Categories: Spirituality

13 Signs A Deceased Loved One Is Trying To Contact You


I used to think it was just my imagination playing tricks on me when certain unexplainable things happened around me.

Just the other morning, I was sitting downstairs in the living room when I heard a loud crash somewhere upstairs. I thought my roommate had broken something, but he had not.

He yells down for me to come upstairs and see what had happened.

So, I rush up to find one of glass, bathroom light coverings shattered all over the sink and floor.

My roommate was in bed at the time, saying there’s no way this could have happened without someone physically taking the light covering out of its slot and then dropping it.

Since then, strange things have been happening around the house at random times throughout the day. But am I afraid? Not really.

It’s likely just a spirit who is wandering, or maybe it’s one of my own who is trying to reach out to me.

Spirits contact the living for a variety of reasons. It’s hard losing someone who you were close with. I don’t even need to tell you that, I’m sure.

We’ve all lost someone. It’s a harsh reality of life. But even though they’re physically gone, they can still be near us from time to time.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

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These are signs your deceased relative is still with you or trying to contact you:

1. You smell them

Pexels / Josh Sorenson
Pexels / Josh Sorenson

When the spirit of a loved one is near, it can manifest in a number of ways.

One of the more common ways is scent. The way someone smells is often the strongest connection to them.

It can be the smell of pipe tobacco or perfume, or even the odor of your favorite food being prepared. Appreciate it. It’s a message being sent directly to you from your deceased loved one.

2. Your senses are extra sensitive

Spirits like to stimulate the senses when they communicate. You might smell a scent that is familiar to you, one that a loved one used to wear.

Or maybe you’ll hear faint traces of their voice, speaking to you. The room might suddenly drop in temperature, or they’ll rub up against you.

Or maybe you get a taste in your mouth from a dish that they used to make. These are all ways that a spirit will reach out to you.

3. Seashells

Sometimes, even when you’re far away from the ocean, you find seashells.

It may seem kind of random, but they say your loved ones offer you gifts after they pass, and seashells are one that grab your attention.

4. They appear in your dreams

This is one of the more common ways that spirits interact with us.

Our subconscious minds are more open to the spirit world, often allowing them to come in.

Dreams involving spirits tend to be incredibly realistic and not very dreamlike.

Pay close attention to what they might mean. It could be a message from beyond the grave.

5. Electronics stop working, or they all start working at once

Electronics are one of the most common mediums through which a spirit will attempt to communicate with you.

If you keep a radio in the room, they could attempt to speak to you through a specific frequency.

Remember that these spirits are not here to hurt you.

You may be frightened at what’s happening, but they’re simply trying to find a way to reach you from the other side.

6. Pennies

They say that when you begin finding lots of pennies, it means that your loved ones are watching over you.

But perhaps it’s just superstition.

7. Your items go missing

It can feel like you’ve lost your mind when you find items have been moved from the place you know you left them.

It could be a dead relative or friend playing a joke on you.

It sounds silly, but just because they’re dead doesn’t mean they’ve lost their desire to screw with you. Laugh it off.

8. You just know that they’re nearby

Sometimes we get these strange feelings that we’re not alone anymore.

It’s not something you can readily describe, but you know that you feel different about your surroundings suddenly.

This can be a sign that a deceased loved one is close to you, or at least in the room with you.

You sense a presence, one that is comforting and loving.

9. Music

One thing I noticed after my grandmother passed away was that suddenly all of her favorite music was appearing to me.

I’d put on my Nirvana station on Pandora and, out of the blue, her favorite song by Dean Martin would come on.

Then I’d get in my car, switch to the local public radio station, and there it is again.

10. Unusual thoughts

You may experience having thoughts that don’t feel like they’re yours, almost like your internal monologue has been co-opted.

This may be a sign that your passed loved ones are still with you.

If you feel like you’ve had a foreign thought, take some time to think about it.

Especially when your inner monologue starts talking to you as if it isn’t you.

11. Numbers

When my father died, I was completely distraught. Over time, I recovered from that loss and carried on with my normal day to day life.

It was then that I began to notice it. His birthday. 7.22. Every time I looked at my watch, it was 7:22.

When I looked at clocks, 7:22. Put up a random YouTube video and it’s 7 minutes and 22 seconds long. I realize now it was my passed father trying to reach me.

Do you often see repeating number sequences?

Find out what they mean by tapping into the 4,000 year old science of Numerological Analysis with a FREE Numerology video report!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date can reveal the certain personality that you have and it’s pretty crazy how accurate it works!

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12. Signs at the funeral

According to James Van Praagh, a renowned psychic, our spirits attend our own funerals.

They roam the room, trying to comfort their loved ones and give them signs that everything is okay.

Often, because people are so absorbed in their grief, these signs go unseen.

When attending a funeral, stay open to the signs they offer.

13. You feel a sudden sense of comfort

Sudden feelings of easiness, comfort, safety and stability are all signs that someone from the spirit realm is watching out for us.

Our loved ones who are no longer with us want us to know that we are still loved and have someone looking out for us.

So, they like to visit us during times of duress or when we need someone to lean on.

If your recent hard time has been met with sudden feelings of comfort and support, you can be sure that they are with you.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your personality.

Unlock the messages hidden in your Personality Code now with your free personalized video report!

Click HERE to learn what Numerology says about your life using only your Name and Birth Date.

If you found this information interesting or helpful, please remember to SHARE the article with your family and friends on Facebook!

Higher Perspectives Author

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