
11 Types Of Soul Mates To Always Be Looking For


Do you believe you've ever found one of your soul mates? That's not a question everyone can answer, even if you have, as it's not something everyone immediately becomes aware of until long after. There are also a lot of soul mate types that people aren't aware of, meaning it's even more likely they've met one without ever knowing.

Learning about all kinds of soul mates can help raise one's awareness of them, making them more likely to recognize the connection as it's happening and thus be able to hold onto it longer.

Trying to find these soul mate connections, especially romantic ones, can feel like being lost at sea. There's no guidance, no help to be had, no North Star to follow... or is there?

Over at Soulmate Reading, astrological experts will take a look at your birth chart and use that to point you in the direction of your truest soul mate. Click here to learn more and see all the romantic secrets a look at your star signs can reveal.

A Destined Partnership

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When you hear the term 'soul mate,' what do you think of? Do you imagine an intense, rushing, whirlwind romance? A love that lasts a lifetime? A divine matching of two souls so deeply intertwined it's like they've always been in love even long before they met?

That's not necessarily wrong, but it is only one type of soul mates, when there are actually many different types! Every kind of soul mate both feel different from one another and all have something unique to offer us, but knowing about them makes us more likely to recognize them when they appear in our lives.


1. Romantic Soul Mates

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Romantic contexts are often what everyone thinks of when they hear the term 'soul mate.' Someone you're destined to love for the rest of your life, your perfect partner, a divine pairing. Because of this, it's also the soul mate connection that people hope to find the most.


They also tend to be a lot different than people hope for. Romantic soulmates are meant to challenge you, they're meant to push you in your worst spots, not to antagonize you, but to help you heal. They encourage you to be the best version of yourself so you can both thrive together in a wonderful, loving relationship.


2. Twin Flames

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Twin flames are another relatively popular soul mate concept, often seen as one soul split into two bodies, signifying a deeply profound connection. These relationships have the power to love, challenge, teach, and heal in extraordinary ways. However, it's essential not to rely on another person to complete you, as fitting people into specific spiritual categories can have its downsides.


While some view twin flames as the ultimate romantic bond, every relationship, whether romantic or not, holds the potential to enlighten you. Each connection, regardless of its label, can be a path to greater understanding and spiritual growth. Don't solely rely on a twin flame to teach you to be a better person. Start that journey today so you're ready for the day your twin flame does appear.


3. Karmic Soul Mates

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Karmic soul mates, also called 'wrecking ball soul mates,' represent the neutral energy of cause and effect, not good or bad karma. Our earthly existence is defined by cause and effect, creating karma in every interaction. It's not something to fear but to be aware of.


These soul mates act as catalysts, prompting us to enhance our karma through various interactions, positive, negative, or neutral. They offer chances for personal growth and evolution. As soul mates, they're here to push you onto better paths. Your connection could be quick, a mentor that gives you one big shove in a new direction, or long-term, a best friend that gives you hundreds of little nudges over the years you know each other.


4. Soul Partners

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Soul partners are the simplest form of soul mates, as they're simply a soul that your own soul has agreed to partner up with in this life. Whether it's being best pals, siblings, co-parents, or business partners, soul partnerships come in many forms. It could be a lifelong bond with a beloved family member or a brief connection with someone influential in your career. These partnerships are tailor-made to provide emotional, professional, or whatever support you need to fulfill your soul's mission on Earth.


We're not meant to navigate life solo, and these connections, no matter how lengthy or fleeting they may be, remind us of that fact.


5. Soul Ties

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Feeling a soul tie means sensing that someone's in your life for a reason. It will be a sudden connection but a strong one, one that will have you immediately wanting to carve out more time for them in your schedule.


Soul ties are more likely to be long-term connections compared to soul partners, but they don't have to necessarily be romantic in nature either. Like soul partners, they can also be friends, coworkers, and even pets! The defining trait here is the suddenness and immediacy of your bonding.


6. Soul Contracts

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Soul contracts rely on the belief of reincarnation, as they are pre-life agreements to fulfill specific tasks in this lifetime, contracts signed in a past life you bring into this one. These contracts could range from business matters, like becoming an entrepreneur, to creative endeavors, like writing a book, to mindful goals, like being an activist. These contracts are often flexible and not entirely conscious, very rarely are people aware of their soul contracts. Feeling bound by a challenging contract can also inspire and fortify you during tough times.


