Dropped Out Of School At 15, Became A Doctor At 41, Inspiring Woman Says “Never Give Up On Yourself!”

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Society tends to apply an expected timeline to our lives. We're supposed to hit certain milestones by certain ages, have things done, or be in specific phases of our lives. Some people follow this formula to a T, intentionally or not, but some do things a little differently.

Stories like this one prove that it's never too late to make moves, to change your life, and to chase what you've always dreamed of.

Following our dreams can already be a difficult road, made even more difficult if there's chaos within your head, heart, or soul.

The Finding Inner Peace Bundle contains everything you need to start your soul's healing journey. Click here to learn more today and start living a happier life!

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A Struggling Start

Dr. Bradford sitting in her car, smiling in a selfie.
Instagram / @drbecsbradford
Instagram / @drbecsbradford

Becs Bradford, now Dr. Becs Bradford, was 15 when she first dropped out of school. She had a rough upbringing, having been placed into foster care at age 12 after her family lost their home due to her father sustaining a paralyzing injury that left him unable to work.


She struggled in school, likely due to the turbulent times she was having between various foster homes, something her teachers were very unsympathetic about. "When I was young I was constantly told I would amount to nothing, that I was stupid."


Her True Calling

Dr. Bradford smiling and showing off a medical device as she sits in front of a window.
Instagram / @drbecsbradford
Instagram / @drbecsbradford

She always worked hard, though. Even after dropping out of school, she immediately put her nose to the grindstone and found success in a variety of careers. Over her life, she worked as a flight attendant, a personal trainer, in sales, and more. She's also worked all over the world, traveling to France, Germany, Dubai, and Australia.


Still, it felt like something was missing. Dr. Bradford had always known deep down what she wanted to do, and that was to be a doctor.


Finishing What She Started

One of Dr. Bradford's graduation photos, holding her diploma.
Instagram / @drbecsbradford
Instagram / @drbecsbradford

"I just had an inner knowing that this is what I'm meant to do with my life," she said.


So, at 35, she picked up her old high school books and studied to get her GCSE (the U.K. equivalent of a GED). She even earned a spot in a pre-med course, one that would require her to drive 6 hours round trip while working three jobs, but she was elated nonetheless.

She aced the course and got her GCSE, but then she faced another challenge.


Nearly Lost

Dr. Bradford tossing her graduation cap in the air for one of her graduation photos.
Instagram / @drbecsbradford
Instagram / @drbecsbradford

She was rejected from every single university she applied to. Heartbroken, she thought this might be the end of the road for now until the University of Bristol reached out with an offer for her, one she took with extreme excitement.


While studying there, she was still teaching gym classes every single day and worked 12-hour assistant nursing shifts on the weekend. She even said that she would often start her days at 4 A.M. so she could get some studying in at the beginning of the day.

You can only grow when your soul is at peace, and the Finding Inner Peace Bundle gives you all the tools you need to make that happen.


Reaching Her Dream

Dr. Bradford standing outside her university for one of her graduation photos.
Instagram / @drbecsbradford
Instagram / @drbecsbradford

Six years and endless hours of hard work later, Dr. Bradford finished medical school and got her doctorate at 41 years old. She now uses her experiences to better relate to her patients, wanting to help as many people as possible, especially those from "non-traditional backgrounds like me."


"I want to be a role model for people like me. I want to show them that you are worthy, and that it doesn't matter where you come from—that it can be done. People along the way will say it can’t, but you have to ignore them."


If You Believe Hard Enough

Dr. Bradford taking a selfie in an elevator mirror in her work scrubs.
Instagram / @drbecsbradford
Instagram / @drbecsbradford

She truly believes that with enough dedication, anything is possible. As she explained, "I don't know if I’m just a little delusional, but I really believe that if your heart is in it, you can 100% do the crazy things you’ve always dreamed of.


"It feels quite surreal to be graduating after all these years! It really does feel like a dream come true. I'm proud of myself for never giving up along the way and I hope my journey can inspire others to follow their hearts in the same way.

“It doesn’t matter when you get there, never give up on yourself!"

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