Categories: Horoscopes

Feeling All Over The Place Lately? It’s All About To Change According To Next Week’s Horoscope


Weekly Horoscopes September 26th - October 2nd, 2022. Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

The early part of this week is excellent for getting things done, especially anything that requires a blend of intellect and practical work. On Wednesday, when Mars trines Saturn, there’s a real opportunity to push through a barrier of some kind.

Venus moves into charming, diplomatic Libra on Thursday, ushering in a kind, sociable, refined, and artistic vibe. This would be a lovely time to mix romance and culture - take your date to a museum, or treat your partner to their favorite movie.

On Sunday, Mercury turns direct in Virgo, ending its retrograde period and freeing up communication. When the brain fog clears, refresh your mind with a good book, some puzzles, or thoughtful debate about the issues of the day.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Hassan OUAJBIR / Pexels
Hassan OUAJBIR / Pexels

The first half of this week sees a focus on community efforts; you’ll want to keep busy, and volunteering or coordinating some kind of beneficial project will give you plenty of satisfaction.

By Thursday, however, you’ll be in the mood for love. Venus moves into your opposite sign, softening your more abrasive edges and showing you the value of sweet, old-fashioned romance. Slow things down in your love life if you want to experience magic.

If you’ve been stuck and frustrated over work-related issues, you’ll enjoy the relief and fresh insight that comes on Sunday, as Mercury turns direct. A new way of thinking should help resolve matters with colleagues, even if you’re not working that day.




Money matters get a serious boost early this week, particularly on Wednesday. A beneficial linkup between Mars and Saturn finds you using both ambition and caution to get ahead either financially or in your career.


Your ruling planet Venus brings a boost to your working life too, moving into the colleagues zone of your natal birth chart on Thursday. This should make it much easier for you to get the cooperation you need. Turn on the charm!

On Sunday, Mercury turns direct in your creative zone, so spend some time indulging in your favorite creative hobby. From singing or dancing to crafts and painting, this looks like a brilliant weekend for self-expression.




The early part of this week would be a great time to take the plunge back into education in some form or other. A very constructive trine between Mars (currently in Gemini) and Saturn prompts you to do whatever you can to expand your mind.


Dating and love are high on the agenda too, especially when Venus moves into the joy sector of your natal birth chart on Thursday. If you’re already in a happy relationship, this influence may center around your pride in your children - it’s a celebratory vibe.

There’s more good news for the family on Sunday too, when your ruler Mercury turns direct in this area of your chart. Communication breakdowns should ease and even the most difficult family members may feel more willing to compromise.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.




If something is troubling you emotionally, you’ll find it beneficial to talk about it early this week - a lot. Whether you’re talking to a therapist, a best friend, or your own journal, get your feelings out in the open if you want to start the healing process.


On Thursday, gentle Venus moves into the home and family sector of your natal birth chart, which is of course very close to your heart. Improved family relationships will bring you great joy this week - and also plenty of emotional and moral support if you need it.

When Mercury turns direct on Sunday, expect to feel as though a weight has come off your shoulders. Your thoughts will lighten and your sense of humor returns, too. It’s a lovely day for a party!




A major joint project in your relationship - a shared dream or goal, perhaps - may come one step closer to fruition early this week, thanks to the highly constructive meetup between Mars and Saturn. Keep pushing; you’re heading in the right direction!


On Thursday, Venus changes signs and helps you to turn on the charm through your words and gestures. This is a very expressive transit for you, so don’t hold back - wear your heart on your sleeve and let the world know who you are!

Mercury turns direct in the money zone of your natal birth chart on Sunday, which will be a relief if finances have been tight for the last few weeks. You’re better placed now to make intelligent financial decisions.




Early this week, Mars and Saturn will assist you in making a breakthrough on your career path. Whether that manifests as a promotion, a helping hand, a useful contact, or even a brand new change of direction, you’ll feel more in tune with your authentic goals than before.


Venus leaves Virgo on Thursday and heads into your money zone - stop yourself if you notice that you’re trying to busy someone’s affection. You know better than that… although treating yourself to a few luxuries wouldn’t hurt.