Understanding these contracts and their significance in your life hinges on trusting your intuition. Listening to your inner guidance can reveal the nature of your soul contracts, guiding you through life's challenging but transformative moments with the assurance that this is what you're meant to be doing.


7. Companion Soul Mates/Soul Mate Friends

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As mentioned, soul mates aren't exclusively romantic. Companion soul mates, or soul mate friends, are equally vital, indicating a friendship that was destined to be. These spiritual sidekicks can cross your path at any point in life to provide love and encouragement, keeping you going on your earthly adventure.


Regardless of how long they stay, these companion soul mates are essential parts of our lives, offering unique insights, dynamics, and feelings that can't be replicated with romance. They should be held on the same pedestal as romantic soul mates, as their presence is just as nurturing.


8. Soul Families/Soul Groups

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Soul families are expansive groups of connected souls. They can manifest as relatives in this lifetime, such as a cousin who belongs not just to your earthly family but also your soul family, or a friend group that's deeply intertwined.


Alternatively, they can be individuals striving for shared objectives, like global activists or spiritual seekers promoting love and awareness. Occasionally, a soul might incarnate with the mission to heal familial patterns like addiction, abuse, or disease. These interconnected souls, whether known or unknown, work collectively to bring healing and positive change to the world.


9. Soul Teachers

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Divine timing may bring a healer or mentor into your life who will serve as your soul mate teacher. This could be a college professor that provides invaluable guidance in educational matters, a counselor or therapist that helps you with some of your deepest issues, or a mentor at work that opens new doorways for you.


Sometimes, a soul mate challenges you, emphasizing the importance of independent thinking, a skill that soul teachers often want to leave you with. These relationships are immensely important but usually temporary. Recognizing these roles, whether as learners or guides, enriches our understanding of these special, transformative connections.


10. Kindred Spirits

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Kindred spirits is a commonly used term for two people who were simply meant to be, but it's a little more complicated than that. A kindred spirit is someone who profoundly understands you, sharing your spiritual beliefs or cultural perspectives to the extent that you can complete each other's sentences.


These souls might also share similar life experiences, sharing jobs, hobbies, and other life circumstances. Being with someone who truly 'gets it' brings a sense of peace and connection, emphasizing the beauty of finding souls that resonate with your own. That's what they're destined to bring you, peace, and you unto them as well.


11. Soul Crossings

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Soul crossings are brief, intense connections with individuals who enter your life under unique circumstances, akin to 'ships passing in the night.' Whether friends, lovers, or colleagues, these encounters lead to remarkable experiences and awakenings, even if the relationship is short-lived.


Even if they don't stay long, they're still soul mates. A platonic soul crossing might remain a cherished memory due to busy lives, while a romantic soul crossing could become a lifelong inspiration or muse. These brief connections teach us not to measure a soulmate's importance by the relationship's duration but by the profound impact they leave.


Everything In Retrospect

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We're not always meant to know when soulmates appear in our lives. It's often only in retrospect that we realize somebody was one, your connection is always destined to be short, even if you greatly valued their presence.


Soul mates are equally as tragic as they are beautiful. Let this be a reminder to cherish everyone in your life who gives you some sort of value, soul mate or not, as you may look back on your time together wishing you had given more love.

The only way to ensure that you won't miss your soul mates entirely is to see them coming. That seems impossible, but there is a way, though it asks that you rely on astrological knowledge.

Astrology experts can analyze your birth chart and not only give you invaluable information about your love life, but also give you details about your romantic soul mate, painting a portrait of them you can see before you ever meet them. Stay one step ahead of destiny, click here to get started today.

Daniel Mitchell

Dan is a content writer with three years of experience under their belt, having mostly covered viral media but now shifting toward spirituality and astrology. He's a strong believer in using one's beliefs as a means of self-improvement and being in touch with whatever messages the universe has to offer. He can't wait to share his insights with an audience who wants to foster change and betterment within themselves. Outside of writing, Dan enjoys reading tarot cards, playing video games, all things horror, coffee, and his cat!

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