
18 Things That Are An Instant Turn Off Even If You’re Highly Attractive


Do you meet someone nice at a party or get together, but they turn down an invite for coffee? Do you have problems getting beyond a first date or get dropped after a week or two?

If you’re getting ghosted before you even get something started, you might be guilty of one (or more) of these instant turn-offs, even if you’re fit, well-dressed, and very attractive.

Learn how to keep your relationship alive, click here and watch this free video from relationship expert, Amy North.

1 – Are they inattentive or distracted?

A potential romantic partner wants to know that you’re important to them. When you look around the room, half-listen to the conversation, or keep checking your phone, you’re sending out the wrong signal.

2 – Do they mock other’s passions?

Everyone has a “thing” they’re into whether it’s bowling, reality TV, kale, or Star Trek. You might not understand it, but if you mock their passion, it’s an instant turn off and shows you’re incompatible.

3 – Do they check out the eye candy?

It’s bad enough if you’re constantly checking your IG, but even worse if you’re openly scoping out a hot guy or girl that turns your head.

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4 – Are they closed off emotionally?

It’s not a good idea to unpack your emotional baggage the moment you meet someone, but if you can’t open up at all, that’s a problem too.

5 – Are they a poor sport?

One round of pool at the local dive bar and a potential mate might scratch and run if you rage when you lose or thump your chest and brag when you win.

6 – Do they have fits of jealousy?

Being wanted is a nice feeling, but if you get possessive and see everyone as a threat, that can get old fast.

7 – Are they a pessimist?

If every conversation is about how much you don’t like something, how it annoys you, or you constantly criticize, you’re a pessimist. That can send a prospect scurrying away instantly.

8 – Are they a backstabber?

Trustworthiness is a top trait that attracts people, but if you’re one that can’t wait until someone leaves the room to unload trash talk them, it’s no surprise you’re not getting anyone’s digits.

We don’t blame you for being frustrated with dating and wanting to stick with what’s comfortable but if you’re struggling to find and keep a quality manclick here to find out how to break the cycle.

9 – Is materialism their thing?

It’s nice to have nice things, but if that’s all that matters to you or you judge people by their possessions, you might find yourself judged a poor potential partner.

10 – Do they have low self-worth?

It’s nice to be humble (even if you’re awesome), but if your sense of self-worth is so low that it’s driving negative behaviors, you might come off as too much trouble.

11 – Do they belittle potential dates?

Are you sarcastic? Do you hand out burns or make jokes at other’s expense? If so, you might be getting brushed off with good reason.

Learn how to keep your relationship alive, click here and watch this free video from relationship expert, Amy North.

12 – Are you a poor conversationalist?

Relationships start with a chat. If you can’t hold a meaningful conversation on subjects of mutual interest, your looks won’t be enough to hold their interest.

13 – Are you argumentative?

If bickering gives you a thrill or you must always get your way, no doubt you’re turning off people that you’d like to be dating.

14 – Do you lack ambition?

You don’t need to unroll a road map of your five-year plan, but if you don’t have life goals and ambitions (maybe even a bucket list), you might come off as immature.

15 – Must you be the center of attention?

The spotlight is great for an actor, but don’t expect a girl or guy you want to stick around if it’s always about you. When every sentence starts with “I,” then you have a problem.

16 – Are you disrespectful?

To be a good prospect as a love interest, the object of your affection must trust you to interact with their friends, family, and co-workers in a way that won’t embarrass them.

17 – Are you a stage-five clinger?

Everyone needs a little space, and if you can’t leave a little breathing room for a potential partner to hang out with friends or have a cocktail after work, you’re going to chase them away.

18 – Do you issue ultimatums?

No one wants to hear “or else.” If you always make threats to get your way, it’s an instant turn off.

For more great relationship advice, watch this video from dating expert Amy North: Click Here To Watch The Full Video.

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Do you meet someone nice at a party or get together, but they turn down an invite for coffee? Do you have problems getting beyond a first date or get dropped after a week or two?

If you’re getting ghosted before you even get something started, you might be guilty of one (or more) of these instant turn-offs, even if you’re fit, well-dressed, and very attractive.

Learn how to keep your relationship alive, click here and watch this free video from relationship expert, Amy North.

1 – Are they inattentive or distracted?

Higher Perspectives Author

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