Mercury turns direct in Virgo on Sunday; with your ruling planet now moving forward once more, you should hopefully feel your confidence increase. Now is a good time to start showcasing your many talents.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.




Days out, short trips away, and fun days with the family are highlighted early this week - and you might be able to combine work with pleasure in some way too, especially once Mars and Saturn team up on Wednesday.


Your ruling planet Venus moves into Libra on Thursday, so expect to feel a rush of feel-good energy. During this transit, you’re at your best and brightest, a real light in any room. Make it your mission to spread smiles and laughter wherever you go.

You’ll be helped by Mercury turning direct on Sunday, which frees you up from some recent guilty feelings and shows you that you’re walking the right path.




Difficult family issues can be resolved early this week - if everyone is willing to put in the work. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, as the saying goes. Mars and Saturn join forces on Wednesday to help push through even the most stubborn of lingering resentments.


On Thursday, Venus moves into the spiritual zone of your natal birth chart, bringing out your compassionate nature. This would be a good time to volunteer somewhere or to simply be a loving, non-judgmental shoulder for someone who is going through a tough time.

Meanwhile, the weekend is good for planning ahead. Mercury turns direct on Sunday, clearing confusion and highlighting mid and long-term objectives. Now is the time to right the ship.




If you and your partner have been struggling to find practical solutions to your everyday issues, the meetup of Mars and Saturn this week brings very good news - and win-win ideas you can both agree to love.


Indulge your sociable side as Venus changes signs on Thursday. From partying to re-connecting with long-lost friends, you’ll want to do everything you can to expand your tribe and deepen your non-romantic relationships.

Enjoy the social whirl while you can because work beckons later in the week. When Mercury turns direct in the career zone of your natal birth chart on Sunday, you’ll need to forge ahead catching up with some tasks and responsibilities which have fallen by the wayside.

For more personalized information, take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.




It’s a very solid, sturdy, practical week for you; Wednesday in particular is a chance to solve issues in your work-life balance, for example. Saturn, your ruler, joins forces with dynamic Mars to ensure that problems become opportunities.


Venus has an eye on your career, too, and when this charming planet changes signs on Thursday, you’ll be able to make an excellent impression on clients, colleagues, superiors, and potential new employers.

Don’t limit yourself by thinking you need to stay in the same job or on the same path. Mercury turns direct in the most adventurous, expansive zone of your natal birth chart on Sunday, and you may find that new avenues open up before you.




There’s a spring in your step early this week for sure. Saturn in your sign has been making you feel rather lethargic at times, but on Wednesday a helpful push from Mars re-energizes you and reignites your enthusiasm for life.


Add in the fact that Venus changes signs and moves into your adventure zone on Thursday, and you can see how this would be the perfect time for a mini getaway or a short break.

You’ll feel emotionally stronger too, especially once Mercury turns direct on Sunday. Long-held resentments and ill feelings will start to dissipate, and you can use the power of forgiveness to your advantage - choose to let go.




Mars and Saturn team up midweek to help you make sense of something in your past. If you have painful memories, this would be a good time to seek therapy; if you’re just confused by something in your family history, expect to discover something that solves the mystery.


When Venus changes signs on Thursday, your closest relationship will need careful handling. This influence may stir up jealousy or bitterness, but it also increases passion - focus on what brought you together in the first place.

This will become easier after Sunday when Mercury turns direct in the love zone of your natal birth chart. With the retrograde period over, you’ll reach a better mutual understanding with your partner - no more crossed wires!

For more personalized information check out this personalized report based on date of birth. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

Aria Misty

Aria Misty is a recent university grad. She did her undergrad in media, information & technoculture with a Master in Journalism & Communications in 2018. Aria has a particular interest in all things astrology and spirituality. This is driven by her desire to create healing. In fact, Aria went back to school for A master's in counseling psychology in 2019 to bring an additional layer of psychological background and therapy to her community. In her free time, she loves to practice yoga and meditation to keep her focus sharp, go on long walks with her dog, and bake. She also enjoys the outdoors and beach picnics.

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