The Zodiac Sign Most Likely To Experience Burnout Makes Total Sense

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Are you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted lately? We don't blame you. Between a 9-5 full-time work where the blood barely gets to flow through your body, living in a state of high alert post-pandemic, keeping up with inflation prices, and still trying to have somewhat of a fulfilling life, we don't blame you.

But outside of all of these life factors, some of us are taking on even more, mostly predisposed to stress because of our zodiac sign. For these specific zodiacs, burnout is about more than just working too hard and feeling stressed. It goes back to their wiring and personalities, and the way they go through life. Keep reading to learn more and let us know if you agree!

Your sign can say so much about you, but so can the other placements within your birth chart, containing a wealth of knowledge that will empower you to become your best self.

Click here to get a full, personalized birth chart reading today and see all the secrets it'll unveil to you.

Symptoms Of Burnout

Thirdman / Pexels
Thirdman / Pexels

Let's start with defining what burnout actually is because it doesn't happen overnight. Burnout creeps on you slowly, the more that you ignore your body and mind signals. Even though everything in you is telling you to take a break, you feel like you have to push through to get all of your responsibilities done. The more you push, the more you break and if you make it a habit, you develop full-on burnout.


Fairly Common

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Canva Pro

Burnout is sadly quite common, and according to a study, 23% of full-time employees felt burned out at work "very often or always", and another 44% felt burned out sometimes. The most common symptoms include excessive stress, fatigue, insomnia, sadness, anger, or irritability. But it can also affect you physically with nausea, and high blood pressure. For more personalized information check out this personalized report based on date of birth. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.


Causes Of Burnout

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Mikotoraw Photographer / Pexels
Mikotoraw Photographer / Pexels

Burnout is caused by varying intertwining factors but comes down to specific factors. First is loss of control, or feeling unable to influence the task load that you feel like you have to get through. When it comes to jobs, unclear expectations and a dysfunctional workplace can make you feel stressed and make it seem like you don't even know if it's worth it.


Not Enough Balance

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Canva Pro

Mixed with your personal life, any participation in extremes of anything will deplete your tank and cause you to burn out. If you're not giving enough time for rest and creating an imbalanced work and life balance, then you won't have energy for loved ones or the activities you enjoy. You'll feel isolated. This will all further contribute to your burnout.


Virgo: The Most Likely Sign To Suffer From Burnout

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Engin Akyurt / Pexels
Engin Akyurt / Pexels

Virgos just don't know when to stop. When they have a goal or vision or mind, all they can do is think about it and devote all their energy to it.


Virgos are some of the hardest workers in the zodiac. It doesn't matter what they're doing as long as they're doing it well. In fact, Virgos are the kinds of people who love to clean and organize as a form of therapy.



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Canva Pro

However, it's this kind of perfectionism and obsession with keeping up with unsustainable high standards that pushes them to burnout.


Virgos need to learn that they don't have to do everything themselves to do it well, and hand off some of their responsibilities.

The stars can reveal so much about who we are, even things we're not yet aware of. Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


Cancer: Bearing The Weight Of The World On Your Shoulders

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David Garrison / Pexels
David Garrison / Pexels

Cancer people can experience burnout because they feel guilty easily and are overly empathetic. They care so much about everyone and the world itself that they put pressure on themselves to help everyone else above themselves. They don't know when to say no to favors and support everyone even when they have no more eery to give.


You Can Say No

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Canva Pro

They ask for next to nothing in return. Cancer's needs to say "yes" to everything and baring the weight of the world is their diver to complete burnout. They need to set aside time for rest without feeling guilty about it.


Scorpio: Passionately Committed

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Pixabay / Pexels
Pixabay / Pexels

Scorpio is an incredibly passionate person, so they don't know how to stop once they are committed to something. They're stubborn and won't listen when others worry about their health and see their stress taking over. They're more concerned about being right and creating positive change.


Taking A Break Is Ok

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Their dedication helps them reach new heights and makes them dependable as they never quit. However, although they never lose motivation, they quickly lose momentum until they eventually reach burnout. Scorpios need to understand that hitting pause doesn't mean quitting but simply means refueling.


How To Deal With Burnout

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Ivan Oboleninov / Pexels
Ivan Oboleninov / Pexels

The first step to recovering from burnout is recognizing the symptoms and finding the source. It may feel overwhelming to feel like you have no choice but to push through but the good news is that you always have options. Evaluate what your options are whether that means finding a new job or seeking support.


Take Care Of Yourself

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Canva Pro

Pritoitize your self care. Make sure you schedule time for a relaxing activity you enjoy like meditation. Healthy amounts of exercise and sleep are also essential at regulation your cortisol levels that control your stress receptors. Make sure you are mindful of your health, your breathing ad your overall wellbeing!


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