Categories: Astrology

Rare Full Cold Moon: Get Ready For The Massive Energy Shift On December 12th 2019


On December 12, a very special Full Moon will occur in the social and extroverted signs of Gemini and Sagittarius. I call it the Full Moon of Exciting Era Doorway.

This marks the last moment of relative quiet (from the past week’s contemplative Sun square Neptune) before a very active, contrast-filled, up and down period of time.

This period of time should be filled with vivid insight and inspiration, with an ominous yet interesting undercurrent, around mid December – mid February, as the eclipse season comes into effect.

The reverberating effect from two eclipses on Dec 25 and Jan 10 will bathe the first months of the new decade with two tremendously contrasting, entirely opposite types of energies. It should make for a very interesting and memorable time, yet with a potential for disaster on a global scale around the vicinity of January 10.

It should feel like something active, vibrant and happy with the Dec 25 eclipse, and something somber, upheaval inducing yet somewhat resolving on January 10.

What this December 12 Full Moon signals is truly an introduction to a very, very happy month.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

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The Moon occurs on the Axis of Extroversion, consisting of opposite signs Sagittarius and Gemini.

These two signs are probably the least characteristically “opposite” opposing signs in the zodiac, both extremely social, active, extroverted, and generally “seeking” in essence.

That’s in contrast to the Virgo/Pisces axis of Introversion which squares it, and instead does internal “seeking.”

Below is the chart of the Full Moon.

During the peak of the Full Moon, we have Venus very closely conjunct Saturn and Pluto, in fact perfectly bridging the gap between the two planets which are about to make their exact conjunction for the first time, the true peak of the once every 36 year Saturn conjunct Pluto responsible for all the upheaval of 2019.

This should set the tone for healing and resolution, coming to that sensitive point of Saturn conjunct Pluto, responsible for much of people’s trials and tribulations in 2019.

The great thing is, people eventually become immune to upheaval. Everything is purged out, cleansed and made stronger, as we experienced in 2019, and now it’s like what is left to purge?

Something purified, light and relieved, strong and resilient often arises from the ashes of a Pluto transit.

A very positive omen is represented by the Jupiter/Uranus eclipse on Christmas Day, as if we’re being insulated in the most strong way possible from any truly negative effects of the highly anticipated and feared January 10 Saturn/Pluto eclipse.

If a blessing in the sky were to be theoretically, fictionally written out, if someone hypothetically thought “what would a positive omen look like,” it would look just like the December 25 eclipse.

This Full Moon appears to be opening a door to the much more vibrant, active, extroverted and newly healed energy of this season.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

A signal towards resolution of what has plagued people in 2019 is clearly visible with the fact that Venus is conjunct Saturn and Pluto on this day: positive aspects mixing with a social climate (Venus) tapped into the wound that needs to heal (Saturn/Pluto).

The Sun and Moon form semisquare/sesquiquadrate aspects to Uranus, which is a very important yet subtle indictation that the high energy moment is starting.

That aspect indicates a light switch being turned on: the Moon emphasizes Uranus sparking up and pouring into Jupiter.

The positive aspect is Jupiter trine Uranus.

Jupiter trine Uranus last occurred in 2014 – 2015, and also because it locked into the once every 84 year Uranus square Pluto, it marked one of the most vibrant, active and socially expansive periods of time in the 2010’s decade.

That’s personally what I observed, and it’s difficult to objectively say that one period of time was a certain way, yet it seems that social media and certain creations of culture thrived and really started to blossom around those years, 2014 and 2015.

Now, Jupiter in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus is just one degree from fully peaking, and it’s causing a vibrant, active, inspired, thinking, life-filled energy to fill the air.

The power of this Jupiter/Uranus mix can not be underestimated. These are the two most active and anticipated energies in astrology, for people to have ideas, passion, for most things to flow like a circuit of electricity.

Earth energies can crystallize and cement ideas and new sparks of vision (Uranus) into solid form, precipitating the most likely atmosphere for things to actually materialize and be created: new paths, literal creations of idea, or whatever it is.

Interestingly, another component of this aspect dares to make it even more meaningful: Jupiter conjunct Quaoar.

In a literal sense, Quaoar has been tied to strange intuition, waves of sensory detail appearing into the lens of the mind that seem foreign, even psychic phenomena or closed eye visuals for no reason at all.

