Cameron Diaz perfectly explains in 1 minute how fame will not bring you happiness

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Cameron Diaz was recently interviewed as part of a powerful, multipart documentary series titled, HUMAN.

You can learn more about the project on their website here: //

In this short clip, she displays incredible amounts of wisdom and introspection when she explains the meaning of fame. She breaks down the myth that fame/money will bring you happiness very quickly.

However, it is very important to note that she never says she doesn’t enjoy being successful and famous.

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She is simply trying to say that if your sole reason for wanting to become famous is to achieve happiness, then you’re going to have a bad time.

I highly recommend watching the entire interview, as she shares a very touching story about the death of her father near the end of the video.

I think many people who have recently suffered a loss in their life will be able to relate to what Cameron Diaz has to say.

We live in a world where everyone is trying to be famous. With the rise of social media, everyone has become obsessed with personal fame and fortune.

This short but powerful clip should act as a wake up call to many and hopefully remind you to stay on the right path in order to separate happiness from fame.