on the plus side, your bigger picture understanding improves a lot.

An emotionally charged Full Moon on Saturday could herald a conflict over your values and principles, especially within a relationship. Stand firm and don’t feel that it must always be you who backs down.




Loving Venus smooches into your love zone on Monday, deepening the affection between you and your lover and providing some beautiful memories for you to share.


However, with Mercury turning retrograde in your jealousy zone on Friday, there could easily be miscommunication and misunderstandings between you, especially if one of you likes to flirt. Mutual respect is key here, so try to see things from your partner’s point of view.

Having said that, the Pisces Full Moon on Saturday is your invitation to stand tall in your own identity. You don’t have to behave yourself - this lunation confirms your free spirit - but you might choose to in order to avoid arguments or to honor the love you share with someone.

For more personalized information check out this personalized report based on date of birth. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

Aria Misty

Aria Misty is a recent university grad. She did her undergrad in media, information & technoculture with a Master in Journalism & Communications in 2018. Aria has a particular interest in all things astrology and spirituality. This is driven by her desire to create healing. In fact, Aria went back to school for A master's in counseling psychology in 2019 to bring an additional layer of psychological background and therapy to her community. In her free time, she loves to practice yoga and meditation to keep her focus sharp, go on long walks with her dog, and bake. She also enjoys the outdoors and beach picnics.

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