
9 Signs That Someone Is Your True Soulmate


Do you believe in the concept of soulmates? Two people who are destined to be together, sometimes having already been together for lifetimes before this one? Their souls so intertwined with one another that they dance around one another endlessly, only sometimes getting to collide?

It's a romantic worldview, and one that many people believe in, hoping they one day find their true love. Given that there's no rule book, it can be hard to figure out for sure, but there are signs to look out for that will help guide your way.

Learning a manifestation technique, like that of the Law of Attraction, can be an easy way to draw your soulmate to you even faster. Drawing more love into your life will inevitably bring them to you, too.

To learn this technique and start the act of attracting love today, you can use this program. It will teach you all you need to know about the Law of Attraction and all it can do for you. Get started today and see the benefits that await!

Two Souls, Togehter

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A life goal that many people share, especially those in tune with at least some of the universe's natural vibrations, is that of finding your soulmate. While you two are naturally destined to orbit each other, not every pair of soulmates gets to collide, and you don't want to fall for manipulators using false flags.

To make sure you've truly found your soulmate, there are some surefire signs you can look out for. By identifying these traits you can be more certain than ever that you've found the one.


1. There's An Instant Connection

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The first sign that you may have found your soulmate is the intensity of your first connection. There should be an immediate draw, comparable to love at first sight but grander, deeper, something bigger than just love itself. You know right away that you were supposed to meet this person.


After your first conversation, you won't be able to get them off your mind, so it's best to strike while the iron is hot and make sure you walk away from that introduction with some sort of contact information.


2. Your Love Is Unconditional

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You'll know you met your soulmate if your love truly feels unconditional. Now, there is potential for the idea of 'unconditional love' to develop into something toxic, loving someone despite their red flags, but for your soulmate, this unconditional love will feel gentle and comforting.


When you're with your soulmate, you can feel it in your heart that you'll love them forever. It becomes a universal truth, something as easy and known as the sky being blue. You will never feel doubt in your love for them.


3. You Hold Really Intense Eye Contact

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It's not only the emotional draw that feels intense and weighty when you've met your soulmate, there are physical aspects too, one of which being how strong and powerful your eye contact feels. Some believe it has more than just strength, but it may even hold psychic ability for those in tune enough with the other person.


They say that the eyes are the window to the soul and that's especially true when two soulmates share their gaze. It goes beyond the soul, they're able to see into the deepest parts of your being, as you're able to do to them in turn.


4. You're Endlessly Empathetic For One Another

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You should, of course, have a basic level of empathy for other people in the world, as human care and connection is what makes the world go 'round, but it will feel so much more enhanced once you've met your soulmate.


You'll not only be able to sense and understand their emotions on a deeper level, but you'll be able to understand their actions, fully embracing how they think and being able to apply it to the way they navigate the world. This will help both of you work through any issues that arise way easier as you'll both fully get why the other person did what they did.


5. You Support Each Other

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Supporting one another should be standard in any relationship, but again, it's something that will feel a lot more meaningful in a relationship with your soulmate. You'll not only support them, you'll cheer them on, you'll help them with their goals as much as you can, and they'll do the same for you!


This relationship will be centered around joy, and you'll feel the urge to do whatever it takes to help your partner feel joy as often as possible, which includes supporting them as they reach for their goals.


6. You Help Each Other Grow

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This is similar to supporting, but with more of a focus on change and development as people grow over time. Change is inevitable, and both halves of a relationship are bound to shift and change as the years go on. For some, this leads to the two growing apart, but for soulmates, it will be a celebrated event.


To change means your soulmate will be able to find new things to love about you, and will be happiest knowing that you're living you're most authentic life, whatever that may be at the time.


7. You Recognize Each Other's Souls

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So 'recognize' is used a little loosely here as it's impossible to actually see someone's soul, let alone recognize it. In this context, it more so means that you'll feel this innate sense of familiarity, you'll feel a resonance deep within you that perfectly matches their energy. Something will stir within you, something unmistakably familiar, a sense that you've known them before.


You'll be able to sense lifetimes, either ones lived before or knowledge of your future. It might feel jarring at first, but it will settle into comfort with time.


8. You're Physically Drawn To One Another

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Another physical aspect of meeting your soulmate is that your bodies will feel magnetized together, as if the universe itself is pushing you toward each other. Not only will you frequently run into each other or spend a lot of time together soon after you first meet, but when you are together, you'll feel this urge to have physical contact.


This could be a simple hug or touch on the arm to start, but once things get going, you won't be able to keep your hands off each other.


9. They Arrived With Divine Timing

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When this person appears in your life, it will be at just the right time, so much so that you can hardly believe it. What this means will differ depending on the person, but some examples include them coming into your life right after a brutal breakup, when you're at a low point mentally, or maybe someone recently dished out some biting words regarding your single life.


They'll come when it's right, waiting is always the hardest part.


Quelling Your Doubts

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Meeting one's soulmate is a life-changing experience, but it can often bring about nerves as well. What if you're not ready, you think, what if they don't like you the way you like them? What if they leave? What if they find some part of you unattractive?


Though it's hard to do, you have to take heart and remember that the universe will send you the right person when it's your time. That doesn't mean you shouldn't work for it or try to seek them out yourself, just that you two will finally meet when it's right, and you'll both immediately feel the love radiating from each other's souls.

If you feel like you're ready but just need that little push, it can help to hear someone else tell you what to look out for when it comes to your love life in particular. By turning to other divine sources, such as that of astrology, experts can help determine things about your soulmate that you can keep an eye out for.

You can chat to someone right now who will give you the tools you need to be placed on the path toward your soulmate. Learn today who you should look forward to meeting, and what your love will look like.

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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