
UFO Hunter Claims Alien Ship ‘Too Big To Move’ Hidden Under Major World Landmark


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Do you believe in aliens? If so, do you think they visit us? Monitoring our planet with the hopes of touching down and making diplomatic connections, or perhaps the scarier option, seeing if we have any mineable resources so they can grab what they want and go?

Both of these are pretty fantastical, but such is the nature of alien debates, as we have no basis of knowledge for what they would be like should we meet them. Though, there are plenty of people who believe we already have met them, and that we're even hiding some of their tech right here on Earth. Read on through this story in order to learn more!

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Eyes To The Skies

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With the talk of aliens and UFOs entering the scene again, we're hearing more from supposed UFO experts, researchers, and enthusiasts making all sorts of claims about the state of aliens on planet Earth.


The Stories We Know

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Photo by on Unsplash

The classic stories involve reported sightings of UFOs soaring through our skies, displaying strange lights or shapes that indicate this craft is no ordinary human creation. Some go even further, claiming they've seen real, live aliens.


Spoken to them, fought with them, were abducted by them, it all depends on whose story you're hearing.


Beneath The Surface

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Some of these tales are less of a direct account of the beings themselves and more about how they're being continuously hidden from public knowledge.


Ross Coulthart, an Australian investigative journalist with a specialty in reporting on alien matters, made quite the claim earlier this year when he said that there's a huge UFO buried underneath a major world landmark somewhere because it's 'too big to move,' meaning it was built overtop of to be hidden instead.


Expertly Hidden

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Canva Pro

He said this while speaking to the Project Unity podcast, explaining that, "Some of these objects are not capable of being moved because they're too bloody big." The solution? Build things on top of them and hope no one goes digging.


He describes the spacecraft that's being hidden as 'non human,' but also says he knows where it is. "I know exactly where it is. I thought it was [expletive] when I heard it, too."


Leading Theories

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Canva Pro

Of course, this made some waves among those who also study and search for evidence of alien spacecraft, especially given Coulthart's history in the topic.


People began crafting theories about where this impossibly huge UFO could be hidden, and what landmark it's buried underneath.


Where Is It?

Photo by Michael Herren on Unsplash
Photo by Michael Herren on Unsplash

The leading theory is that it's in South Korea somewhere, with a few potential landmarks being big enough to hide it, while others think he was a little misleading with his words, believing it to be stored in an air defense facility somewhere.


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On The Pulse

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This isn't the first time that Coulthart has headlined some major UFO news.


Previously, he had spoken to a supposed whistleblower who claimed the U.S. military had multiple crashed spacecraft in their possession, as well as alien bodies.


Do You Believe?

Photo by Uninteneded Concept on Unsplash
Photo by Uninteneded Concept on Unsplash

His claim has yet to be confirmed by anyone, but many believe that to be the point, as the very secretive nature regarding alien data is already well known.


Whether you believe what he says is up to you, but the more general question of 'is there life beyond planter Earth?' is always worth thinking on.

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Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

Published by
Daniel Mitchell

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