Categories: Uplifting Stories

Dying Father Fights Death Just Long Enough To Meet His Daughter Once​


It is never easy to let go of a loved family member. Even when you know when they will pass, there is no way to actually prepare yourself for the moment of goodbye. Part of you knows that at least they no longer have to suffer, but that doesn’t make it any easier to picture a life without them.

For this young family, tragedy and heartbreak struck when just about when they were to gain a new life and give birth to a newborn baby, they found out that the father would be dying of cancer and there was nothing they could do to stop it. Their only wish was for the two to have a moment to meet before letting the father pass on. So, he held on for as long as possible and fought pain and death itself just to get to meet his daughter. Here is their heartbreaking but beautiful story.

Don’t wait till it’s too late, click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Birth Date

From Best Friends To Lovers

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standuptocancerUK / Youtube

Nicola met her husband Brett when they were newly qualified teachers. They bonded over their passion for teaching, love for children and quickly became best friends. At first, they were nothing more than friends, two people who supported one another and cared for each other. But, it didn’t take long for them to realize that the love they shared for one another ran deeper than friendship, and they fell in love.

Not long after the couple married and as most stories go, soon found out that they would be adding another member to their newly founded family. The couple couldn’t wait to have their own child after spending so much time nurturing the children of others. Soon they welcome not one, but two daughters.

Nicola described Brett as a perfect father and said: “she said that he had “always wanted to be a dad and was such a good dad.”

Something Was Off

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standuptocancerUK / Youtube

Everything seemed to be going well for the growing happy family until Nicola started to notice some odd changes within her husband. When she pointed those then minor changes to him, “he laughed it off,” so she thought little of them as well. The changes persisted long enough that Brett finally decided to see a doctor.

It was on this day that Brett discovered he had a brain tumor. Brett had actually been diagnosed with a brain tumor four years ago and had it removed but it grew back more aggressive this time. This was the couple’s biggest fear as removing the tumor could accelerate his death this time…Nicole recalls: “We sat down with his neurologist and they went through the extremes of what the surgery could lead to. We almost started to panic and they took as much of the tumor away as they could. When the tumor grew back, when I was pregnant with Arya, it was more aggressive. It couldn’t be operated on.”

Tragedy And Labor Meet

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Just three months after the cancer news, in a tragic twist of fate, just as Nicola went into labor, her husband had a seizure and was also taken to the hospital. His condition dramatically worsened and it became clear that these were now his final moments. Nicola hoped he could hold on a bit longer, just long enough to meet their baby daughter.

Nicola explains “It was like a race against time to make sure we were ok but could get going.” Nicole remembers how the staff was trying to help them by trying everything they possibly could to make sure that Brettheld on long enough. Then just after she gave birth, she drove with the newborn to visit their dying father in his hospital bed.

One Life Begins, Another One Ends

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Nicola felt like she was racing time as she gave birth and brought her newborn baby over to see their father for the first and last time. Somehow, she made it to his hospital bed just in time. She explains: “It was like a race against time to make sure we were ok but could get going [to the hospital he was in]. I knew what was gonna happen, and I wanted him to know that it was ok. I told him it’s ok, don’t hurt yourself anymore.“

Nicola laid her newborn baby Arya on Brett and described what she looked like. They actually had not just a moment but a few final hours together. Brett had managed to hold on long enough to meet his daughter and say goodbye to his family.

The End And The Beginning

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standuptocancerUK / Youtube

After a few hours of spending time together, Brett finally caved to his illness and passed away. Their daughter was born at 5:07 am on February 11, 2019. Brett passed away at 8:25 am that same day. Just like that, one life began as another one ended.

But, for a moment they were both there, and although Arya might not remember, she will always know how loved she was by her father who literally fought off death just so he could meet her at least once.

Brett’s Story | Brain Cancer | Stand Up To Cancer | 2019

This story was featured on Gogglebox and showed a series of celebrities reacting to the heartbreak and the abundant love shown by the family. Not a dry tear was in the room as everyone found this story to be inspiring. Viewers also said they were left “sobbing” at the show, with one tweeting: “Absolutely heartbreaking, I sobbed like a baby when I watched this last night on.”

We never know just how many moments we have left, so all we can do is make every single one count. Love hard, love without fear, and love effortlessly. Show those you care about just how much you love them because there is no way to predict when it’ll be too late.

Find Your Purpose While You Still Can

Are you still searching for your life purpose? Tap into the 4,000-year-old science of Numerology to find out what it can reveal about you!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

It is never easy to let go of a loved family member. Even when you know when they will pass, there is no way to actually prepare yourself for the moment of goodbye. Part of you knows that at least they no longer have to suffer, but that doesn’t make it any easier to picture a life without them.

For this young family, tragedy and heartbreak struck when just about when they were to gain a new life and give birth to a newborn baby, they found out that the father would be dying of cancer and there was nothing they could do to stop it. Their only wish was for the two to have a moment to meet before letting the father pass on. So, he held on for as long as possible and fought pain and death itself just to get to meet his daughter. Here is their heartbreaking but beautiful story.

Don’t wait till it’s too late, click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Birth Date

Higher Perspectives Author

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