Categories: Uplifting Stories

10 Traits Of Highly Creative People


1. They challenge the system.

Pexels / Kamaji Ogino
Pexels / Kamaji Ogino

To put it plainly, highly creative people like to challenge the status quo.

They ask why and why not often and embrace alternate values. It may seem like they’re fighting against order, but really, they’re trying to make sense of it.

2. Their creativity is cyclic.

There are times that they paint all day, or stay up all night writing music. There will be other times they don’t produce much of anything. That’s okay. Creativity sometimes runs in cycles.

3. They need their space.

If they retreat to their studios to work, pop in and say hi once in a while but know that they need their space to do what they do.

4. They are focused.

Highly creative people, once their juices are flowing, will be difficult to distract from it. Remember to stay flexible with your schedules.

5. They may have mood swings.

There’s nothing like art to make you swing between joy and depression. They’re smart and they have sensitive hearts. Play your best supporting role.

6. Their work is personal.

They take it personally if something doesn’t turn out like they wanted. Every critique can be seen as validation or condemnation of their work and therefore their worth.

7. They have trouble believing in themselves.

So encourage them.

8. They may have difficulty completing projects.

Again, encouragement is crucial. Highly creative people take their work personally, so tell them how much you love it. Tell them it’s awesome. It is, after all.

9. They see through bullshit.

Watch out, pal. Creative types connect the dots better than most people. They see patterns before the patterns are even clear.

10. They don’t ever really grow up.

Creative people have a childlike sense of wonder. Join them in it once in a while. We’re sure you’ll enjoy it.

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