6 Fascinating Psychological Facts About Quiet People

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Do you consider yourself a quiet person? Do you spend more time listening to the conversation happening around you rather than participating in it? Would you rather go out to people-watch than go out to a loud event with your friends where you'll need to yell to be heard? If so, you probably already know how common misconceptions about quiet people are.

They're often thought of as intimidating, stuck up, or anti-social despite being none of those things. That's why facts like these can often shock louder folk who don't understand a quiet person's mind. Continue clicking your way through this list to learn more.

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On The Sidelines

A woman standing amidst a busy street, people walking around her.
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At some point in your life, you've known someone notably quieter than the rest of your social circle. Or maybe you've been that quiet person, immersing yourself in the conversation of others while you prefer to observe and make your own judgments.



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There are a lot of misconceptions about quiet people, painting them as a meek, shy group when they contain so much more than that. Here are a few traits about quiet people that often shock louder folk.

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1. They're Excellent Communicators

A group of people sitting in a circle, listening to one person talk.
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You would expect someone who's generally 'quiet' to not be great at communicating their wants, preferring to stay silent even when they need something, but that's usually not the case.


Quality Over Quantity

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Their quiet nature means that they're better at choosing when to talk. They value the quality of conversation over the quantity and are good at getting straight to the point, meaning they have no issue in communicating their needs, wants, and thoughts when the moment arises.


2. They're Very Creative

A woman with her eyes closed, hand to her chest, and head tilted up breathing in as she stands outside.
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Quiet individuals often spend plenty of time in their own heads, engaging with their imagination, creating worlds and stories that they allow themselves to indulge in as a means of escaping the mundanity of the real world. They focus on the details, they make sure everything looks and feels right, and they value aesthetic beauty in all things.


Appreciating Beauty

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Not every quiet individual is an artist or an author who can convey these things in creative work, but they all appreciate art and value its presence in the world, from gallery walls to natural wonders.


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3. They're Observant

A man in a suit and long hair tied back, looking off to the side, observing.
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Because quiet people are, well, quiet, not focused on speaking or domineering a conversation, they're oftentimes better at observing the people they're with. They pick up on small tells that reveal a person's true feelings, and can pick out liars pretty quickly. They value their skills as an observant person and keep tabs on people using this talent.


What Lies Beneath The Surface

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They aren't the type to use this knowledge against anyone, though. They just like learning about people and seeing what lies beneath the surface. They want to know peoples' true selves.


4. They're Not As Shy As You Think

A woman standing by the water in contemplation.
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There's a common assumption made that someone who's quiet must be so because they're shy. They're believed to always want to decline social situations in favor of staying home, preferring to keep to themselves and avoid hanging out with others. They're believed to not give away much about themselves as a means of keeping distance, too.


Great Listeners

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None of this is inherently true, though. There are plenty of quiet people who love crowds, love going out with friends, love spending time with people, and who are very open. They just prefer listening over speaking is all.


5. They're Often Confident

A woman smiling as she looks upwards, standing in the sun.
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Similarly, people often assume that someone being quiet must mean that they lack confidence, because surely everyone would speak more if they simply had the guts to do so, right? There are plenty of quiet people who have confidence in abundance, who are very sure of themselves and take pride in their talents.


Quiet Confidence Is Powerful

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We're just not used to seeing someone with that level of confidence be quiet about it. We're so used to seeing loud, boisterous personalities who take charge without fear, but a quiet confidence can be just as powerful.


6. They Need Time To Recharge

A woman sitting reading a book by the waterfront.
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Though, yes, quiet people can be social and can be comfortable around people, they also need their time to recharge. Quiet people are most often introverts, requiring some time alone after outings in order to 'recharge their battery,' so to speak.


So be sure to give them space when they seem tired, agitated, or distant. They probably just need a little time to themselves before they're ready to join everyone again for another event.


Defying Stereotypes

A woman with a finger up to her lips.
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Quiet people are truly unique, defying stereotypes and expectations placed upon them by louder society. By staying silent, they take time in analyzing the world around them, better understanding social issues that arise and better appreciating the small, hidden beauties that surround us.


A New Perspective

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If you're looking for some invaluable wisdom, ask a quiet person their take on something. If there's one thing they do love to talk about, its their own mind, and you'll walk away with new knowledge you never would have heard otherwise.