Categories: Horoscopes

Calling Out All Single Zodiacs, This Week’s Horoscope Shows Venus Is In A Good Mood


The first full week of 2022 is set to be a relatively peaceful and easy-going period – perfect for everyone still adjusting to the end of the holiday period and the return to work and business.

Wednesday and Friday have lovely creative energies, and spirituality will be important this week too. For those who are single as 2022 dawns, Venus’ good mood this week is ideal for dates and significant first meetings.

Overall, interpersonal energies are very pleasant as the year gets underway, so make the most of this time to regroup, recharge and enjoy the last vestiges of that holiday feeling. The hard work begins next week!

Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now and get a free personalized report


It’s only the first week of the year, Aries, but your head is already getting back to business, way ahead of some other signs. Use the mid-week creative surge to brainstorm ways in which your career or business path can fully align with your spiritual values and goals. There’s more for you to do in this area.

Saturday is a good day for job interviews too, or for putting the final touches on a portfolio of work. Anything that requires you to shine and to stand out from the crowd is well-starred this weekend.

If you’re single and looking for love, someone close to you at work could suddenly become a prospective date – although mixing business with pleasure could prove tricky to sustain long-term.


You arrive in the first full week of 2022 feeling sure that you’ve learned lessons from the previous year, Taurus. There’s a sense of optimism and excitement as you prepare for the year ahead, and you’ll be especially keen now to plan some travel-related adventures and expeditions.

The midweek period is great for brainstorming. Groupthink can be a positive thing for you at this point, so don’t dismiss great ideas coming from friends or colleagues. If you’re studying for something or undertaking training, this midweek energy is also uplifting and encouraging.

If you’re in a romantic frame of mind, Saturday is the best day for a date or a day trip with a loved one; if you’re traveling and you’re single, fate may provide an interesting chance encounter!


Your focus is on self-improvement as the New Year gets into full swing, Gemini. You may struggle somewhat with the quite vague energies this mid-week provides though, as you prefer a more concrete vibe. Don’t be afraid to try meditation or journaling as a way into discovering yourself better during this week.

In your career path, you may come into contact with someone from your past who can help you, or a new mentor-type figure who will be significant in the future. It’s a good week for being positive and kind to everyone you encounter, as someone in that mix could turn out to be a valuable ally.

Financially, Saturday is a great day for making a budget – and a new year resolution to stick to it, for once!

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


You start 2022 in a romantic frame of mind and there’s a sense of sweetness and nostalgia around your closest relationship too. If you’re in a long-distance relationship or you have spent a lot of time necessarily separated during the last couple of years, this week’s energies are healing and uplifting, promising that your shared magic still endures.

Wednesday is a great day for sharing your goals and dreams with your other half so that you can work together on your plan for the year ahead. Saturday, meanwhile, is the ideal day for a romantic commitment, or indeed for a brand-new date if you’re currently single.

Overall, this is a week for enjoying and celebrating your many blessings, for you truly are loved.


Take advantage of this relatively quiet astrological week, Leo, to get yourself well organized for the coming month and year. You thrive best when you know exactly what’s coming, so invest in a good planner or diary and start scheduling and blocking out periods of time.

The midweek energies, although creative, are also a little bit fuzzy and confusing at times for you, so you’ll want to be extra careful with details on Wednesday and Friday, in particular. Double-check anything you’re not sure about.

A very passionate weekend is great news for your closest relationship; if you’re single, Saturday is also a fantastic time to meet someone new.


This looks set to be a loving and playful first full week of the year, Virgo, so take advantage of these fun vibes before life turns more serious again! If you’re single, there are good indications that this weekend could be a fun time for a date. If you’re already in a happy relationship, make the most of the easy-going, laid-back energies midweek and spend plenty of one-on-one time with your partner.

There’s also a very creative vibe around you, particularly on Wednesday. It’s the ideal time to write poetry, play music, dance, craft, paint or otherwise indulge your creative streak. You’ll find this immersive, inspirational and memorable for all the right reasons.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Don’t be surprised, Libra, if you find it quite hard to settle back into “normal” routines this week. It’s still early days and half of you is still in holiday mode. The middle of the week is a particularly vague feeling time when you may struggle with demands from colleagues or co-workers.

The good news is that a loving and supportive family life this week will help to ease you back into the stresses and strains of January. Spending plenty of time with your loved ones will shore you up and make you feel invincible.

Saturday, in particular, is a beautiful time to be around family, so make the effort to visit those you couldn’t see over the holiday period.


Your rebellious streak isn’t really ready to settle down into 2022 just yet, Scorpio – but that’s OK! This week is packed with easy-going vibes, so you won’t find it too demanding. Let your creativity shine through, especially in the middle of the week, and distract yourself with plenty of things you find fun and fascinating.

You’re keen to stretch your mind as 2022 gets underway, so this is a good time for research or investigation of any kind, especially into a topic you’ve always felt drawn to. See to small errands and little outstanding issues this week too, to metaphorically clear your desk ahead of the year proper.


There’s a firm focus on family matters for you this week, Sagittarius, and you’re still feeling cocooned and slightly out of it in that weird, post-holiday way. Good news relating to a family issue will bring lots of joy and there’s certainly plenty of the feel-good factor this week.

When it comes to money matters, however, it’s not a brilliant start to the year – mainly because you’re still feeling quite scatter-brained. Try to avoid making major financial decisions midweek, when the energies are a little bit too vague and you’re more likely to make an emotional choice rather than a rational one.

On a brighter note, the weekend is an excellent time for uncovering hidden creative talents – see where inspiration strikes!

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


It’s only the first full week of the year, Capricorn, but you’re already busy, packing in errands and tying up loose ends at an astonishing rate. You’ll get a lot of satisfaction this week from tidying things both physically and mentally, and from creating order out of the post-holiday chaos.

Wednesday is a good day for dreaming big dreams too, regarding how you want the rest of 2022 to pan out. Be imaginative and creative with your goals, and don’t limit yourself.

If you’re single, the weekend sees Venus in an exceptionally good mood in your own sign, so get on out there and mix and mingle; you never know who you might meet.


You’re pleasantly surprised, Aquarius, as 2022 gets underway, to find that your fears around money and security are easing slightly. There are lots of reasons for optimism and positivity this week and by the middle of the week, you will definitely feel happier about your situation.

There are strong links to your spiritual development this week too, so you’ll enjoy meditation, visualization and manifestation, or indeed anything that helps to put you more in tune with your higher self.

If you’re single and looking for love, keep an open mind at the weekend. Someone who really doesn’t seem to be your “type” may have much more to offer you than you think.


You’re starting 2022 with a strong sense of shared purpose, Pisces – whether that’s with your local community, a group of like-minded friends or even with the whole of mankind, you feel a part of something bigger than just you, and it’s very inspiring.

Take this feeling and use the midweek creative vibes to amplify it even further. How can you best play your part in what is unfolding around us this year? You’re starting to step into your own identity and realize your spiritual strengths, which is excellent news.

On Saturday, look out for a meeting with someone very much on your wavelength. If not romantic, this link could still be important on a soul level.

Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

The first full week of 2022 is set to be a relatively peaceful and easy-going period – perfect for everyone still adjusting to the end of the holiday period and the return to work and business.

Wednesday and Friday have lovely creative energies, and spirituality will be important this week too. For those who are single as 2022 dawns, Venus’ good mood this week is ideal for dates and significant first meetings.

Overall, interpersonal energies are very pleasant as the year gets underway, so make the most of this time to regroup, recharge and enjoy the last vestiges of that holiday feeling. The hard work begins next week!

Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now and get a free personalized report

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