
When 65% Of Woman’s Body Was Covered In Burns, She Wasn’t Sure If Her Husband Would Stay


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Attraction plays a large part in a romantic relationship. It's often what makes people interested in the beginning, and what keeps the passion alive as the relationships flourishes. While it can be fun to be with a partner that physically excites you, it's what's on the inside that leads to true love.

When this woman experienced a traumatic incident that would change her fate, she learned that unconditional love happens when people choose to see souls instead of bodies. But would her husband agree? Keep reading to learn more.

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Life As She Knew It

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turiapitt / Instagram

Turia Pitt was just a girl living a regular life like you and me. A mining engineer, and a girlfriend to a loving man living the dream life in Australia. To an outsider, this woman's life would've appeared to be a fairy tale.

Deep in love with her partner, Michael Hoskin, Turia was happy. She was on the path to an educated, healthy, and lucky future. But life can flash before our eyes at any moment, and one particular day in 2011 would turn her life around ...

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Canva Pro

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The Fire That Changed Her Life

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Pixabay / Pexels

In 2011, Turia Pitt was busy preparing for the run of a lifetime. With her mind set on reaching an athletic goal, she participated in a 100km ultra marathon on the gorgeous landscape of Western Australia, cheered on by her devoted boyfriend.


Pitt and the runners alongside her were not prepared for what was about to happen. When a grassfire erupted on the path of the marathon, the participants were trapped. They did their best to outrun the massive flames and scorching heat, but they would not make it out of the fire the same.


Her Life Spared But Forever Changed

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turiapitt / Instagram

Luckily for this woman, the universe was watching over her. Turia Pitt was dragged out of the fire. Her life was spared but forever changed. Turia was barely recognizable. The damage that was left from the disaster would be a life-long memory of the challenge she overcame.


65% of her body was left with full-thickness burns. Pitt lost seven fingers and spent two years remaining strong in recovery. These years were an uphill battle, but Turia would not give up hope. To her surprise, Michael stayed by her side through it all. But how long would he last?


Michael's Decision

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turiapitt / Instagram

Recovering from such a tragic incident would not be easy for Turia or her relationship, but our toughest moments reveal our strengths and the extent of our love. During the two years Turia was in recovery, she fought over 200 medical procedures.


She spent this time in a full-compression body and face mask, with her partner holding her hand every second he could. Turia survived against all odds. She is living proof that miracles happen, and Michael walking proof that true love exists.

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He Never Left Her Side

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turiapitt / Instagram

Love is the one thing that keeps us going when we feel like falling apart. Turia found a guardian angel in her boyfriend, who is now her husband and father of their children. She revealed that it was his existence that saved hers during the fire and through the fight to recovery.


"I remember thinking about Michael, my Michael. I remember telling myself 'Think of his warm face, think of his honey voice, think of his golden skin. Keep thinking about Michael.'" Their relationship defines true love, encouraging us all to see each other with our hearts and not our eyes.


Unconditional Love

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turiapitt / Instagram

Years after Turia was out of recovery, Michael Hopkins confessed his adoration for her to Love Magazine. Even in her darkest moments, when she may have felt down and unloveable, her prince charming wouldn't doubt her perfection for even a moment.


"She doesn't want people to feel sorry for her. She just wants to get on with her life. She's beautiful, you know, she's amazing. She's got crazy energy. She loves the outdoors, she loves the ocean like I do and we were constantly active together."


A Bright Future

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turiapitt / Instagram

She may not have been able to see it at the time, but Turia still had a bright future ahead of her. Today, she is a woman of many hats: a mother of two, a loving wife, an author, and a successful businesswoman. She is a best-seller of three books and a coach to over 40,000 people.


Life is tough, but humans are tougher. This woman was a true fighter, who would not let even the worst circumstances bring her down. The universe throws us challenges not to defeat us, but to give us the opportunity to see things a little differently. "We're good at accepting each other for who we are."


Life Is Always Worth Living

Karsten Winegeart / Unsplash
Karsten Winegeart / Unsplash

Now, Turia is a writer and an advocate. She loves sharing her story and believes that she remained on this earth with the purpose to make people feel more confident and happy.


Through it all, this woman has made the best out of her situation, teaching us that no matter how dark it may get, life is always worth living. "We've been through something catastrophic and extremely traumatic and, this may sound naff, but we’re living our best lives and we’re happy." The commitment of this couple is your sign to never give up on love, it's out there!


Love Like There's No Tomorrow

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turiapitt / Instagram

Tomorrow is never promised. The story of Turia Pitt reminds us to live each and every day like it's our last. Turia and Michael's unconditional commitment is an example to embrace our imperfections, to see every obstacle as an opportunity, and most importantly ... to love like there's no tomorrow.


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June Steele

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