
5 Signs Your Partner Is An Emotional Psychopath


Every relationship has some bumps and challenges. However, that doesn’t mean you deserve to be in a relationship with an emotional psychopath? Having strong connections to the people in your life is a really important thing to do in order to live this human experience fully, but sometimes, we let in people who manipulate us emotionally.

It can be hard to tell if and when you’re being manipulated. People can be skillful at the craft of covering up their true intentions.

However, making yourself aware of some of their tactics could make them easier for you to see through, and break free from their manipulative spell.

Is your partner manipulating you? Here are 5 signs your partner is toying with your emotions.

They twist the facts.

Often, psychopaths will attempt to distort reality to create doubt in your mind about the way things really happened in the past.

This is one of the oldest manipulation techniques in the book. Don’t let them do it to you. Learn how to keep your relationship alive, click here and watch this free video from relationship expert, Amy North.

They turn everything back on you.

The psychopath constantly makes everything your fault. If they cheated on you, it’s because of something YOU did, right?

They constantly scapegoat every poor decision they make onto you, saying that you made them feel a certain way or you pushed them into doing something wrong. Don’t buy it.

They tear you down.

The psychopath maintains their position of power in a relationship by making themselves seem better than you, above you. They do this through condescension and tearing you down.

They try to make you look ridiculous in front of your friends and family, all while seeming great themselves.

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They isolate you.

This is one of their sneakier actions. In an attempt to control you, they isolate you from your friends and family. You naturally want to go out and have fun with them, but ohh, gosh, they just don’t feel like it tonight.

Or ever. Sound familiar? Next thing you know, you never see your friends anymore. It’s a subtle manipulation.

They insist it’s always your fault.

It’s how they absolve themselves of any kind of sin they may have committed. A psychopath can’t ever admit to wrong doing so they force it onto you.

For more expert relationship advice and tips on how to build a long lasting relationship, watch this video: Click Here To Watch The Full Vide

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Every relationship has some bumps and challenges. However, that doesn’t mean you deserve to be in a relationship with an emotional psychopath? Having strong connections to the people in your life is a really important thing to do in order to live this human experience fully, but sometimes, we let in people who manipulate us emotionally.

It can be hard to tell if and when you’re being manipulated. People can be skillful at the craft of covering up their true intentions.

However, making yourself aware of some of their tactics could make them easier for you to see through, and break free from their manipulative spell.

Is your partner manipulating you? Here are 5 signs your partner is toying with your emotions.

Higher Perspectives Author

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