Categories: Astrology

Daily Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign – August 29th 2019


Moon is void-of-course until nearly 5 pm (PDT).

We may feel a tremendous amount of excitement and optimism, that is until we see how much it costs due to Sun’s trine to Uranus.

When Moon arrives in Virgo this evening, we finally realize and understand how much work is needed now.

We perceive only what’s lacking for us to move forward or, in contradiction, we may seem as though we have a marvelous opportunity to fill in the blanks with what we already know.

Moon in Virgo helps us find security in the smaller things in life, with an acute focus on details.

It’s a good time to get organized and tend to things that may have been saved for a rainy day. When you feel needed and useful, you feel better about yourself and your life.

Virgo is the sign of service to humanity. Not in a people-pleasing way, but in a kind and caring way. Nurturing and engaged in the well-being of others.

This pairing may bring out the worrier in you, but you are able to handle it without reacting in negative ways.

Do you want to learn more about your personality and life? You won’t believe what the science of Astrology can uncover.

Studying your astrological sign can reveal detailed information about who you truly are. It’s unbelievable how accurate it is!

For more information about your Zodiac sign and free personalized daily horoscopes, CLICK HERE to download our new mobile app!


It’s the 241st day of 2019

25 days until the autumn equinox

124 days until 2020

Sun is in Virgo

Moon moves into Virgo

Mercury is in Virgo

Venus is in Virgo

Mars is in Virgo

Jupiter is in Sagittarius

Saturn is Retrograde in Capricorn

Uranus is Retrograde in Taurus

Neptune is Retrograde in Pisces

Pluto is Retrograde in Capricorn

Chiron is Retrograde in Aries

ARIES: There’s tension to your day with the Moon void-of-course, then moving into the earth sign of Virgo, where tension may increase.

You’ll find yourself doing scut work for someone, adding irritation to the anxiety. You may time to step away from everything for a short while, but then you’ll be right back in the thick of things.

This energy leads you up to tomorrow’s New Moon, at which time you’ll be ready for a brand-new start.

TAURUS: You may be prone to jumping to conclusions first thing this morning, due to a void Leo moon that’s moving into Virgo later.

This urge decreases as the day goes on and you’re feeling confident and creatively expressive, radiating positive energy.

Enjoy the energies surrounding you now in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon.

You’re faced with several big decisions that will have to wait until tomorrow when the time is right to act on them.

GEMINI: Plans you made for today get all fouled up, creating frustration and anxiety for you.

Never a good time. In spite of the fact that you’re one of the more adaptable signs in the zodiac, there’s a void moon working against your best intentions in advance of it moving into Virgo, and then a New Moon phase tomorrow.

You might consider simply staying home with a good book rather than venture out in this unpredictable energy. Things will be different tomorrow.

CANCER: It’s an emotional day from the moment you wake up today, so you’re advised to try and keep your wits about you and stay even-tempered.

The energy of the day is going to do its best to push you off-balance with a void moon leading up to a New Moon in Virgo tomorrow.

You can rest assured that this is short-lived energy that will shift later in the day. Until then, take it one step at a time and don’t get overwhelmed.

LEO: It’s a tricky energy that greets us first thing in the day, and there will be tension between you and those who don’t choose to cooperate or keep an open mind.

This means your ideas fall on deaf ears. As the day goes on, you’ll find that breaking down barriers is much easier.

It’s best to be calm and go easy today anyway, as the moon moves into Virgo this evening in preparation for the New Moon tomorrow.

Aim for collaborating with someone significant whose path you cross sometime today.

VIRGO: Today’s intensive energy may create power struggles and nervous tension to one of your relationships today, be it a colleague or significant other.

It will smooth out by day’s end, but it’s a bumpy ride until then, when moon lands in your sign in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon energy.

You are a problem solver and people admire you for your unique perspective. There are numerous new beginnings in store for you going forward, so conserve your energy now to be used later.

LIBRA: You are suspicious that there are hidden agendas being acted on all around you that you haven’t been privy to until today. This isn’t some kind of paranoid delusion.

There actually are things going on behind the scenes that you haven’t been aware of.

The good thing is that revealing these plans will help you to understand that people are working in your favor and wanted to surprise with their good deeds.

An open mind is critical, and you’ll be quite happy with your discoveries.

SCORPIO: There may be a feeling of increasing discontent today that you’ll want to temper so that it doesn’t get out of control.

As the day goes on, you’ll want to put things behind you as you prepare for tomorrow’s New Moon.

Stay open to possibilities and changes around you. You’re finding that outdated thinking has no place in your life now, and you’ll seek out people who are forward-thinkers, who are innovative, and creative.

Enjoy projects that are already in progress, but get ready to launch something new tomorrow, as you have an excellent chance of succeeding.

SAGITTARIUS: You may feel energetically blocked in the early part of the day, but that feeling will disappear by this evening. If you can keep from reacting this morning, you’ll be fine by dinner time.

This relates to practical matters and career.

Get your priorities straight and understand that the things that have been holding you back will release you today in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon so you can make a fresh start.

CAPRICORN: There’s a feeling that you’re being undermined by someone who claims to have your best interests at heart.

This makes you wary and more than a bit anxious, and more sensitive to criticism than usual. Take extra time to ground yourself and clear out negative thoughts.

Tomorrow’s New Moon clears your path and opens you up to new beginnings and opportunities to pull you out of a rut or unwanted routine.

AQUARIUS: Interpersonal relationships today are going to be a bit bumpy as there’s unsettled energy as we start out the day. Try not to focus on the negative but move forward with your sights set on better energy later in the day.

There’s a lot to learn, particularly about your motivations and desires. Get your ducks in a row today, as you’ll be eager to start anew tomorrow during the New Moon energy.

Disconnect yourself from a problem in order to come up with innovative solutions.

PISCES: There’s definite tension as we start out the day, bringing matters that weigh you down.

If you decline to see obstacles as a stopping point, you’ll get yourself ready for more forward-moving energy later in the day. Take note of new ideas but don’t act on them just yet.

The New Moon tomorrow is when you’ll want to pull the proverbial trigger on new things in order to give yourself the best chances for success.

Consider new approaches to communication in advance of tomorrow’s moon.

Do you want to learn more about your personality and life? You won’t believe what the science of Astrology can uncover.

Studying your astrological sign can reveal detailed information about who you truly are. It’s unbelievable how accurate it is!

For more information about your Zodiac sign and free personalized daily horoscopes, CLICK HERE to download our new mobile app!

If you found this astrological information useful, please remember to SHARE the article with your family and friends on Facebook!

Moon is void-of-course until nearly 5 pm (PDT).

We may feel a tremendous amount of excitement and optimism, that is until we see how much it costs due to Sun’s trine to Uranus.

When Moon arrives in Virgo this evening, we finally realize and understand how much work is needed now.

We perceive only what’s lacking for us to move forward or, in contradiction, we may seem as though we have a marvelous opportunity to fill in the blanks with what we already know.

Higher Perspectives Author

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