5 Reasons You Need To Break Up With Your Partner, Even If There Is Nothing “Wrong”
While almost all types of relationships can be difficult to navigate, it is the most intimate ones that often require most of our energy.
Starting and maintaining a relationship with a person you want to be with means being vulnerable. And when we enter into one, there are a list of fears that come with it.
Maybe you’re afraid of being cheated on, maybe you don’t like to commit to anything, or maybe you just don’t want to get hurt. But there’s an even bigger fear out there, for some. And it comes in the form of settling for a person who you’re not really crazy about.
Sometimes it’s easy to “date” someone simply because you’re bored and have nothing else going on. But doing so leads to some of the most awful feelings one can imagine.
Here are five signs that you should split with your partner, even if there isn’t anything really “wrong”:
You’re apathetic toward their messages or texts
If communicating with your partner doesn’t excite you in the least, simply because of how bland and boring they are, you know that it’s time to go your separate ways.
Once you’ve found a person you’re truly crazy about, receiving that text message or phone call will make your entire day, rather than just making your phone vibrate.