Full Sturgeon Moon In Aquarius On August 19th, Feel Your Connection To All Things

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We're in the final weeks of summer now, with September just around the corner, but just because the season will begin weaning, that doesn't mean we need to follow suit. The strength of the full moon is here to reinvigorate us once again.

Full moons give us a chance to wipe the slate clean and start anew just before a new month begins. The upcoming Full Sturgeon Moon, rising on August 19th in the sign of Aquarius, brings strength to our individuality and relationship with all things, letting us pave a path toward healthier connections.

The strength and power of celestial forces are ever-changing, something you can only be knowledgeable enough about if you pay attention. You don't have to check the skies every day, though, as there are easier ways to stay atop the influences it has on your life.

Like getting a full, in-depth birth chart reading, using just your date of birth, you can see all the shifts that will play a role in your life and what will become of them. If you're ready to see your path laid out before you, click here to get started and open your eyes to your future.

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of zodiac constellations on top, a white background behind them. There's
 dark purple text that reads,
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Autumn's Coming Chill

The full moon just over the horizon of a beach at night, the silhouette of large palm trees visible.
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As the final month of summer rolls by, we ought to be looking to the bright, verdant scenery and cherish the weeks we have left with it. Before we know it, those leaves will turn orange and fall from their branches as cold weather rushes in. We still have time to make the most of our summer before it leaves us.


This month's full moon is rising under the sign of Aquarius, meaning our focus should be turned inward, analyzing the relationships we form with different elements of our lives. Read on to see how your sign can make the most of this energy.



A group of friends out for a hike, standing together at the peak of their walk, arms in the air.
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For Aries, the Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius brings a wave of unconventional energy, urging you to think outside the box. This is a time for breaking free from your usual routines and embracing your individuality above all else.


Collaboration is also important during this time. You might find yourself drawn to new activities, often group ones, that are outside of your usual scene or that stimulate your mind. Make sure you don't lose sight of your own unique vision while engaging with others, though. This is a time to balance your independence with the power of community, allowing yourself to be both a leader and a team player.

To learn more about Aries, click here!



A woman standing outdoors in front of a hill range, a hand up to her brow, looking forward.
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This Full Moon highlights your career and public image, Taurus, meaning it's time to assess how your professional goals align with your personal values. You may feel a strong urge to make changes that better reflect who you're becoming, shifting your focus and readjusting your priorities.


Trust that moving away from outdated structures, routines, and beliefs will help you feel more fulfilled. No point in clinging to the past when your future is what awaits. This full moon encourages you to take a bold step toward your aspirations, even if it means venturing into unfamiliar territory. Embrace the possibility of redefining what success means to you, and don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo.

To learn more about Taurus, click here!



A man sitting at a board room table, looking to be thinking seriously about something.
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For you, Gemini, the Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius shines a light on your beliefs and higher learning. You may feel a pull towards expanding your horizons, whether through travel, education, or exploring new philosophies. This is a time to question old assumptions and be open to fresh perspectives.


Intellectual conversations could spark a desire for a deeper understanding of whatever topic catches your interest. Embrace the opportunity to grow beyond your usual boundaries, seeking out experiences that broaden your worldview. The insights you gain now could inspire a new direction in your life.

To learn more about Gemini, click here!



A couple sitting side by side on a couch, seeming to be talking about something seriously.
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This Full Moon touches on shared resources and deep emotional connections, Cancer. You might feel a need to address issues related to trust, intimacy, or financial partnerships in particular. The conversations you need to have won't be easy, but they'll be necessary, so face them head-on as soon as you can.


This full moon also encourages you to let go of the fears or power struggles holding you back. By releasing what no longer serves you, you can create space for more meaningful, honest, genuine connections. It's a time to honor your emotional depth while also setting clear boundaries. Transformation is possible now. Don't shy away from it.

To learn more about Cancer, click here!



Two women sitting side by side at a cafe, talking about something seriously.
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With the Full Sturgeon Moon in your opposite sign of Aquarius, your relationships take center stage, Leo. This is a time to evaluate how well your partnerships (of all kinds, not just romantic) are supporting your growth. You might find that you need more balance, boundaries, or freedom with certain people. The more important part, though, is that you communicate these needs.


While discovering and discussing what you need out of the relationships you cherish, stay receptive to what other people need, too. This full moon is about harmony between independence and togetherness, allowing your relationships to evolve in ways that honor your individuality, desires, and shared goals.

