Uplifting Stories

6 And 4 Year-Olds Save Dad’s Life Alone When They Find Him Collapsed


Children are a parent’s greatest treasure. When it comes to their daughters and sons, a parent will do just about anything to protect their babies. But what happens when they’re not there to come to the rescue?

The unbreakable bond between loved ones is what keeps us all going. Family is the most precious gift of life. While it’s the job of fathers and mothers to keep their families safe, Macie Semrau, a 6-year-old girl from Maine, was able to step up to the plate when her dad needed it most. This story about a child hero is a heartwarming example of how beyond their years kids can be and how a human as young as a child can create miracles!

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Just A Regular Morning

Kyle Semrau / Facebook
Kyle Semrau / Facebook

On the morning of April 12, 2022, the Semrau household woke up thinking that the day would be just another regular day. Kyle Semrau, the father of 6-year-old Macie and 4-year-old Caleb, was spending the day resting after working an overnight shift while his children played at home.

Kindergartner Macie should have attended school that morning. However, on this particular Tuesday, the feeling of missing her father kept her home. With Macie’s stellar attendance record, this decision was an unusual but very lucky one for the life and health of her loving father. The timing for this family asks the question: “coincidence or fate”?

From Children To Lifesavers

Deb Cram/ Seacoastonline and
Deb Cram/ Seacoastonline and

When Macy and Caleb heard screaming sounds coming from the basement of the Semrau home, they knew their father was in trouble. While most 6-year-olds would have cried and screamed at the horror of an adult in danger, this was not the case for heroic Macie.

Medical issues around the lungs and sinuses mixed with the pressure and stress of working overnight caused the Semrau father to collapse. The kids were not very aware of their hard-working father’s deteriorating health but were smart enough to understand signs of danger. The sight of Kyle collapsing and quickly becoming unconscious transformed his two children into lifesavers.

Acting Like An Adult

Deb Cram / Seacoastonline and
Deb Cram / Seacoastonline and

In the basement of their home, Macie and Caleb put their tiny brains together and made a plan to save their dad. Caleb, very small and very young, stood by his father’s side to keep him calm and give him strength in his struggle. His older sister, bright for her age, channeled in what her mother would do.

Acting like an adult, Macie was able to hold in her emotions of fear and sadness to work under pressure and call and communicate with the cops. How the Eliot Police arrived at the house in time or at all is both a miracle and an adorable tale.

Dialing 9-1-1

Kyle Semrau / Facebook
Kyle Semrau / Facebook

Children are taught from a young age to dial 9-1-1 when there is an emergency, and Macie Semrau excelled at this skill. Macie found her father’s phone while he was in and out of sleep and was able to get the passcode from her suffering father to get it unlocked just in time.

Macie takes all the credit for the decision-making process of opening the Safari app on her father’s phone and searching the local police department. She found the phone number, dialed it, and spoke calmly with Office Administrator Judy Smith. These were the steps this brilliant six-year-old took to protect her family when she should have been the one depending on them.

Macie’s Hard Work

The adorable misspelling of “poliz” was precious evidence of Macie’s bravery on Kyle’s phone. The police arrived reportedly in just two minutes after hearing the details of the incident taking place inside the Semrau property. Macie’s hard work at reciting her home address, her father’s personal information, and remaining collected in telling her father’s story saved him his life.

From the outside, Macie may have appeared brave in contrast to her crying brother, but she stated how she really felt: “I don’t want to say this, but I thought he was going to die.” But because of her bravery, he lived to tell the tale of: “She is, and will always be my hero.”

The Work Of The Universe

NASA / Unsplash
NASA / Unsplash

The tear-jerking father-daughter duo became inseparable after this incident. Feeling protective and scared to lose her dad, Macie took some time off school to stay by his side in companionship. When she finally returned to school in tears, she expressed her love for her family to her teacher.

As if this tale did not tug on the heartstrings enough, it turns out that this entire incident occurred on the anniversary of Macie’s great-grandmother’s death. The shocking ability for a small child to save a life with the synchronicity of commemorating the death of a loved one questions the work of the universe. It always works in mysterious ways.

Teaching Our Children Life Lessons

Kyle Semrau / Facebook
Kyle Semrau / Facebook

Life is a fragile thing, and it was a great fortune for Kyle Semrau to have an incredible child to save his life, “She just happened to be home. The whole thing, the whole incident, is just incredible.”

While it was a phenomenon for this 6-year-old to save her dad, Semrau also offers advice for all parents out there to raise their children to respond the same. He advises that teaching children about paying attention to their surroundings is a key life lesson for survival.

All in all, whether it was predetermination, good parenting, or astounding intelligence, the story of 6 year-old Macie and her sick father can inspire us all to hug our loved ones a little tighter every day.

Are you still searching for your life purpose? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about you!

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, regardless of what month you were born, can reveal surprising information about your purpose and your potential so that you can take control of your emotions, your life, and your future

Nicole Mior

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