Categories: Uplifting Stories

Couple Has 3 Sets Of Twins in Less Than 5 Years, But The Coincidences Don’t Stop There


For many young couples, having children is an unattainable dream. Despite how much they want it, they simply can’t conceive. Carrie Kosinski remembers dreaming of having a child since she was one herself. However, when she met her partner Craig, she learned the devasting news from her doctors that she couldn’t have children naturally.

She had no idea that the universe was about to surprise her with not only one child but six, and that in the span of five years, fate would intervene and surpass all her expectations. The coincidences in this story are beyond just that but point to the possibility of fate. Here is her story.

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It All Started With A Request

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

When Carrie and Craig were first married, a woman who knew them reached out on Facebook to see if they would be willing to take care of her baby and maybe even adopt if they felt so inclined. They couldn’t bare the thought of a child coming into the world without being to have their needs met so they agreed. What they didn’t know when they said yes was that the woman was expecting twins.

Just like that Adalynn and Kenna were born, and Carrie and Craig brought the twins home on a trial period to see how everything would go. They fell in love with the girls who quickly became a part of the family. The babies were three months old when they were brought home.

Then It Happened Again

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

Just as the couple was starting to get used to the new additions to their family, the biological mother reached out again a couple of years later. She told them that she was going through a rough time and once again needed their support if they were willing to offer it. She couldn’t make ends meet for her two younger children.

The couple didn’t expect that this set of children would also be twins! The younger twins were Kenna and Adalynn’s biological brother and sister. That means the biological mother happened to have two sets of twins in a row.

To Adopt Or Not To Adopt

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

Carrie and Craig had to think long and hard about the right thing to do. Four kids are hard to manage and expensive, but four toddlers are even harder. However, while all this was going on the couple had experienced multiple failed attempts at getting pregnant. At first, they didn’t know what was wrong. When they went to see a doctor he gave them the devasting news that they couldn’t naturally have kids.

The doctor told Carrie that she couldn’t conceive naturally because she had severe endometriosis. The couple knew that having biological children wouldn’t be possible and had already considered adoption before these children had come into their lives. They figured this must have been a sign and the universe’s solution to their problems.

Two Became Four

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

Speaking on how they decided to adopt the second set of twins, the couple explains: “It was a difficult decision. We were trying to get pregnant ourselves. But they were siblings, so that was definitely part of our consideration — we wanted to keep the siblings together,” as they told The Journal Times.

Just like that, their family doubled. The couple had personal concerns, but they knew that keeping the siblings together was the right thing to do. Carrie herself is actually adopted so her heart was open to the situation: “We did it backward,” she said: “We were going to have our own kids first then adopt but apparently God had other plans for us.” Even though it wasn’t exactly of part, the now mom laughs it off and shrugs: “there is never a dull moment in my house,”

A Bright Future

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

The next important step for the family was to finalize the adoption process. They had accepted these twins as their own children and never wanted to lose them:  “It would mean so much because there are so many unknowns,” she explained.

“What if they eventually find the birth fathers? They don’t know who they are. There are all these what-ifs. We could not fathom losing them. They’re our children. We believe we are meant to have them…To just make them ours would be a huge blessing to us.” While thinking about adoption, something strange happened. Just a few weeks after the new twins were settled in, Carrie felt like she might need to pay a visit to the doctor…

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One More Surprise

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

The universe still had one more surprise for this family. When Carrie went to the doctor, an ultrasound revealed that she was now pregnant. But wait that’s not even the best part..she was pregnant with a set of twins! This would be their third set of twins in five years. Carrie explains: ”We were in shock, but super happy.”

The idea of another two young children running around was overwhelming but the parents couldn’t help but feel like some higher power was busy at work after their long nights of prayers: “we were very shocked. We were like, ‘oh my God, we are going to have three sets of twins. What are we going to do with ourselves?’”

If you think the coincidences are now over, think again…There was still another big surprise that was about to drop.

The Final Big Surprise

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

Just when the family thought the coincidences they’ve experienced couldn’t get any crazier, they found out that their biological twins Karraline and Clarissa would be born on February 28th — the same date that the other two pairs of twins were born! That means all the twins share the same birthday even though they were born in different years and to two different mothers.

Carrie and Craig felt like this was a clear sign that this was the life meant for them, carefully planned by a higher power. Carrie told The Journal Times, “God obviously has a sense of humor.” All the kids were strong and healthy and continue to live happily together.

Making It Official

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

As expected, raising six young kids at once is not cheap. The adoption process is quite costly too. The couple isn’t super-wealthy. Craig is 43 and works as an accountant while Carrie seems to need to be a stay-at-home mom. Thankfully their community was right to step in and help.

The family has fundraising sites on GoFundMe and AdoptTogether, and even received a $4,000 grant from bestselling novelist Karen Kingsbury’s One Chance Foundation. When it comes to the adoption, Carrie explains: “our goal is $15,000. Altogether it’s $18,000, but we wanted to pay some of the costs ourselves.” The family has been able to cover all their expenses thanks to the kindness of strangers.

Thriving In Chaos

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

Carrie Shortsle Kosinski / Facebook

Raising six kids at once is hard work. Carrie says that she has to stay very organized: ”I have to keep to a schedule, or things get out of hand.” Still, she believes this life is a blessing and a product of fate: ”We believe that because God adopted us into His family that we were meant to adopt these children into our family…” It’s such a huge blessing to us. We love all our children the same. We wouldn’t want our lives to be any different.” Today, this family is enjoying life, and to see all these beautiful kids grow up must be such a blessing for Carrie and Craig.

The kids are growing up to form their own identities: “They are all very different. Each has their very own personality, which is very fun, but we get pulled in six different directions,” says Carrie. As for the future, the family is considering adding more members when the time is right, maybe even twins.

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For many young couples, having children is an unattainable dream despite how much they want it, they simply can’t conceive. Carrie Kosinski remembers dreaming of having a child since she was herself one. However, when she met her partner Craig, she learned the devasting news from her doctors that she couldn’t have children naturally.

She had no idea that the universe was about to surprise her with not only one child but 6 and that in the span of five years, fate would intervene and surpass all her expectations. The coincidences in this story are beyond just that but point to the possibility of fate. Here is her story.

Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

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