The Four Zodiac Signs Who Couldn’t Be Mean Even If They Tried

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Have you ever known someone who you thought was a stand-up person, a real pillar of kindness and compassion in your community, only to later learn that it was all a front for something more sinister behind the scenes?

A betrayal like that can be tough, and though it feels impossible to know beforehand, there are safe ways to pass loose judgment that can help keep your guard up when needed, protecting you from potential harm.

Learning about your astrological chart is the best way to better understand yourself. It can be daunting trying to figure out where to start though, so why not let an expert help?

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Keeping Up Kindness

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Knowing if someone is truly nice can sometimes be a struggle. Some people are very good at hiding their true intentions until you're well into your friendship, so how can you distinguish genuine kindness and attentiveness from someone just putting it on?

There are a few ways, but an easy place to start is to look at their zodiac sign. There are some signs that are characteristically kinder than others, so if they have one of these four within their major placements, it's more likely that their care for you is true.



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Pisces is perhaps most well-known for their kind nature. They're the quintessential empathetic friend, always willing and wanting to listen to your problems without judgment or offer a shoulder to cry on. They have a deep, natural understanding of human emotions, which makes them very cautious not to hurt others, whether through words or actions.


Pisces is often seen as the healer within their circles, always ready to mend the emotional wounds of their peers with their compassionate touch. However, they're also deeply afraid of confrontation, meaning they'll rarely ever say anything that could even potentially be misconstrued as mean. Their kindness, as well as their aversion to judgment, makes them one of the nicest signs around.

To learn more about Pisces, click here!



A woman introducing two people, who are smiling and shaking hands.
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Libra, maybe obviously, is obsessed with fairness and balance. They serve as the mediators in conflicts, always seeking to resolve any disputes amicably. Their distaste for conflict and drive for peace often have them going out of their way to ensure that everyone is happy and content. This can sometimes be seen as a weakness, but it's genuinely a strength, showing their commitment to maintaining relationships and environments where everyone feels valued and heard.


On the off chance that they do say something that others might consider mean, rude, or otherwise, know that it was only coming from a place of honesty. They believe people need to be judged fairly in order to grow, and that's something they can supply.

To learn more about Libra, click here!



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Taurus shares some traits with Libra but expresses them differently. Taurus is known for their reliability, patience, and overall gentle demeanor. They provide a steady and calming presence, often becoming the rock for friends going through tough times. Their approach to life is grounded in a wish for tranquility and comfort, not just for themselves but also for their loved ones. The stubbornness of Taurus is well-documented, but it rarely manifests as meanness.


The dependable nature of Taurus makes them excellent confidants and friends. Their patience helps them handle even the most challenging situations with almost supernatural calmness and composure. They want to help their loved ones, they want to be a beacon of peace, and they often do those things incredibly well.

To learn more about Taurus, click here!



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Virgo stands out for its quiet yet profound kindness. They express their compassion through practical acts of service, using their excellent attention to detail to figure out exactly what the other person needs. They often go above and beyond to help others without seeking recognition, payment, or even thanks. Virgos have an almost uncanny ability to notice when someone needs support, offering a listening ear and thoughtful advice.


Their sincerity and reliability make them reliable wells of support in times of need. With their nurturing nature and genuine concern for others' well-being, Virgos embody kindness in its purest form, making them cherished friends and allies.

To learn more about Virgo, click here!


It's A Start

A woman holding a corgi close to her, smiling as she does.
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Of course, there are many other ways to discern genuine kindness, and someone's zodiac sign isn't the sole indicator of their care for others. However, it's still a great place to start when suspicions start to rise, and you need some reassurance that this person means no harm to you.


The best way to judge someone's kindness is through their actions, especially when no one's looking. If that means sometimes you don't find out about someone's misgivings until later on, then so be it. They're the ones who have to live with that evil in their heart for life.

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