Categories: Astrology

Daily Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign – August 12th, 2019


Jupiter went direct this past weekend and Uranus turns retrograde, clogging up the skies with messy energy.

This is how the week kicks off, so if we can make the necessary adjustments today, we can avoid a chaotic disturbances in our day-to-day lives.

Moon goes void-of-course and conjuncts Pluto this afternoon, guiding us toward make the day as smooth and easygoing as possible, but that ability will depend wholly on those who are truly in touch with their personal energy.

Keep a close watch on deeply held beliefs because though we’re inclined to present a stiff upper lip publicly, internally our confidence is a bit shaky.

We might even inadvertently give away our power and let others make our decisions for us.

When we go to the heart of the matter, we find that extenuating circumstances may have us believing in fake news because that’s what we’ve always done.

As adults, we might consider performing due diligence and looking into things that seem too good to be true and face reality.

It’s one thing to have wishes and dreams. It’s another thing entirely when we engage in magical thinking. Tomorrow is another story.

Do you want to learn more about your personality and life? You won’t believe what the science of Astrology can uncover.

Studying your astrological sign can reveal detailed information about who you truly are. It’s unbelievable how accurate it is!

For more information about your Zodiac sign and free personalized daily horoscopes, CLICK HERE to download our new mobile app!


It’s the 224th day of 2019

42 days until the autumn equinox

141 days until 2020

Sun is in Leo

Moon is in Capricorn

Mercury is in Leo

Venus is in Leo

Mars is in Leo

Jupiter is in Sagittarius

Saturn is Retrograde in Capricorn

Uranus is Retrograde in Taurus

Neptune is Retrograde in Pisces

Pluto is Retrograde in Capricorn

Chiron is Retrograde in Aries

ARIES: From today until the 29th of August, Mercury is in your sector of creativity and playfulness. You’ll want to move your passion-projects forward now, as you’re in an excellent position to see them to fruition.

Your confidence is strong, too, and will want to share your ideas and thoughts with those you trust, causing them to see you in a whole new way due to your unique perspective and intelligence.

Nicely done!

It’s also a good time to dream up inventive and creative ways of making money or reviewing and refining current projects that have a payoff.

TAURUS: Uranus, planet of change and growth, begins its 5-month retrograde transit in your sign, shaking things up for you.

You’ve been confident and decisive and have expressed your independence in creative ways of late.

Now that this transit is underway until January 10, 2020, you tend to internalize thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

Take time to think things through thoroughly and perform due diligence on anything that requires a contract or agreement. It’s the perfect time to do some deep thinking and renew old methods and practices.

GEMINI: Mercury is the ruler of communication, and is now in your sector of communication, creating a powerful transit for learning, connecting, and of course, communicating.

You’ve waited several long weeks to be able to speak up and speak out, and now you can with little worry about negative repercussions.

It’s also time to put the past behind you and leave it there. Dreams and intuition are heightened and they’re giving you deeply meaningful messages.

CANCER: If it’s not one thing, it’s another. Mercury goes direct and then Uranus turns right around and goes retrograde for five months.

This will cause a slowdown in your social life and your desire to attend events outside the home. You’d much rather watch them on television.

It’s a good period to increase your income through networking and communicating. Word of mouth has your name on its lips.

You’re also called to buckle down and deal with practical affairs while you’re in cocooning mode.

LEO: With Uranus retrograde until January, you are inspired to do some soul-searching and introspection relating to your goals, career, or reputation.

You have made yourself a work-in-progress, and now you’re going to see real results. The idea is to present more of your authentic self in everything you do.

You’ll receive a nice jolt of mental energy and things you’ve been working on gain new momentum.

You’re bound to be very busy going forward.

VIRGO: With Uranus retrograde now until January 2020, it’s a useful and productive time for self-reflection and heavy inner lifting. This transit concerns belief systems, education, travel, publishing, and communication.

You’ve been darting quickly from project to project, without much forward progress. Turn things down a notch and examine the details. Think things through.

You’re likely to be able to put the finishing touches on several projects now.

LIBRA: There are changes afoot for you that will alter your outlook and your approach to life. This cataclysmic shift takes place in your personal life and could impact your finances.

This is neither a good nor bad event, except which perception you place on it. If financial matters have been unclear before now, it’s your chance to sort it all out.

Outside assistance is encouraged, as sometimes we’re too close to the source material to be able to get a good read on it.

Get a second opinion from someone you trust. It’s also a good time for innovative and entrepreneurial thinking.

SCORPIO: You’re feeling strong and want to share your ideas with someone or a group of someones.

You’re in a position to better describe your plans and goals going forward, and the feedback you’re receive is invaluable.

This energy is going to be with you for several weeks to come, so don’t rush in. Today’s Moon in Capricorn stimulates creativity and natural, child-like curiosity.

SAGITTARIUS: You’re in a really good position to see the bigger picture now and are able to begin planning for the future.

With your undying optimism and sense of humor, you’ll win over even the staunchest of critics. Take your time and respond rather than react.

Reacting is mired in emotion, while responding is tied up in intellect. You’re seeking much more truth in the work you do and the services you provide.

Now’s a good time to get involved in serving your community, as well. It will make you a better person.

CAPRICORN: You’ve been encouraged to express yourself in ways that might have taken you well outside your comfort zone. You’re not one for surprises or unplanned events.

Spontaneity is not your forte.

Your strength lies in examining how reform might benefit the masses in their work and private lives. You are called to consult, research, and analyze by others who don’t have your mental power.

This is a time in which you’ll likely discover what makes you tick. The more you know, the more confident you feel.

AQUARIUS: Home and personal life might have been a bit chaotic these past few weeks.

With your ruling planet, Uranus, going retrograde until January 2020, you find yourself better able to catch your breath and more closely examine exactly what it is you want from life and everything in it.

It’s a period in which deep self-reflection is called for and using your innate ability to receive energy from the universe that many cannot even imagine.

People in your life help you get in touch with your ideas, and conversations with a newfound friend jumpstarts your thinking and creative processes.

PISCES: Plans and projects that were started last month were likely delayed due to missing or flawed information, rendering them invalid.

With Mercury now regaining speed and a forward direction, you’ll start seeing some momentum building.

While things are not particularly smooth currently, especially where communication is concerned, it’s an excellent time for paying attention to details.

Going forward, you may find better and more satisfying channels for representing and expressing yourself.

Use this time to get back to projects you put in a box. You might find renewed interest and passion for starting them again.

Do you want to learn more about your personality and life? You won’t believe what the science of Astrology can uncover.

Studying your astrological sign can reveal detailed information about who you truly are. It’s unbelievable how accurate it is!

For more information about your Zodiac sign and free personalized daily horoscopes, CLICK HERE to download our new mobile app!

If you found this information interesting or useful, please remember to SHARE the article with your family and friends on Facebook!

Jupiter went direct this past weekend and Uranus turns retrograde, clogging up the skies with messy energy.

This is how the week kicks off, so if we can make the necessary adjustments today, we can avoid a chaotic disturbances in our day-to-day lives.

Moon goes void-of-course and conjuncts Pluto this afternoon, guiding us toward make the day as smooth and easygoing as possible, but that ability will depend wholly on those who are truly in touch with their personal energy.

Keep a close watch on deeply held beliefs because though we’re inclined to present a stiff upper lip publicly, internally our confidence is a bit shaky.

Higher Perspectives Author

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