Categories: Astrology

Daily Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign – August 9th, 2019


There’s a Venus conjunct the Sun in Leo transit (on Tuesday) and today’s energy is increasing in intensity.

This is a good thing, as our personal charm increases, and others are drawn to us because of it. It’s not about earning another’s approval, it’s about how you can increase your circle of friends and influencers without even trying.

Ultimately, it’s not about pleasing people for the sake of admiration, as it most always results in a perception of sycophancy rather than authenticity.

And if someone requires that you kiss their behind to get ahead, you don’t want that kind of toxic negativity in your life anyway. When we succumb to trying to gain others’ approval, we take our own self-esteem and self-worth and chuck it in the garbage.

Today’s heightened energy provides the materials and resources you need to hold your own position, stand your ground, and understand that the things we say have real merit and should not be discarded.

We have worth, and until we grasp that as our Truth, no one else will even pay attention to us. Tomorrow is another story.

Using your astrological sign can also give you quite a lot of insight into your personality and future.

Do you want to learn more about your personality and life? You won’t believe what the science of Astrology can uncover.

Studying your astrological sign can reveal detailed information about who you truly are. It’s unbelievable how accurate it is!

For more information about your Zodiac sign and free personalized daily horoscopes, CLICK HERE to download our new mobile app!


It’s the 221st day of 2019

45 days until the autumn equinox

144 days until 2020

Sun is in Leo

Moon is in Sagittarius

Mercury is in Cancer

Venus is in Leo

Mars is in Leo

Jupiter is Retrograde in Sagittarius

Saturn is Retrograde in Capricorn

Uranus is in Taurus

Neptune is Retrograde in Pisces

Pluto is Retrograde in Capricorn

Chiron is Retrograde in Aries

ARIES: Today’s focus is health and career goals, especially where it pertains to strategy and determining your next move. You are driven to dig deeper to gain a better understanding of things and making important discoveries.

There will always be distractions, but you can keep them to a minimum by focusing on your objective as much as possible.

If there are improvements to be made in your life, now’s the time. We’re entering a period in which you’ll be supported and guided by the universe in dynamic ways that will feel amazing.

TAURUS: It’s a mixed bag of energies today, with some exciting aspects and some not-so-great aspects. This makes the day feel like a roller coaster that goes on for far too long.

There’s also a stabilizing energy that seeps in as the day wears on, and that ups-and-downs feeling will disappear. This is a last surge of chaos before you life settles into a routine, which Taureans love.

You are passionate and full of resolve now, and this shift in energy inspires confidence.

GEMINI: As we approach the end of the post-shadow of Mercury retrograde (8/15), you are drawn to pursuits of eliminating, reorganizing, and restructuring your life.

This may sound daunting, but you’ve been working on it for so long, it’s a breeze. It’s time to focus on what specifically might be holding you back, get to the heart of the matter.

And you’re able to do so with style, grace, and efficiency. Strengthening your relationships is part of this energy, as the Moon is in your sector of partnerships and collaborations.

CANCER: There are solutions to things you’ve been pondering for the past several months at your fingertips now.

When we understand that living is a process, and that answers aren’t always readily available, we find the patience we need to wait until the planets align just so in order that we may move forward.

You also have a much better sense of the long-term benefits of taking charge. You will also want to focus on details and routines.

LEO: You are the master of self-expression, and throughout the weekend, you will focus on new ways to do so. You’re a trendsetter, not a trend-follower, so know that others will be watching you so that they can learn.

They may also emulate you, which is a compliment to your style and cat-like grace. Your ideas are especially attractive and unique now. Get rid of the unnecessary and frivolous as they hold you back.

VIRGO: You are in a stunningly creative space mentally and emotionally now, and the opportunity to express yourself is now. Take the lead on a creative project or relationship.

Others recognize your creative spirit and you command respect from others without having to say a word. That’s a great position to be in.

Moon spends the day in your home and family sector, encouraging a simple focus on home and family.

LIBRA: It feels great to be needed, and you have that in spades now. Keep things simple for greater success in all things for the time being.

Look for ways to streamline current ways of doing things to make them more efficient. Also, supporting others helps you feel better about yourself and your life, so by all means, jump in and help.

You see a direct correlation between feeling more organized and greater self-confidence.

SCORPIO: You’ve been working really hard to turn your dreams and goals into reality and you’re going to start seeing some payoff very soon.

You are finding your voice and discovering new viable channels for expressing yourself. You’re learning more about yourself now than ever before.

You’re motivated and love taking care of responsibilities. You’re interested in building on what you already have, which will be where your greatest successes come from.

SAGITTARIUS: Self-expression and creativity are your buzzwords today. An additional theme is your inner strength. You possess the power to accomplish everything you set your mind to.

Are you ready for that level of success?

If yes, then start by getting rid of clutter and excess, and even attitudes that are holding you back from going after what you truly want.

Focus on clearing your life (and your mind) of things that no longer serve you in positive ways.

CAPRICORN: You have this uncanny ability to prove things without ever meaning or trying to. You do so not by talking about them, but by actually setting out to do them.

The proof is in the pudding, to borrow a phrase. It’s one thing to talk about getting stuff done, but you actually put nose to grindstone and lead the way.

People admire and respect your work ethic and your willingness to do what needs to be done. Just be sure to give yourself adequate rest in order to stay at full steam ahead.

AQUARIUS: This is a week of self-discovery for everyone, but you’ve already been rummaging about in your mind to figure out how you can grow doing what you’re already doing.

Make a list of all that needs attention, and then get started. As this is a positive, growth-oriented week, finding ways to eliminate waste or being proactive about a problem you’ve been avoiding can be satisfying now.

PISCES: You’ve got a lot on your mind, and all of it has to do with how you can be a better person in this world, which is something you’re great at: humanitarianism.

Respect for yourself and others is key. You can do this more effectively by getting rid of clutter, both in your life and in your mind.

Check in with your goals and priorities. Write a personal mission statement for the months and years ahead. It’s your time to shine.

Do you want to learn more about your personality and life? You won’t believe what the science of Astrology can uncover.

Studying your astrological sign can reveal detailed information about who you truly are. It’s unbelievable how accurate it is!

For more information about your Zodiac sign and free personalized daily horoscopes, CLICK HERE to download our new mobile app!

If you enjoyed this astrological information useful or interesting, please SHARE the article with your family and friends on Facebook!

There’s a Venus conjunct the Sun in Leo transit (on Tuesday) and today’s energy is increasing in intensity.

This is a good thing, as our personal charm increases, and others are drawn to us because of it. It’s not about earning another’s approval, it’s about how you can increase your circle of friends and influencers without even trying.

Ultimately, it’s not about pleasing people for the sake of admiration, as it most always results in a perception of sycophancy rather than authenticity.

And if someone requires that you kiss their behind to get ahead, you don’t want that kind of toxic negativity in your life anyway. When we succumb to trying to gain others’ approval, we take our own self-esteem and self-worth and chuck it in the garbage.

Higher Perspectives Author

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