To learn more about Leo, click here!



A low-angle shot of a woman doing yoga, currently in butterfly pose with her eyes closed.
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The Full Moon in Aquarius highlights your daily routines and well-being, Virgo. Now's the time to reassess how your habits are contributing to your overall health and happiness. You may feel a push to break free from rigid schedules or outdated practices that no longer serve you, a push you should follow so you can make way for better living.


This full moon encourages you to explore more innovative ways to take care of yourself, too, whether it’s through new wellness practices or creative approaches to your work. By embracing flexibility and openness to change, you can reduce the stress you feel in your daily life, making room for more indulgence in the things you love.

To learn more about Virgo, click here!



A man leaning over his work table doing acrylic pour style art.
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For Libra, the Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius lights up your creative and romantic life. You may feel a surge of inspiration or a desire to express yourself more freely under the moon's glow. This is a time to embrace your unique talents and let your creativity flow without judgment, hesitation, or sanitization. Create something that's truly, authentically, and genuinely yours.


Your romantic connections may also come into focus, be it your long-term partner or a date on the horizon, inviting you to explore new ways you can express your freedom within love. This full moon encourages you to prioritize joy and self-expression in whatever way feels best to you. Your happiness is at a peak.

To learn more about Libra, click here!



A tilted angle shot of a couple painting the walls of a room a bright red color.
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The Full Moon in Aquarius brings attention to your home and family life, Scorpio. You might feel the need to address unresolved issues or make changes to your living environment, trying to bring more comfort and serenity into your physical space. Now's the time to create a home that truly reflects your taste, style, and personality.


You may also find yourself reevaluating your family dynamics and considering how to establish healthier boundaries. It'll be hard—these conversations are never easy—but the struggle will be worth it for the peace you'll have afterward and more room carved out in your life for growth, healing, and independence.

To learn more about Scorpio, click here!



Two friends sitting at a cafe together, both smiling as they chat, one showing the other something on her phone.
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For you, Sagittarius, the Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius lights up your communication sector. It's a time to speak your truth and share your ideas with the world. There's no room for hesitation or second-guessing; you just have to go for it! The people who resonate with your thoughts will thank you for expressing yourself.


You might also feel a strong urge to connect with others, especially if it's via deep conversations with people you already hold close. Be open to learning from different perspectives, and don’t be afraid to challenge conventional thinking. The connections you make (or deepen) now are likely to lead to exciting new opportunities in the future.

To learn more about Sagittarius, click here!



An over-the-shoulder shot of a couple plotting out their financial budget together.
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The Full Moon in Aquarius shines a light on your finances and personal resources, Capricorn. This is a time to reassess how you manage your money and whether your current financial strategies align with your long-term goals. You may feel the need to make changes that provide more stability or freedom. If you're unsure, now's a great time to talk to a professional for further insights.


This full moon encourages you to think about how you can create a more sustainable, healthy, and fulfilling relationship with your finances. Money is a stressful topic, but it doesn't have to stay that way. You can learn how to have a healthier relationship with money once you learn how to manage it.

To learn more about Capricorn, click here!



A woman with her arms crossed and sunglasses on as she stands beneath a clear bright blue sky.
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With the Full Moon in your sign, Aquarius, you're in the spotlight! This is a time to focus on your personal growth and how you present yourself to the world. You might feel a strong urge to break free from any limitations or expectations that have been holding you back. You'll be filled with more confidence than ever, so make those leaps and take those chances. You'll never know what'll happen if you don't try!


This full moon also encourages you to embrace your individuality and make bold moves toward your goals. It’s also a time to consider how your actions impact others and how you can contribute to the collective good. Trust in your unique vision and let it guide your next steps.

To learn more about Aquarius, click here!



A woman standing in a field of tall grass, holding up one half of her long, flowey dress into the wind.
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Lastly, for Pisces, the Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius illuminates your subconscious and inner world. This is a time for deep reflection and introspection, as you may feel the need to withdraw and reconnect with your truest self. You might uncover buried emotions or insights that have been lying beneath the surface, just waiting for you to uncover them.


This full moon encourages you to let go of anything that's been weighing you down emotionally, creating space for healing and renewal instead. It’s a good time to explore your dreams, subconscious, and intuition, trusting that the answers you seek are within you. You can really come into your own this full moon. You just have to trust yourself first.

To learn more about Pisces, click here!