Categories: Spirituality

Ancient Enneagram Test Will Reveal Detailed Information About Your Personality


The ‘Enneagram of Personality’ is an ancient system of categorizing unique individuals into one of the nine available models.

  1. The Reformer
  2. The Helper
  3. The Achiever
  4. The Individualist
  5. The Investigator
  6. The Loyalist
  7. The Enthusiast
  8. The Challenger
  9. The Peacemaker.

Everyone is considered to be one single type, although it’s possible for a person to have traits belonging to other ones.

While it’s uncertain whether this type is genetically determined, many believe it is already in place at birth.

People of a particular type have several characteristics in common, but regardless of this, they can be quite different. It depends among other things on their level of mental health.

Unhealthy (neurotic) people from a particular type can look very different from healthy ones. A person usually has characteristics of one of the types that lie adjacent to one’s own that are more prominent.

This is called the wing. So someone who is a type 5, might have a 4 wing or a 6 wing. If someone doesn’t have a dominant wing, it is said that the wings are balanced.

There are three centers of intelligence and perception: head, heart and body. Everyone experiences all three, but each personality type has a particular strength in one of them.

This primary center is who we are and is an important key to overcoming weaknesses and developing our potential. Balancing the three centers helps us achieve a more balanced life.

Body-based types lead with the body for movement, sensate awareness and gut-level knowing.

Their focus is on personal security, control, social belonging and taking right action. Also known as the Instinctual Center. These types are Challenger, Peacemaker, and Reformer.

Feeling-based types emphasize the heart for positive and negative feelings, empathy and concern for others, romance and devotion.

Their focus is on success and relationship, performing up to expectations of the job or other people. Also known as the Emotional Center. These types include the Helper, the Achiever and the Individualist.

Thinking-based, head types lead with ideas, gathering information, figuring things out and rational decision-making before acting.

Their focus is on creating certainty and safety, or finding multiple options. Also known as the Intellectual Center. These types are Investigator, Loyalist and Enthusiast.

Below you will find a detailed explanation for each personality type.

You contain all of these types within you, we just have a tendency of identifying strongly with some more than others.

It is believed we start life through one of these models and grow into the other with time. The type we choose to be first always takes precedent because we are most familiar and experienced with it.

Do you want to learn more about your personality and life? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about your life.

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of your Zodiac sign, can reveal the type of personality you have and it’s pretty crazy how accurate it works!

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Birth Date.

Which personality model are you? Take the quiz at the bottom of this article to find out!

1. The Reformer

Credit: Evan El-Amin /

Credit: Evan El-Amin /

Motivated by ideas of perfection, this archetype strives to improve themselves and their environment. They are constantly seeking balance and rarely satisfied. They can be hypocritical and overcritical.

2. The Helper

Credit: Yorda /

Credit: Yorda /

A sincere personality, they desire true love and appreciation over all things. Sometimes viewed as flatterers, possessive and emotional, deep down they are nurturers, loving, socially adaptable and selfless.

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Birth Date.

3. The Achiever

Credit: Scott Woodham Photography /

Credit: Scott Woodham Photography /

These people seek approval and love for their actions. They are deeply afraid of being worthless and abandoned. Sometimes they push themselves too hard in their quest for acknowledgement.

4. The Individualist

Credit: Vicki L. Miller /

Credit: Vicki L. Miller /

Individualists at heart, they strive to express what makes them unique. Very talented, they use their multiple gifts and strengths to express and create art.

5. The Investigator

Credit: Kathy Hutchins /

Credit: Kathy Hutchins /

Thinkers are visionaries and philosophers. Constantly probing, questioning and thinking, they seek to master certain concepts. They can detach and switch perspectives with ease.

6. The Loyalist

Credit: Matteo Chinellato /

Credit: Matteo Chinellato /

Dedicated to a fault to what they believe in and their loved ones, Loyalists are fearful of abandonment. They seek the support of others as much as they distribute it. They crave and appreciate guidance. They fear the worst and are constantly on the watch for harm.

7. The Enthusiast

Credit: Featureflash Photo Agency /

Credit: Featureflash Photo Agency /

This type is the great adventurer of the nine. Normally free spirited, extroverted and entrepreneurs, they want to feel as they are experiencing the most and best experiences available. They are afraid only of being trapped, being stuck in a routine and being optionless.

8. The Challenger

Credit: JStone /

Credit: JStone /

Challengers are strong willed, straight-forward, powerful and effective. Others may view them as blunt, arrogant, and confrontational.

They are these negatives at time but this isn’t their purpose, they are trying to protect what is important to them.

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9 The Peacemaker

Credit: vipflash /

Credit: vipflash /

The harmonizer type are peace advocates and strive for inner and outer contentment. They can be seen as weak but this normally isn’t the case, they don’t put much stock in their egos. They are confident, optimistic, non-judgmental and tolerant.

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The ‘Enneagram of Personality’ is an ancient system of categorizing unique individuals into one of the nine available models.

  1. The Reformer
  2. The Helper
  3. The Achiever
  4. The Individualist
  5. The Investigator
  6. The Loyalist
  7. The Enthusiast
  8. The Challenger
  9. The Peacemaker.

Everyone is considered to be one single type, although it’s possible for a person to have traits belonging to other ones.

While it’s uncertain whether this type is genetically determined, many believe it is already in place at birth.

People of a particular type have several characteristics in common, but regardless of this, they can be quite different. It depends among other things on their level of mental health.

Unhealthy (neurotic) people from a particular type can look very different from healthy ones. A person usually has characteristics of one of the types that lie adjacent to one’s own that are more prominent.

This is called the wing. So someone who is a type 5, might have a 4 wing or a 6 wing. If someone doesn’t have a dominant wing, it is said that the wings are balanced.

There are three centers of intelligence and perception: head, heart and body. Everyone experiences all three, but each personality type has a particular strength in one of them.

This primary center is who we are and is an important key to overcoming weaknesses and developing our potential. Balancing the three centers helps us achieve a more balanced life.

Body-based types lead with the body for movement, sensate awareness and gut-level knowing.

Their focus is on personal security, control, social belonging and taking right action. Also known as the Instinctual Center. These types are Challenger, Peacemaker, and Reformer.

Feeling-based types emphasize the heart for positive and negative feelings, empathy and concern for others, romance and devotion.

Their focus is on success and relationship, performing up to expectations of the job or other people. Also known as the Emotional Center. These types include the Helper, the Achiever and the Individualist.

Thinking-based, head types lead with ideas, gathering information, figuring things out and rational decision-making before acting.

Their focus is on creating certainty and safety, or finding multiple options. Also known as the Intellectual Center. These types are Investigator, Loyalist and Enthusiast.

Below you will find a detailed explanation for each personality type.

You contain all of these types within you, we just have a tendency of identifying strongly with some more than others.

It is believed we start life through one of these models and grow into the other with time. The type we choose to be first always takes precedent because we are most familiar and experienced with it.

Do you want to learn more about your personality and life? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about your life.

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of your Zodiac sign, can reveal the type of personality you have and it’s pretty crazy how accurate it works!

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Birth Date.

Which personality model are you? Take the quiz at the bottom of this article to find out!

Higher Perspectives Author

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