Categories: Uplifting Stories

Why Do Our Best Friends Sometimes Become Strangers?


I’ve long believed that people serve a role in our lives, particularly friends, outside of simply being our friends.

Our friends and family show us how to grow and where we have room to develop, no matter what age you are.

The sad thing about that, though, is that sometimes you no longer get anything out of a friendship and you have to say goodbye.

Why does this happen?

We hurt each other…

Sometimes we hurt each other. Sometimes rifts are created because we either accidentally or intentionally hurt one another. At times, friends have a disagreement that they simply can’t get past.

It has a lot more to do with a disagreement though. One person peeved doesn’t end a friendship. It has to be a great trauma.

You can’t keep people in your life if you’re going to hold onto toxic feelings in order to be with them. If you can’t get over pain inflicted by a friend, it’s time to move on.

We change…

Sometimes we just change as people. Do you have the same friends as you did 20 years ago? 10 years ago? 5 years ago? Your friend circle is often changing if you’ve lived a life like I have.

Some friends stick around long term, and those are friends you grow with. Some friends we lose track of.

It’s not for any reason nearly as traumatic as hurting one another, but it just happens if you aren’t able to grow together.

Can we learn from it?

We lose friends from time to time. It doesn’t serve us to hold onto regrets and anger, nor blame ourselves for friends lost. Understand the falling out happened and move on.

Sometimes friendships can be repaired years later. Other times, not. You can truly only do your best.

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I’ve long believed that people serve a role in our lives, particularly friends, outside of simply being our friends.

Our friends and family show us how to grow and where we have room to develop, no matter what age you are.

The sad thing about that, though, is that sometimes you no longer get anything out of a friendship and you have to say goodbye.

Why does this happen?

Higher Perspectives Author

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