Categories: Psychology

8 Ways You Can Tell If Someone Is Fake Or Authentic


If you've ever known someone or thought you knew them, considering them a close and cherished friend, only to be betrayed when it's revealed they don't care for you that same way, you know how heartbreaking it is. We place a lot of faith in our friends, so to have that faith crushed is not an easy thing to recover from.

There are ways to look out for these kinds of people, with their fake attitudes and insincere smiles, and thus ways you can protect yourself from their tactics.

No one is without their faults, their darker side that harbors all the parts they dislike about themselves. Life isn't about shunning this side but examining it, studying it, and learning how to work alongside it so the shadows shrink and light enters all sides of your existence.

Begin that work today with the Shadow Work Journal, a program meant to help you confront the darkest parts of your soul and heal the pain that festers there. Click here to get started today and bring true healing to your life.

Everyone Around Us

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Human relationships are intricate and multifaceted. There are so many layers, so many counts of nuance and detail, it can sometimes be difficult to gauge the sincerity of those we interact with. If we're not careful, we could wind up getting hurt by someone with less-than-great intentions.

Whether in personal connections, professional environments, or casual encounters, the ability to distinguish between genuine and fake people is an important skill to have. It not only protects you from bad actors, but also helps in knowing our real friendships, so here are some points of judgment you can use to tell the difference.


1. Inconsistency Between Words And Actions

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One of the most telling indicators of a person's genuineness is the consistency between their actions and words. Genuine individuals tend to act in harmony with what they say, demonstrating integrity and a strong sense of self. This alignment is often missing in fake individuals, who might say one thing and do another, leading to confusion and mistrust.


This is also a rather easy quality to measure. See what they say to you in private, what they claim they'd do, how they'd say they would react in a situation, and then see what actually plays out. It could be rather enlightening.


2. Inappropriate Reactions

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Genuine people often express emotions that are appropriate to the situation, showing empathy and understanding when times are tough. Their reactions are natural and instinctual, allowing for a real and heartfelt connection in the moment. Meanwhile, fake people might display exaggerated or inappropriate emotional responses, which can feel off-putting and insincere.


Paying attention to how emotions are expressed and whether they fit the context can reveal much about someone's authenticity. A fake person might give themselves away with a strange reaction at the wrong time.


3. Willing To Admit Mistakes

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Real, authentic people won't shy away from admitting mistakes when they happen. They understand that being imperfect is part of being human, and they're not afraid to acknowledge their faults. This openness creates trust and allows for better communication, knowing they won't get worked up when told they did something wrong.


In contrast, inauthentic people often struggle to admit wrongdoing, fearing it will damage their image. They will deflect, dodge, and diminish any accusations lest they be seen as the bad guy in the situation.


4. Mutual Respect

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Respect is a necessary part of any genuine relationship. It manifests in a lot of different ways, including listening attentively, valuing opinions, and considering the other person's feelings, but even on its own, it has to be present for a relationship of any kind to work out.


When someone shows consistent respect, it's a strong indication of their genuine nature. They truly care about you, they respect your role in their life. A lack of respect, such as interrupting, dismissing opinions, or constantly pushing for things to be done their way, is often a major red flag regarding that person's sincerity.

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5. Sharing Their True Thoughts

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Genuine people are usually pretty open about their thoughts and feelings. They are comfortable being vulnerable and sharing smaller, more personal aspects of their lives, which helps strengthen friendships.


Fake people are more likely to guard their true selves, sharing only what they believe will impress or manipulate others. Of course, everyone is entitled to some privacy, but a fake person won't give anything up, they will keep themselves at arm's length no matter how close you get to them otherwise.


6. Endless Support And Encouragement

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Being openly supportive and encouraging is a hallmark trait for genuine people. They thrive off other people's successes, not just their own, and they're there for you during both good times and bad, offering assistance and a listening ear without expecting anything in return.


Their support is consistent and unwavering, unlike fake people who may only be present during successes, suddenly disappearing when challenges arise. Genuine support is a powerful indicator of a sincere person in your life. Be wary of those who only show up when you have something worth celebrating.


7. Respecting Boundaries

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Respectful and well-meaning people pay careful mind to others' boundaries and personal space. They do not impose or demand more than what is comfortable for others, showing a deep respect for personal limits. They don't take these boundaries personally, don't get offended by them, nor see them as a reflection of bad behavior. Not only that, but they want the other person to feel safe in their presence, so they're happy to stay behind these lines.


Fake people, however, may disregard boundaries in pursuit of their own interests, leading to discomfort at best and actual harm at worst. That, or they'll take someone's boundaries incredibly personally, guilting them to drop it or let the manipulator push past them.


8. Supporting Mutual Growth

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Genuine people are interested in mutual growth and positive outcomes for all involved. They seek out win-win situations where everyone can benefit and are happy to see others succeed, even if it means they're missing out.


This contrasts greatly with fake individuals, who will prioritize their own interests and success at the expense of others. Good people understand that true success comes from lifting each other up, not from stepping on others to get ahead.


Telling The Truth

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Learning to tell if someone is fake or genuine is an important skill to have when navigating human relationships, which we all do every day. By paying attention to the traits and tells of an insincere person, we can surround ourselves with people we know are good for us, cutting out any dead weight that's looking for something to latch onto.


We all deserve to have a social circle that cares about us and wants what's best for us as we want what's best for them. Equipping yourself with the tools to cultivate that circle will ensure a better life and better friends for years to come.

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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