Categories: Horoscopes

All Zodiacs Beware Of This Week’s Shared Healing Energy, Here Are Your Horoscope Predictions


Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

March ends on a largely peaceful and compassionate note under the guidance of a spiritual Pisces Moon. There’s some emotional stability here too, especially on Monday when Venus and Saturn team up to ground and calm emotional turbulence. The first half of the week is good for taking a step back from angst and anger and finding friendly, cooperative solutions to whatever ails us.

On Friday, a hugely positive New Moon shines from go-getting Aries. This is action-oriented energy, driving us forwards and inspiring new goals. Chiron, the wounded healer, has a strong influence on this New Moon too, so there is a spiritual edge to the energy, allowing each of us to create something better in our world, mindful of our shared trauma.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


This week looks like a hugely positive time for friendships and interpersonal relationships of all kinds, Aries. On Monday, Venus and Saturn lend stability and staying power to an important new friendship, so look out for someone who is about to become a permanent figure in your life.

Midweek, the spiritual energies increase, giving you opportunities for meditation, prayer, visualization and spiritual growth. Definitely take time out for quiet contemplation, if you can.

Friday’s New Moon is a stand-out moment for you this year. Expect a surge of sudden insight into our collective consciousness, as well as a clearer vision of your own life path and ambitions. It’s all ‘go’ from this point onwards.


As March draws to a close, you’ll find yourself on a more stable footing at work, Taurus. This is especially true on Monday when Venus – your ruling planet – joins forces with Saturn to shore up your personal popularity and charisma in your career. People are about to start paying attention to you.

Midweek vibes are highly sociable, so it’s a good time to seek out emotional connections with new friends or to renew your contact with old ones.

Friday’s New Moon shines from the most spiritual sector of your natal birth chart, gifting you with incredible vision and insight into your own healing powers. You have so much to offer the world – now is the time to step into your spiritual potential.


If you’re studying or working on training of any kind, Gemini, Monday looks set to bring a good, solid breakthrough in your understanding. This will underpin a good start to the week for you, especially at work, where lunar influences grant you increasing authority and visibility.

Friday’s New Moon occurs in the social zone of your natal birth chart. This is an important lunation for you, as it’s your main chance this year to broaden your social circle. Underpinned by the spiritual contact with Chiron, use this New Moon’s energies to find like-minded people who are truly on your wavelength, sharing your vision and your values.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


You’re very prone to self-doubt and worry, Cancer, so Monday’s meeting of Venus and Saturn will be very beneficial to your emotional wellbeing, calming your fears and encouraging you to stop second-guessing yourself at every turn.

The middle of the week is a time for learning and expansion, so spread your wings if you can, whether that’s intellectually or through traveling.

The more you can learn, the more equipped you’ll be to benefit from Friday’s New Moon energies, which highlight the career zone of your natal birth chart. Work out how you can further your career by learning more about the society in which you operate.


Monday’s meetup of Venus and Saturn is exceptionally welcome news for your love life, Leo, as this energy soothes, calms, stabilizes and shores up the emotional bond between you and your lover. If you’ve been through a rocky patch recently, this influence will help to heal your relationship.

Midweek vibes are passionate and full of deeper, intense meaning for you too, so this is another good vibe for love and for greater understanding of both yourself and your partner.

Friday’s New Moon, however, is a much breezier and more outward-looking energy, focused around your travel zone – what a perfect time for a vacation!


Venus and Saturn join forces on Monday to calm any organizational chaos you’ve been experiencing recently. With so much to do, even you can’t always stay on top of everything, but this influence will help to settle down issues that have been threatening to spiral out of control.

The middle of the week sees lunar vibes influencing your love zone, so make the most of this romantic interlude if you can; it should be a sweet, sentimental time to be cherished.

Friday’s New Moon shines from your self-development zone, which is music to your ears. You are always keen to work on yourself, and now you have the green light to focus on one particular self-improvement goal – what’s not to love about that?

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


There’s a strong focus on your love life this week, Libra, whether you’re already in a relationship or single. Monday’s meetup between Venus and Saturn is promising, as it stabilizes a relationship or, if you’re currently single, firms up your self-confidence and independence in that situation.

