Categories: Astrology

Here Is How An Upcoming Planetary Transit That Hasn’t Been Seen In Over 200 Years Will Affect Your Sign


With any basic astronomy lesson comes the knowledge that the other planets in our solar system move at very different speeds than Earth, knowledge that directly influences astrological events.

It means that slow-moving planets entering a new sign has a major impact, as the sign it moves into will play a huge role in how life marches forward for years, potentially decades. That's why the news of an upcoming planetary transit has people bracing themselves, as once it settles, it'll be in its new sign for the next 20 years.

If you're looking for more information on how this planetary shift will take its toll on you specifically, then you'll need your own zodiac reading. We're each on our own unique path and what some struggle with this season, might not be applicable to you too.

Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

A Big Change Is Coming

Getty Images via Canva Pro
Getty Images via Canva Pro

On March 23 of this year, there will be a major planetary shift that hasn't been seen in centuries.

Pluto will be entering Aquarius for the first time since 1778. Pluto, the planet of transformation, entering Aquarius, a sign known for its intelligence and innovation, means we might be seeing some major moves in the world of tech, given that's where most of our modern innovation lies.

However, Pluto also represents the will of the people, a focus on the collective rather than the individual. Alongside innovation, Aquarius also concerns itself with fighting against the status quo, of challenging how things often work in favor of developing new, better societal systems that benefit us all. This means we might also see changes in social structure, a challenging of the world we're used to in an effort for positive social change.


Does It Affect The Individual?

Getty Images via Canva Pro
Getty Images via Canva Pro

Absolutely it does. The combination of transformation along with a challenge of the norm means many signs will be entering a period of great change, often concerning the self. We'll have some signs becoming more in touch with their subconscious and using this deeper knowledge to help others, while some will be looking at traditional values and wondering if they're worth following at all.


It sounds like a lot, and for some, it will be, but know that this initial period of uncertainty will pave the way for greater things so long as you make it through with a clear head. To help with that, here's what each sign can be expecting during this transit.



Unsplash / Sarah Brown
Unsplash / Sarah Brown

Pluto's shift into Aquarius will have Aries feeling very productive when it comes to the more practical aspects of life. They'll enter an 'out with the old, in with the new' era, which means it's a great time to do a purge of all things they no longer wish to hang onto. The initial transit will accompany a large burst of motivation that they should take advantage of to finally clean out all their closets, take inventory of their friendships to see which are worth keeping around, or really sit with themselves and identify harmful thought patterns they're better off leaving behind.


Aries will feel like it's finally time to clean up their act, an urge they should chase in this rush of energy.



Pexels / Nataliya Vaitkevich
Pexels / Nataliya Vaitkevich

Taurus is a very reactive sign. This isn't inherently a bad thing, but it can lead to moments of heightened frustration when things start deviating from what they had initially hoped for. This is a feeling Taurus will encounter quite a bit during the Pluto into Aquarius shift.


They might find that some of their plans have been stalled, or their work seems to not be going anywhere, or they've hit a plateau in an area they've been developing. This feeling of being stuck might resurface some old insecurities, and since Taurus has a tendency to hide their problems, they'll simply sit and stew in them.

Don't let this wall in your progress shut you down. Keep pushing until you break through.



Unsplash / Cyrus Crossan
Unsplash / Cyrus Crossan

Gemini might be facing quite the transformation during the early stages of this transit, but it might not feel like much at first as it will be very in line with your current values and ideals. Instead, it will be subtle. You'll have a new sense of strength and conviction in what you believe, a belief that you can face any obstacle in your path, and you can!


This growth will be for the purpose of self-actualization and overall autonomy. You'll come to understand your true talents and how you can use them to better not only your life, but the lives of those you care about as well. You'll find the answers to old problems you've been seeking for ages that you can then release.



Pexels / cottonbro studio
Pexels / cottonbro studio

This planetary transit is less about Pluto entering Aquarius for you, Cancer, and more about Pluto leaving Capricorn. The later era of Pluto in Capricorn had your subconscious fogged up, there always being a layer between your working mind and its higher capabilities. Now that it'll be entering Aquarius, you might find that you have a heightened sense of clarity, and are able to problem-solve with greater ease.


You'll become less interested in the material aspects of life, becoming very devoted to bettering your mind and strengthening the connection between your waking self and your subconscious self. Just be sure not to let it go too far. You don't want to forgo the earthly elements that do matter, like your relationships and passions.



Pexels / Kevin Menajang
Pexels / Kevin Menajang

Leos don't always handle change well, which might become a problem during the early period of Pluto in Aquarius. Not only because of the shift itself but because it's a shift that encourages metamorphosis. It's not that you, Leo, don't want to grow or become a better person, it's just scary sometimes. You find comfort in how you live currently, and it can be hard to look past that.


This transit might start off tense for you because of that. You might feel a sense of unease as the universe attempts to push you forward, or even loneliness as others march forward while you remain in place. To avoid this, try to embrace the change that will come your way. It might be uncomfortable initially, but you'll soon see you're being led to better things.