Many things are linked to the dwarf planet Quaoar, in natal charts and in transit, and it seems to be one of the most intuition-linked dwarf planets.

This will be a supreme test for the psychic potential of Quaoar. Jupiter conjunct Quaoar might be the most powerful way the planet would possibly be activated.

Imagine the spark of Uranus, idea, thought, passion pouring into the expansive, social, positive reservoir of Jupiter, and all that tapped into some connection to a higher source of perception (Quaoar).

If Quaoar is as it seems, a connection to something above our normal perception, some other realm, or whatever it is, as most dwarf planets like Pluto seem to do, this could happen.

People could become tapped into all kinds of profound insight during this time. Spiritual experiences could happen, and so could unexplainable or even “paranormal” phenomena.

Better yet, Quaoar is the closest dwarf planet to the belt of the zodiac, the ecliptic plane, with the most regular and circular orbit, more so than Pluto.

That means a conjunction or alignment to Quaoar from Jupiter will be physically more precise that any other dwarf planet, except when those planets are at their heliocentric nodes (touching the belt of the zodiac 2 times in their orbit around the Sun).

December should be a profoundly expansive, rejuvenating time of vivid insight and intuition, and social expansion and activity to compliment it.

An undercurrent of something strange, ominous, like something is coming is certainly looming with Saturn conjunct Pluto, but we’re insulated from that and clearly blessed from the code spoken in the heavens.

This Full Moon seems like a gateway to the themes of this period of time. It’s a vibrant and exciting time for sure.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

The Perfect Ritual For December 12th

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Paper/notebook
  • Pen/pencil
  • Envelope(s)
  • Candles (however many you feel is necessary)


Sitting somewhere comfortably light your candles. Allow yourself a moment to meditate and relax. Once you are situated begin writing things down.

Write about anything that comes to mind. Put everything down on paper. All of the things that bring you happiness and where you want to be this time next year.

Write for as long as you feel is necessary but try to get at least eleven or so minutes in. Do this at 11:11 am or 1:11 pm if possible to keep the energies as balanced as possible.

Once you have things down on paper go over the things you’ve written down. What things stand out the most to you?

Bring everything over to a new paper that stood out to you and burn the old paper. Now, focus on narrowing things down to three main goals/points.

Close your eyes and really focus on these things, which ones are most important to you from the things you’ve carried over.

Once you have the three narrowed down give yourself a moment to manifest. Think about how important they are and allow yourself permission to make them happen.

Seal these three things away in an envelope and place them somewhere safe. Once you have done this go relax in a warm bath and meditate over your own thoughts.

Cleanse yourself of any blockages and prepare to move forth once this day has passed. While this might not seem like much it will make a huge difference in how these energies work for you.

P.S. Has something come up that requires immediate answers in your life?

Let’s ask the Tarot for insights on your circumstances, and see what the cards hold in store for you. Click HERE to start your reading…

If you found this astrological information interesting or helpful, please remember to SHARE the article with your family and friends on Facebook!

On December 12, a very special Full Moon will occur in the social and extroverted signs of Gemini and Sagittarius. I call it the Full Moon of Exciting Era Doorway.

This marks the last moment of relative quiet (from the past week’s contemplative Sun square Neptune) before a very active, contrast-filled, up and down period of time.

This period of time should be filled with vivid insight and inspiration, with an ominous yet interesting undercurrent, around mid December – mid February, as the eclipse season comes into effect.

The reverberating effect from two eclipses on Dec 25 and Jan 10 will bathe the first months of the new decade with two tremendously contrasting, entirely opposite types of energies. It should make for a very interesting and memorable time, yet with a potential for disaster on a global scale around the vicinity of January 10.

It should feel like something active, vibrant and happy with the Dec 25 eclipse, and something somber, upheaval inducing yet somewhat resolving on January 10.

What this December 12 Full Moon signals is truly an introduction to a very, very happy month.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

The Moon occurs on the Axis of Extroversion, consisting of opposite signs Sagittarius and Gemini.

These two signs are probably the least characteristically “opposite” opposing signs in the zodiac, both extremely social, active, extroverted, and generally “seeking” in essence.

That’s in contrast to the Virgo/Pisces axis of Introversion which squares it, and instead does internal “seeking.”

Below is the chart of the Full Moon.

Higher Perspectives Author

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