Categories: Horoscopes

For Some Lucky Signs, This Week Will Be Off To A Fun Start As We Exit Retrograde


Weekly Horoscopes May 30th - June 5th, 2022

Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

A cheerful, sociable New Moon in Gemini gets this week off to a fun start. This New Moon is great for a fresh start with studying or writing projects and good energy for making new friends and discovering new interests.

On Friday, Mercury turns direct in Taurus. With the retrograde period over, the vibe changes to a more purposeful and thoughtful one - much less scatterbrained, with less confusion and fewer mistakes likely!

As one retrograde ends, another begins, however. On Saturday, Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius. While this retrograde is in force for the next few months, we must step away from peer pressure and the collective experience and instead look to our own strengths as individuals

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Monday’s New Moon helps to infuse your whole week with freshness and energy. You’ll want to stay busy, Aries, perhaps even taking on extra tasks above and beyond your already hectic workload. This is a lovely week for job satisfaction, and you can make a lot of progress with your personal to-do list too.

Financial hiccups and delays will start to ease once Mercury turns direct on Friday, but you have learned some lessons about budgeting recently, which astrologers suggest will stand you in good stead for the future.

When Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius, it may be time to

consider stepping back from a group or organization which no longer reflects your core values.




The New Moon occurs in your abundance zone and invites you to recognize the many blessings you have across all areas of your life. There’s energy and optimism here to start a new income stream or work on your self-worth and self-esteem.


Mercury will turn direct in your own zodiac sign on Friday; although you’ve been glad of the chance to edit your life during the pause of the retrograde, it’s a relief to see things start picking up speed again, so you’ll enjoy the change of pace.

Look to the Saturn retrograde period beginning on Saturday for a chance to rethink your long-term career goals. Does your path still reflect who you authentically are?




A Gemini New Moon is your chance to reinvent yourself for your own mini new year. Think about your personal image and how you present yourself to the world. Step into your identity and be proud of who you are.


Mercury ends its retrograde period on Friday, and you should notice this as a mist clearing from your thinking processes. For the past few weeks, you’ve been operating mainly on guesswork, but now matters become less confusing, and you can get back to your logical self.

When Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius on Saturday, take a deep dive into your own beliefs and prejudices. What unconscious biases are you perpetuating?

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.




The New Moon urges you to find peace, solitude, and serenity. It’s your opportunity to rest and unwind - a lull before the next New Moon, in Cancer, sets you new challenges. Meditation, breathwork, divination, and mindfulness will help soothe you; don’t miss this chance for some downtime!


When Mercury turns direct on Friday, it’s important to start being more trusting of your friends. Some may have let you down recently during the retrograde period, but those who remain have got your back.

Look to the Saturn retrograde period, starting on Saturday, for some insightful revelations about power in your life. Are you giving yours away too freely?




You’ll love this New Moon - it’s all about networking, which you excel in. Reach out to others in your personal and professional life and make some meaningful, mutually beneficial connections.


When Mercury turns direct on Friday, progress at work gets distinctly easier. Wave goodbye to the frustrations and delays you’ve experienced during the retrograde period because your path ahead is a lot clearer now.

However, with Saturn turning retrograde in Aquarius on Saturday, your closest relationship needs some TLC. It’s time to be entirely open and honest with one another, so bring some realism to the table.




New enthusiasm for your career path comes this week as a gift from the ambitious New Moon. Don’t allow frustrations or obstacles to derail you. There is always a way over, under, through, or around whatever stands in your way.


Your ruling planet, Mercury, turns direct on Friday in the adventure zone of your natal birth chart. Travel plans are back on, your big picture vision is reinspired, and your willingness to take a walk on the wild side gets a big boost.

Expect to have to rethink your skill set during the Saturn retrograde period, however. From Saturday, for a few months, it’s all about making sure you’ve got the basics right.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.




Feeling restless, Libra? The New Moon urges you to stretch out beyond your comfort zone and try new things. There’s an urge to explore here, whether that’s literally traveling to new places or simply exploring new ideas and expanding your mind.


When Mercury turns direct on Friday, you should cut yourself some slack. You’ve been dealing with tricky psychological issues for a couple of weeks, but everything feels more positive now. It’s OK to laugh and smile, even when times are tough. Find the light.

When Saturn turns retrograde on Saturday, you’re invited to say ‘no’ to others for a change. It’s time to put yourself front and center so that you can protect your own interests.




We start the week with a hugely empowering New Moon. This energy encourages you to focus on self-mastery, and it reveals precisely how strong and talented you truly are. Work on being the best you can be because this is the ideal time to handle bad habits or areas of your personality that you know could improve.


Your relationships are on the up and up, too, helped by the fact that Mercury turns direct on Friday. Interpersonal interactions of all kinds get easier at this point, simply because the confusion has vanished.

Look to the Saturn retrograde period, which starts on Saturday, for a deeper understanding of your past lives and karma.




A New Moon in your love zone is a delightful way to start the week! This energy is invigorating and healing in a relationship that needs help and brings beautiful romance to a relationship that is going well. If you’re single, it’s also the ideal time for a new date!


Mercury turns direct in the everyday work zone of your natal birth chart on Friday, which should help you feel more organized and less like you’re constantly chasing your tail. Take advantage of this change of pace to work on tasks you’ve recently neglected.

When Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius on Saturday, you’re entering a period where your words could be used against you. Be very clear in everything you say.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.




Clear your clutter - literally and metaphorically! The New Moon urges better organization and the clearing out of that which no longer serves you, Capricorn. By sweeping out the old and the outdated in this way, you’ll have space in your life for a bountiful and abundant fresh start.


Mercury ends its retrograde period on Friday, in Capricorn's joy zone. This is your chance to kick loose and enjoy some fun, having felt restricted by responsibilities for the last couple of weeks.

Your relationship with money comes under the spotlight on Saturday and for the next several months while Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius. Your sense of security - or lack of it - may be determining your abundance - or lack of it.




You’re bursting with creative ideas as the New Moon lights up the play zone of your natal birth chart, Aquarius. This New Moon brings a wealth of promise from artistic endeavors to new hobbies, the joy of parenting, and increased passion in your love life.


Look to the end of Mercury retrograde on Friday to ease family tensions. Any home or real estate-related issues that have been held up should also start moving forwards again now.

When Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius on Saturday, however, you have some profound thinking to do. You are becoming someone new; make sure it’s someone you like.




Home moves, home remodeling, and home re-organization - all of these things get the green light from a very positive New Moon in your home and family zone, Pisces, so make this week one focused on your domestic priorities.


Mercury is turning direct in your zodiac sign's communication zone on Friday, which is a great relief to you - it’s easier to get your message across now, and you don’t have to worry about being misunderstood.

However, Saturn turns retrograde in the most spiritual area of your chart on Saturday, Pisces. This heralds a few months during which you’ll need to process some deeply held emotions - including those lingering from unresolved trauma in your past. Just know that you’re not alone.

For more personalized information check out this personalized report based on date of birth. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.


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