Categories: Astrology

Full Snow Moon In Virgo, Accept Every Part Of Yourself


With February almost in the rearview (even with the extra day this year), the full moon has finally arrived, urging us all to wipe our slates clean ahead of March and, more importantly, ahead of springtime.

Full moons give us a chance to wipe the slate clean and start anew just before a new month begins. The Snow Moon is a gentle one, bringing forth feelings of forgiveness and acceptance, values to hold close in the last weeks of winter.

The strength and power of celestial forces are ever-changing, something you can only be knowledgeable enough about if you pay attention. You don't have to check the skies every day, though, there are easier ways to stay atop the influences it has on your life.

Like getting a full, in-depth birth chart reading. Using just your date of birth, you can see all the shifts that will play a role in your life and what will become of them. If you're ready to see your path laid out before you, click here to get started and open your eyes to your future.

Cold Closes

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

As February comes to an end, we likely only have a few more weeks before the frost begins to thaw and the birds start to sing again. As we look forward to the beginning of spring, what will you be bringing with you into the changing seasons?

The Full Cold Moon rising on February 24th is here to give you some insight, helping you set your sights on the right changes to be made ahead of the warmer weather. As it rises under Virgo, we'll all feel very pragmatic and enthusiastic about these shifts, able to see how they'll better our lives.

If you need more specific guidance, here's how the wolf moon will affect your sign in particular.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Aries, this full moon is for embracing imperfection. Let go of the pressure to please everyone and focus on your own life, your own happiness, and your own mental health. Free yourself from the expectations, real or imagined, placed on you by others. Instead, concentrate on your journey. What's your next step? What goals are within your reach?


The full moon in Virgo also brings well-deserved recognition for your efforts, meaning you'll have time to rest after the work is done. Allow yourself to celebrate by indulging in your favorite self-care tasks and be grateful for the newfound space in your daily life.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Taurus, enjoy yourself without overthinking during this full moon. Invest in self-care, treat yourself well to recharge your energy, but still be a little prudent about overspending. Let loose a little, but not so much that it becomes reckless.


Under the full moon in Virgo, your dreams can come true. Or they can start to, at least. Your creativity and romantic pursuits will be in focus, so consider starting a passion project you've had in mind or putting yourself out there more. If you're already dating someone, express your true feelings to them. If partnered, reignite the passion you already share. Surround yourself with beautiful emotions wherever you can.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Gemini, embrace stillness this full moon and embrace the comfort of home. Enjoy the present moment, admire the thawing snow welcoming spring's new growth, and cultivate the space you want to be living in. Find peace in patience. Not everything needs to be rushed.


This is also a great time to address emotional family dynamics and set some boundaries. Though that may be stressful, you could find luck on the job front if you remain open to new opportunities. Things feel busy right now, probably stressful, too, but know that there are better things awaiting you on the horizon.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Cancer, this full moon encourages you to treasure the parts of yourself that others may consider 'too much.' Embrace your quirks, be authentically yourself, don't let anyone shame you into hiding! This will help heal your inner child and bring a lot of peace to your restless soul.


This moon will prompt very open communication with your loved ones. Be sure to honestly share your thoughts and engage in meaningful conversations. These feelings, dreams, fears, and hopes you share with one another will only bring you closer, making room for even more earnest talks in the future.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Leo, trust your instincts this full moon and remain unwavering in your beliefs. Focus on the things that make you feel safe, secure, and comfortable. Don't compromise these for anyone else's sake. If a plan feels weird or makes you uneasy, don't go. You'll thank yourself for it later.


As the full moon influences your finances, expect clarity on job opportunities or promotions. You might make significant purchases or settle debts, maybe even receive an unexpected gift. Trust in your decisions during this period, knowing they're guided by your intuition and expertise.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Virgo, this full moon is the time to speak your truth. While observing others' journeys is valuable, remember that you have a story worth sharing too. You've weathered a lot over the years and have learned a ton along the way. You can share that wisdom with others and act as a guide to those who need it, should you want to.


This full moon (in your sign, how exciting!) urges you to assert your needs and wants in relationships. No more excuses, no more hoping things will change, you have to actively ask for it. Once you start voicing your desires, you'll see the world around you change in ways that only boost your mood.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Libra, don't let logic overshadow your intuition. Trust those quick, fleeting feelings, for they often hold the answers you need. Your confidence is well-placed and very much earned. Now's the time to really lean into that, to make changes you've been needing to make but been too scared to prior.


As this healing journey begins, find solace in solitude for a change. Become your own company and allow yourself to experience all of your emotions fully while in this space. Trust in the process, indulge in self-care, and be guided down this worthwhile path.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Scorpio, this full moon is for relinquishing control. You're used to having a hand on everything, and you like knowing what's going on and what the outcomes might be. Though it feels comforting, it's actually causing you a lot of stress beneath the surface. It may be time to let that lifestyle go.


In the space that leaves, learn to celebrate your accomplishments, as you usually brush them off as nothing special. Share your ideas and projects with friends and listen to theirs as well. Allow others the freedom to express themselves in your presence. You'll be surprised by the warmth and comfort you cultivate that way.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Sagittarius, this moon is all about shedding yourself of the expectations of others. You've been doing so slowly over the years, using short bursts of confidence to express yourself better, but you're reaching a head here. You could make some huge steps towards even greater confidence, which in turn will help you build a more fulfilling life.


This full moon also highlights your career and achievements, bringing recognition for your work. Manifestations from the past are finally materializing, giving you a sense that things finally feel in your favor. These events might even open future doors for you. Keep an eye out for any unexpected opportunities.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Capricorn, trust in your expertise this full moon and remain unwavering in your stance. Don't let doubt cloud your self-esteem. Even if you're not perfect, every experience is a chance to learn and grow, something you should embrace wholeheartedly.


You'll feel a strong desire for new experiences and knowledge. Whether through travel or personal research, embrace new perspectives and insights, but don't shy away from things you don't immediately understand. The only way to broaden your horizons is to open your eyes and see all the world contains.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Aquarius, this full moon is about embracing vulnerability by sharing your feelings and truths. Open up, connect with others around you, and feel comfort in community. Rather than bottling things up, allow your emotions to guide you and let go of any fear of rejection. Love awaits on the other side.


Extend compassion and forgiveness to yourself and others during this time. Embrace feelings of grief or loss as you close one chapter to make way for new beginnings. Even tough feelings are worth, well, feeling. Working through them will grant you a clearer head with which you can solve your problems.



Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Pisces, embrace new people coming into your life, especially in ways you never expected. You've been feeling closed off for a while, but now's the time to open your heart back up. Staying at such a distance isn't sustainable for your mental health.


This new person or people might bring a fresh perspective to existing relationships, realizing that some people you maintain simply aren't worth keeping around. Be wary of friends who seem to only use or drain you. You deserve more than to be taken advantage of, and now's the perfect time to move beyond the people who only seek to weigh you down.

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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