Pexels / Willy Halim
Pexels / Willy Halim

Virgos might not feel like much is changing at all around them as Pluto moves. The shifts in your life will be smaller, more subtle, and happen over a longer period of time. You'll start to see a change in your general outlook, perceiving the world in a more symbolic, abstract way that allows for more beauty and appreciation of nature. You'll also see that you have less time for things that don't immediately serve you. You'll dedicate yourself solely to things that allow you to thrive, that give you pleasure, rather than sticking around and forcing yourself through events and activities that don't fulfill you at all. It will be your slow, but pleasant wave to ride.



Pexels / Greta Hoffman
Pexels / Greta Hoffman

Much like Virgo, the changes that Libras will face will also be slower, but they'll be strong. You'll see your intuition growing stronger, and you'll come to rely on it more as it develops. There will also be great growth in your creative pursuits. If you don't have any, now is the perfect time to pick one up, as Pluto moving into Aquarius will be a great motivator for practice.


In fact, during this transit you'll find many new things that bring you joy that you hadn't considered before. It could be as small as a new favorite song, to as big as a new career path. If you have a feeling you might like something, chase it. Worst case scenario is it doesn't pan out, but best case scenario you have a new love.



Unsplash / Inside Weather
Unsplash / Inside Weather

Scorpios might start off Pluto in Aquarius feeling very restrained. Your previous way of life suddenly feels incorrect in a nebulous sort of way. Something's off, and you can't quite put your finger on it. However, trying to just brute force your way through the unease also feels impossible.


You have to be willing to accept some pretty big changes in your life in order to move past this feeling of being tied down. There's likely a large problem that weighs heavy on your mind that you've never fully reconciled with. That's the best place to start, as Pluto in Aquarius asks you to sever things that weigh you down so you may be free of them.



Unsplash / Aki Tolentino
Unsplash / Aki Tolentino

Pluto in Aquarius will feel very reassuring for Sagittarius. Maybe you've been craving, chasing, desiring change for some time now, but were unsure where to start or what areas of your life need it most. This period will be the perfect time for you to sort that out.


Your concerns will make themselves clearer and point you in the appropriate starting direction. Taking that first step might still feel intimidating, but take comfort in knowing that it's been a long time coming, and that this is quite literally what this transit was made for. To exist is to face constant change, allow yourself to welcome it this time.



Unsplash / transformation-
Unsplash / transformation-

Similarly to Cancer, Capricorns might find that their relationship to money and material goods shifts drastically once Pluto enters Aquarius. You might question the role of these things in your life, how your thoughts around them have held you back, and begin envisioning what it would be like should you put that same focus and drive elsewhere.


Of course, everyone needs money, so don't let yourself become too entrenched in this new mindset that you let your health suffer for it, but overall this change in perspective should bring a sense of enlightenment into your life.



Unsplash / Mohamed Nohassi
Unsplash / Mohamed Nohassi

Look at that Aquarius, it's your time to shine! Pluto entering your sun sign means its effects will be especially strong for you and combine both the positive and negative effects faced by the other zodiacs.


There will be a great opportunity for self-discovery during this transit, but diving so deep into the self can be a little frightening. As this knowledge about yourself grows, you might begin to feel a disconnect between yourself now and the person you were not long before, but know that it's all for the best. Nostalgia, even in the short term, can really warp our perceptions of how good things were. You're not losing anything by moving forward with your life.

You might also be craving a change in scenery. Going on a short trip, going for a drive, or even just sitting somewhere new for lunch will help you feel a bit more invigorated. Wanting to shake things up is good, it means you're ready to begin a new chapter in your journey!



Unsplash / Ismael Paramo
Unsplash / Ismael Paramo

The movement of Pluto into Aquarius will be very beneficial for Pisces, but only if you take the lessons you learn to heart and open yourself up to new experiences.


This transit will allow Pisces to become in tune with their deeper selves. You'll find that you forgo the opinions of others with greater ease, making decisions for yourself and only yourself. Listening to your innate desires and joys will not only help yourself, also aid you in discovering new ways in which you can help others. Your intuition, compassion, and desire to make a change will all strengthen. Just make sure not to burn yourself out too quickly.


The Next 20 Years

Getty Images via Canva Pro
Getty Images via Canva Pro

Pluto only changes signs once every 20 years or so, meaning this age of Aquarius will be around for some time. It's a slow shift, though. Pluto will swing between Aquarius and Capricorn every couple of months until next year when it will fully settle in the former, which means these first few months of Aquarius-ruled Pluto will feel very rushed and chaotic on an individual level.


Chaos is conducive to change, though. It's impossible for us to expect every little shift to be clean and easy, especially when it relates to the planets, who are not beholden to us. To expect a life free from mess and conflict is to not only desire the impossible, but it's also a little boring. It's best to embrace chaos when you can, harness it, and submerge yourself in it so that once it's passed, you won't need to worry that you missed out on any of the fun.

If you're looking for more information on how this planetary shift will take its toll on you specifically, then you'll need your own zodiac reading. We're each on our own unique path and what some struggle with this season, might not be applicable to you too.

Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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