
Compliments Everyone Loves To Receive, But No One Ever Hears


Compliments are a great way to communicate appreciation between each other. Plus it’s just a nice way to brighten up someone’s day. A compliment is not limited to someone’s appearance, but also for traits of their behavior. They make someone feel noticed and that makes them feel good. In fact, research shows that being paid a compliment can activate the same parts of our brains as gettig paid a monetary value. They release happy chemicals into our brains that can impact new motor skills and behaviors.

So maybe it’s time we start complimenting each other more, and not in superficial ways. Here are some are compliments that no one ever hears but could really make a difference.

“You Bring Out The Best In People”

Ivana Cajina / Unsplash

Ivana Cajina / Unsplash

It can be really special to acknowledge the effect that someone has on others. Some people have a special aura around them that makes them radiate a bright light. They seem bubbly even when they’re struggling and they’re able to make you smile just with their presence.

They also know when to give some tough love to push someone towards taking risks. Their sense of adventure and spontaneity gave him a new taste to life to whoever embarks on the journey with them.

“I Am Grateful For You”

Omar Lopez / Unsplash

Omar Lopez / Unsplash

​People tend to be taken for granted. It’s not enough to say thank you, as the weight of those words is often lost and they’re only said to be polite. Letting someone know you’re grateful for them restores their worth in your eyes.

It makes them feel valued without requiring them to earn it. It shows them that their kindness isn’t just assumed and taken advantage of but it’s actually appreciated.

“I Believe In You”

Jon Ly / Unsplash

Jon Ly / Unsplash

Sometimes all a person needs to hear is that somebody believes that they can do it. We’re only human and sometimes we lose faith in ourselves and need a little extra reassurance. When someone who has no reason to says these words, it makes them sound genuine. This could be the last push someone needs to keep going.

Even if you don’t get credit for their accomplishment, it could feel rewarding to know that you played a part in motivating them on their journey, even if it was as small as uttering this statement.

“You Inspire Me To Do Better”

Mathilde Langevin / Unsplash

Mathilde Langevin / Unsplash

An even better version of this could be “you are helping me see the world and myself in a very uplifting way.” These words can be quite inspiring in return. You’re letting someone know that they’re not just taking up space in the world, that even if it’s on a small scale they’re making a difference.

Even if it’s only your life that is being changed for the better because of them, it’s still nice to know that we have the ability to create change. We don’t need to be superheroes to inspire others. Inspiration can be in the way we react, speak, carry ourselves, and our interactions with the world around us.

“You Raise My Energy And Spirit Every Time I See You”

Dave Goudreau / Unsplash

Dave Goudreau / Unsplash

If you like someone’s energy around you, let them know. Some people actually leave you feeling more energized than you felt before seeing them. It usually has something to do with their high frequencies and their alignment with you. These people tend to be optimistic and full of life.

Those are the kind of people you want to surround yourself with because they’ll likely push you to raise your own frequencies. Chose the people who uplift you, and make them feel noticed, and let go of those who drain you.

For great relationship advice and tips on how to attain the kind of love you deserve, watch this video from expert, Amy North: Click Here To Watch The Full Video.

“I Love How Much You Light Up When You Talk About This”

Mitch Walker / Unsplash

Mitch Walker / Unsplash

​Validating someone’s passion can actually go a long way. If you notice someone light up when they talk about a certain someone, hobby, or accomplishment, let them know.

They might have not actually realized how much of an effect it had on them. Highlighting it will make them take in the impact and boost their confidence. Plus it’s something they’ll remember the next time they’re experiencing a moment of doubt.

“The Wold Needs More People Like You”

Bruce Mars / Unsplash

Bruce Mars / Unsplash

Letting someone they raised the standard high puts in perspective how great of a person they are. They might be beautiful on the outside but telling them that you can see the beauty of who they are on the inside lets them know that they matter and that they’re on the right path.

Some people truly do make the world a better place with their natural empathy, optimism, and kindness. The best way to keep them going is to validate their experience and learn from them.

Compliments Can Be The Key To Meaningful Relationships

Allef Vincius / Unsplash

Allef Vincius / Unsplash

Do you want to learn a secret technique anyone can master that will make someone fall in love with you?

We don’t blame you for being frustrated with relationships. While compliments are a great first step, click here to find out how to break the cycle of broken and toxic relationships.

For more great relationship advice and tips on how to attain the kind of love you deserve, watch this video from expert, Amy North: Click Here To Watch The Full Video.

Compliments are a great way to communicate appreciation between each other. Plus it’s just a nice way to brighten up someone’s day. A compliment is not limited to someone’s appearance, but also for traits of their behavior. They make someone feel noticed and that makes them feel good. In fact, research shows that being paid a compliment can activate the same parts of our brains as gettig paid a monetary value. They release happy chemicals into our brains that can impact new motor skills and behaviors.

So maybe it’s time we start complimenting each other more, and not in superficial ways. Here are some are compliments that no one ever hears but could really make a difference.

Higher Perspectives Author

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