Categories: Astrology

August New Moon In Leo, Major Change Is On Its Way


Every month, we're graced with the presence of another new moon, another chance from the universe to start again and invite newer, better things into our lives. Though it is a general invitation to give yourself a second chance, there are certain aspects to pay attention to if you want to prepare as best as you can.

By taking note of the current zodiac season and other planetary positions, you can make all the best moves and use this moon's energy to it's fullest!

To be ready for every period of your life rather than just the next few weeks, you might want to get a zodiac birth chart reading. You'll get to see your life laid out before you and prepare for every path.

Learn more about what lies in store and get your reading today. Click here to get started, look to the future with confidence!

Another New Moon

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Canva Pro

On the night of August 16th, if we look to our skies we'll see the faint, slender crescent of a new moon, which means the beginning of a new cycle for us all. New moons are prime opportunities to start fresh, start over, and start with a clean slate, ready to begin anew alongside the moon itself.

This new moon will be rising under Leo, which does give us some additional insights and advice as to what to focus on between now and the next full moon.


Leo's Values

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

The sign of Leo is all about passion. While many people consider Leos to always be seeking the spotlight, that's not an inherently bad trait. They feel pride in their work and want to show off what they've accomplished. That type of drive and confidence are what we should all be tapping into during this new moon cycle.


Leos have other values besides just attention, too. They also appreciate simplicity in life, they understand the importance of creative hobbies, and they actively wish to invite joy into the lives of people around them.


Interviewing Yourself

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Canva Pro

So, how do we incorporate those values into our lives in order to maximize the energy of this new moon?


It starts with asking questions. Think, what in your life could you simplify? What could you pair down, what are you overcomplicating? When was the last time you made art? It doesn't have to be good or gallery-grade perfect, all it needs to be is an expression of true emotion.

When was the last time you made someone else smile? Or did something kind? When's the next opportunity for you to do so?


Venus In Reverse

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Canva Pro

Asking these questions and making ourselves think about them will help us set intentions and goals within the next few weeks. Maybe you can decide you're going to buy a coworker some coffee, or you're going to pick up that project you abandoned long ago.


It's also important to remember that Venus is still in retrograde during this new moon, meaning you might see some developments within your relationships. Not just with others, but with anything you deem important. This could include your relationship with money, with a bad habit, or with your own self-esteem.


No More Stalling

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Venus retrogrades are very good at unearthing blockages and challenges that make whatever relationship you're thinking of tough to navigate. It wants you to be aware of these latent issues and face them head-on as a means of clearing the air. That doesn't make it any less awkward, though.


You'll have to face some harsh realities by dealing with those problems as they appear. No more putting it off, no more ignoring it in hopes it will go away. Now's the time to overcome these challenges so you know how to deal with them should they return in the future.


Electric Energy

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Uranus is also a big player during this new moon, bringing with it a sort of fraught energy. You might be feeling anxious over nothing, maybe even on edge, nowhere to direct these feelings and becoming all the more frustrated for it.


This is when you'll have to focus heavily on guidance for stability. Wherever it is that you seek guidance, go there. Maybe it's a trusted friend, your mom, whoever it is you trust, and vent these feelings you've been having. If they care about you, they'll want to help, and you'll learn the value of expressing these tense feelings as they arise.


Big News Ahead

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

Uranus also has the potential to bring with it some major news. It doesn't dictate whether that news will be good or bad, just that it will bring about change, which on its own is scary enough to most. Venus' presence means it's likely this change will be about a relationship of some kind.


So, keep yourself braced and keep your personal life in order. Prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. Whatever needs to happen will make itself known, and whatever it is, know that you'll grow better after this change has taken place.


Live And Learn

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

As mentioned, new moons are all about new beginnings. Between August 16th and the next lunar cycle, you should have learned some sort of lesson or made a change of some kind that will start a new chapter in your life. It might be hard, or sad, but it's a necessary step toward mature and healthy growth.


If you already know what things in your life need to go for you to enter a better state, then toss them. Now's the time to take action and start making decisions for you.

Making those decisions can be tough, especially after a lifetime of selflessness and trauma. You may even feel like there's trauma that still weighs you down, unsure of what keeps affecting you to this day.

This simple quiz will tell you where your trauma is rooted and how best to overcome it, so you can live a life free of poisoning today. Click here to start a new path free of torment.

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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