Categories: Astrology

Get Ready For The Pink Full Moon In Libra As It’ll Have You Questioning Everything


Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

On April 16th, a Full Moon in Libra brightens the night sky, urging us to trust the universe’s natural equilibrium and discover hope and optimism in everyday life.

Learn the secrets of your Moon Sign here.

The Need To Question Your Life

Joanna Nix-Walkup / Unsplash

Joanna Nix-Walkup / Unsplash

Known as the Pink Moon, this introspective lunation encourages emotional honesty and vulnerability.

You feel compelled to question your life, purpose, and future. Explore who you are and what you want to be without fear.

Not The Time To Suppress

Rafael Barros / Pexels

Rafael Barros / Pexels

This Full Moon is animated by a powerful astrological energy that has just passed through the March Equinox. In Libra, this energy reflects our relationship to the inner world and our emotions, is especially strong in this regard.

This is not a Moon to suppress what you are experiencing or what is about to come up, so keep that in mind.

There’s A Reason For The Outburts

Peter Forster / Unsplash

Peter Forster / Unsplash

If you attempt to suppress, you’ll discover that your reaction to these suppressed emotions becomes more violent and explosive.

You might find yourself having outbursts or losing your calm, for example. Instead, allow yourself to fully experience and appreciate your feelings, and you will feel a sense of calm rush over you.

Vulnerability Will Show In Relationships

Ba Tik / Pexels

Ba Tik / Pexels

This Full Moon in Libra also conjures up feelings of tenderness and vulnerability, as well as a connection to the Mother archetype. Your interpersonal relationships are where a lot of your vulnerability shows up. It doesn’t matter if you’re among friends, family, or lovers. The light of the Full Moon will shine brightly on any issues in your relationships.

You have the option of working to resolve these difficulties or simply ignoring them. It is entirely up to you how you respond to this.

Old Patterns Will Be Met With Resistance

svklimkin / Unsplash

svklimkin / Unsplash

Finally, don’t fall back into old patterns of trying to control your life’s outcomes – you’ll only encounter resistance if you do. Keep in mind that there are other people engaged in our manifestation process, and these people have free will as well. When you concentrate on building your own world, you must consider how this may affect those around you.

If you let go of attachment to outcomes, you can be a conduit for healing and light messages under the supportive light of this Full Moon.

For more information, discover what Moon Phase you were born under with this Moon Reading by clicking Joanna Nix-Walkup

Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

On April 16th, a Full Moon in Libra brightens the night sky, urging us to trust the universe’s natural equilibrium and discover hope and optimism in everyday life.

Learn the secrets of your Moon Sign here.

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