Categories: Spirituality

Crowd Damage On Black Friday Shows The Horrifying Side Of Consumption


It’s almost that time of year again. Right before the holiday festivities and the season of gift-giving, most stores capitalize on the season by offering their biggest discounts of the year for a day. It is estimated that the average Black Friday shopper will spend $358 that day making it the most popular shopping day.

In fact, in 2020 the total amount of sales was estimated to reach $11 Billion both from growing online sales and from the never-ending lines from the shoppers who still make the trip to stores in person. Black Friday also has a dark side… the bigger the crowd the higher the risk of fights, pushing, shoving, and trampling, not to mention the messes that retail workers have to then deal with…See for yourself.

Take a quick zodiac readinghere to find out what your universe has to say about you right now. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

Rules No Longer Apply

jhyman / Instagram

jhyman / Instagram

It’s like suddenly the rules of society, politeness, and consideration for others go out the window on Black Friday. No one thinks of the retail workers who can’t keep up with the piling messes made by grown adults who suddenly have no issue throwing items off the aisle in their hurry to find the best deals.

It’s like adults revert back to a childlike state where only what they want matters and they’ll throw a tantrum if they have to to get the item that they want.

Time Is Completely Wasted

ang_az / Instagram

ang_az / Instagram

Is there really a material item that is worth leaving the blessing of a warm bed in a sheltered home to spend the night on the hard ground in a tent just to be the first in line for some deal.

First of all that can’t be comfortable. Second, what does it say about how a person values their time? Time is so precious and every moment in it counts. Do we want to spend it bettering ourselves or camped on the cold hard ground just to buy more stuff to distract ourselves with?

Patience Is Put To The Test

kenleyontv / Instagram

kenleyontv / Instagram

These people are in line for a 40-inch tv for 150 bucks. For the time being, they’re doing it in an orderly manner, keeping in mind that some parents brought their toddlers along.

That’s not always the case, however. Between 2006 and 2018, 44 Black Friday incidents were reported in America leaving 11 dead and 109 injured. The stories of these injuries can be quite horrifying such as the story of a man who shattered his hip after getting shoved into a shelf of cut-rate presents.

Find out how you can achieve your goals and reach your utmost potential, without the help of material things, by clicking HERE.

Going Backwards In Time

ComradeElectronic / Reddit

ComradeElectronic / Reddit

When you think about it, when we subject ourselves to prioritizing a big discount over our own morals and respect for one another, it’s like we go back to a more primitive way of being.

We go back in time to when rules and laws that kept safety and respect weren’t yet in place. While rules aren’t perfect, they’re meant to keep order and protect rights and freedoms. Maybe more regulation is required to make sure crowds no longer push and trample each other.

The Deals Aren’t Even That Good

u/Nurrsha / Reddit

u/Nurrsha / Reddit

This Black Friday sale didn’t do a good job of hiding their price increase. It makes you question, is it really all worth it? Granted, for some families the only way they can afford higher-end luxury is on days like this when prices are reduced.

The issue for a lot of the deals is the price reduction is only an illusion. It might be worth doing some research first and weighing out the risk and worth of venturing out.

Take It With A Grain Of Salt

Photo Credit: John Gress/Corbis via Getty Images

Photo Credit: John Gress/Corbis via Getty Images

“My favorite black Friday moment was the husband who stationed himself at the pile of jeans and found people the size they were looking for. When I asked him if he worked there he replied ‘my wife made me come along, I might as well be useful.’

Then he tipped his coffee mug at me and said “I also added whiskey, that helps” with a smile.” – gypsyminded1

Black Friday doesn’t have to be all bad. If you go out, be safe, be courteous, be mindful of others including workers, and treat yourself.

If you’re looking for a sign on whether you need a life change then you’re here for a reason. This is your sign. You aren’t going to find meaning and purpose in the next item you buy or deal you find.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out how you can take control of your path and find an environment that helps you prosper ad fulfill your goals.

Find out how you can achieve your goals and reach your utmost potential, and get more information,l by clicking HERE.

It’s almost that time of year again. Right before the holiday festivities and the season of gift-giving, most stores capitalize on the season by offering their biggest discounts of the year for a day. It is estimated that the average Black Friday shopper will spend $358 that day making it the most popular shopping day.

In fact, in 2020 the total amount of sales was estimated to reach $11 Billion both from growing online sales and from the never-ending lines from the shoppers who still make the trip to stores in person. Black Friday also has a dark side… the bigger the crowd the higher the risk of fights, pushing, shoving, and trampling, not to mention the messes that retail workers have to then deal with…See for yourself.

Take a quick zodiac readinghere to find out what your universe has to say about you right now. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

Higher Perspectives Author

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