Midweek lunar energies are good for simply getting on with the job at work and making steady progress; this is important because it means you’re not emotionally preoccupied with career matters, freeing up more time for love.

Friday’s New Moon shines from your love zone and is probably one of the most significant moments this year for your love life. Use these energies to renew or refresh an existing partnership – or to manifest the love of your life, if you haven’t already found it!


Family tensions are likely to ease considerably early this week. Monday’s teamwork between Venus and Saturn is a big help, calming tempers and helping people to be more objective about emotionally charged issues.

During the middle of the week, there’s a focus on joy and happiness, so try to make sure you create time for your hobbies, interests and favorite people. Whatever makes you smile is a sure winner.

Friday’s New Moon, however, returns the focus to your working life. This is your chance to get thoroughly organized so that you can take on your next career challenge. Pay attention to detail, know your direction and launch new ambitions in this period.


Your impulsive nature is calmed by Monday’s meetup of Venus and Saturn, Sagittarius, which is helpful if you’ve been dealing with strong emotions recently. Being able to see things objectively will matter more than you think when others around you have clouded judgment.

Midweek is a grounded and calming time too, especially around the family home. This would be a good time to have difficult conversations with family members or to work on home improvement.

Friday’s New Moon shines from the joy zone of your natal birth chart, however, and this is the real highlight of the week. This is your ticket to whatever dazzles you the most – invite abundance, love and positivity into your life during this New Moon, because whatever you want, you can have.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.


You’ll love the energy from Monday’s meetup of Venus and Saturn – your ruling planet – because it provides a great deal of common sense and stability in the money zone of your natal birth chart. Ideal for budgeting, handling credit or reigning in your spending, this is your kind of vibe.

The middle of the week brings some emotional lunar energies, Capricorn, and you would benefit from thinking more intuitively during this period. Not everything can be understood through logic.

Friday’s New Moon shines from the family zone of your chart, urging you to make a fresh start in the family home. With Chiron’s influence added into the mix, this would be a very good time to forgive and forget regarding lingering family trauma, or even trauma from your past lives.


Venus and Saturn join forces in Aquarius on Monday, Aquarius, which is an ideal moment for making a romantic commitment or for stabilizing your finances.

Indeed, finances may be the focus of your midweek days, with lunar influences in this area of your chart offering a mixed picture. It’s important not to give in to emotional spending, so try to curb the impulse shopping!

Friday’s New Moon is an opportunity for a fresh mindset. Look at whatever has not been working in your life recently and figure out how your own psychology has played into that. If you can change your mind, you can change your life, and that’s your opportunity now.


There could be some answers to spiritual questions on Monday when Venus and Saturn team up. However, this influence is quite objective rather than emotional, Pisces, and you may not necessarily like the answers you find. Bank them in your mind until you’re ready to deal with them.

During the middle of the week, the Pisces Moon gifts you with confidence and enthusiasm, so this is the best period of the week for getting things done and for socializing.

Friday’s New Moon shines from the money and values sector of your natal birth chart. Here, you’re being challenged to align your income and your financial goals with what’s best for humankind collectively. It’s a big ask, but it’s something you’re keen to do.

For more personalized information check out this personalized report based on date of birth. Understand your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future by clicking HERE.

Brought to you by our friend Kelli Fox at Astrology.TV

March ends on a largely peaceful and compassionate note under the guidance of a spiritual Pisces Moon. There’s some emotional stability here too, especially on Monday when Venus and Saturn team up to ground and calm emotional turbulence. The first half of the week is good for taking a step back from angst and anger and finding friendly, cooperative solutions to whatever ails us.

On Friday, a hugely positive New Moon shines from go-getting Aries. This is action-oriented energy, driving us forwards and inspiring new goals. Chiron, the wounded healer, has a strong influence on this New Moon too, so there is a spiritual edge to the energy, allowing each of us to create something better in our world, mindful of our shared trauma.

Take a quick zodiac reading here to find out what the universe has to say about you right now.

Higher Perspectives Author

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