Categories: Spirituality

Has Your Energy Has Been Affected By These Times Of Change? Keep This In Mind


Are you feeling exhausted lately but unable to pinpoint the cause? Are you battling stress and anxious thoughts but no matter how much you talk it out and take self-care steps they creep back in? If you answered yes to any of those questions then your energy is likely affected by the latest events in the world.

It is likely drained, overwhelmed, and overstimulated. After all the past couple of years have completely changed all of our lives to a point where we are all collectively experiencing a shift in our energy. Some are more affected than others. But there’s a way to deal with all that change as well as the upcoming unknown while restoring balance to your energy and going back to a state of high vibration. Here’s how.

if you’re looking for more information on how this retrograde will take its toll on you specifically, then you’ll need your own zodiac reading.

Change Is Invetible

Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to avoid change, so stop trying. This isn’t meant to be an upsetting notion, but rather a hopeful one. It means that even when things are at their worst, and it seems like there is no way out, change is still guaranteed. All situations are bound to change, which means that the bad ones are inevitably going to change and get better too.

This is hard to accept when you are comfortable and happy,y and worried that change would take that away. But what if even when things are good, a certain change could make them even better? Embracing change as inevitable and accepting the transformation it brings can bring hope, and motivation and help you stand strong against even the worst situations.

Change Is The Only Constant

Pixabay / Pexels

Pixabay / Pexels

Change is always coming. Just when things change, they change again. Think about it, this very moment is different than the last and will be different than the next. With each moment you gain more experience, and wisdom, expand your perspective and form a new thought.

Being in a state of flow allows you to simply change along with it. The more you resist change, the harder will be, because it will keep happening with or without your approval. So you might as well let go of your defenses, and fear and allow it to do its thing. It’s understandable that so much change at once can be overly stimulating and discomforting, but releasing the need for control and predictability is also freeing! It puts you in a position to be able to receive anything and everything, even when it exceeds what you deem possible.

Growth Can’t Be Attained Without Change

Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

If you didn’t allow change, where would you be now? If you had stayed home and never gone to that job interview, or taken that trip, or talked to that person who matters so much now, who would you be? The more you allow change on a personal level, the more you expand your mind.

Even on a collective level, we are entering a new era of enlightenment which brings a lot of power but also a lot of change. That’s a change of our consciousness and the paradigm of our world as a whole. Accepting that this change is setting you up to reach your highest potential rather than limiting you to only the things you already know, can help you achieve new heights.

Change Means Moving Forward

Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

Think of how far our world has come. We may still have ways to go but that’s not only okay but also reassuring because it means that we’re still moving forward. There was a time when women weren’t even regarded as people, travel was a life-threatening journey and medicine wasn’t enough to cure a cold. Look at how things have evolved and changed….and they will continuetiue to do so.

There is so much to this world, to the universe, and even to the makings of our body and mind that we don’t even fully understand. The more we discover and learn during our awakening process, the more natural change will feel and the more encouraged and welcomed we will feel towards it. When you’re experiencing change know that that means that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be…moving forward and not remaining stagnant.

Change Brings Opportunies

Lukas / Pexels

Lukas / Pexels

If nothing changes then you remain exactly where you are now. Maybe for you, that’s a good thing because you like where you are and that’s great. But that means that you’re also missing out and all what could be and all that is waiting for you to make your life even better.

Think of it this way, when you get a promotion, you experience the change of a new job but it rewards you with higher pay and a fulfilling position. Or when you travel, you change your entire environment but you experience freedom and entertainment. These are all opportunities that were made possible because you sought to change.

You Are Not Alone

Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

Even when the change you’re experiencing is scary, uncomfortable, and pushing you to corners you don’t want to be, like a pandemic that forced you to stay home for days on end, take comfort in knowing that you’re not alone. No matter the circumstance we are all, always, experiencing, some kind of change. That change happens on both an internal and external level.

Let’s start by normalizing the discomfort of experiencing change so that we can support each other throughout it until we come out on the other side, stronger, wiser, and further in our lives.

Find Your Purpose And Change Towards It

Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

Are you still searching for your life purpose? The more you know, the more you can embrace change and prepare for it. Tap into the 4,000-year-old sciencewhat the science of Numerology to discover what it can reveal about you!

Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clickingHERE.

Are you feeling exhausted lately but unable to pinpoint the cause? Are you battling stress and anxious thoughts but no matter how much you talk it out and take self-care steps they creep back in? If you answered yes to any of those questions then your energy is likely affected by the latest events in the world.

It is likely drained, overwhelmed, and overstimulated. After all the past couple of years have completely changed all of our lives to a point where we are all collectively experiencing a shift in our energy. Some are more affected than others. But there’s a way to deal with all that change as well as the upcoming unknown while restoring balance to your energy and going back to a state of high vibration. Here’s how.

if you’re looking for more information on how this retrograde will take its toll on you specifically, then you’ll need your own zodiac reading.

Higher Perspectives Author

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